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World War 2 On-Line: Blitzkrieg

World War 2 On-Line: Blitzkrieg

List Price: $39.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Review: I have a brand new computer, and I could not get this game to work on it. I tried again and again, but it always froze. I checked and double checked the requirements, but othing worked. Then about a year later, I read about battlefeild 1942. Although i figured I would eventually get it, I was going to wait a bit, I was nervous after this games huge dissapointment. Then I got the game as a gift. I have played a lot of WWII games. But Battlefield 1942 is easily the best. Sense it was made after this game, It obiusly leared from this games mistakes.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good game
Review: I give it four stars. It really got me interested. The fact that all the players are human is great. And no lag at all. I was really suprised. I had read all the bad reviews, and I had some bad vibes out getting the game. But when all was said and done, I very much enjoyed it and still do. The latest version (166?) is great and the graphics are good. Much improvement overall. If anybody out there is thinking of buying this game. Dont listen to the users who post 5 star and 1 star reviews. There are people who hate the game and there are people who love it. I fall in the latter. I do enjoy this game. I would recommend trying it. The cornered rats are very good people and they help alot with problems. The game has unlimited entertainment value but I only have a few misgivings.
1) There is not alot of people
2) Equipment variety is somewhat lacking. I can think of 4 tanks off the bat that need to be added. And not to mention a french airforce
3) Playnet forums are just a place for losers to cry "Bias" to the allies
4) No navy

Thats my review. Ill stick to it. I recommend trying it the free week. If ya dont like it, return it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: The worst and buggiest online attempt at a squad game ever
Review: Has Cornered Rat managed to fix up the abominable state of the game at release? Yes, for the most part, they have. The game is reasonably stable and has an acceptable majority of the promised features, but sadly, the newly bug-free nature of the game shows up its conceptual shortcomings. While some players will no doubt be able to find sufficient motivation to overlook or ignore them, most will not. Hopefully future games will make the persistent battlefield concept work and learn from the mistakes of WWII Online. At this point, your money is best spent for a game that has a vibrant user community and not a bunch of people still paying to have their game patched. Look for Battlefield 1942 instead.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Online Game out there
Review: I bought this game about a week prior to it's online debut. I have stuck with it through good times and bad. The current version 1.7 is the best ever. It takes advantage of dx8.1 and the graphics have improved significantly. The main advantage of this game over others is that its not in any way scripted. The players determine the fate of the game. The only computer driven components are being weakened over time. I see some of the reviews say that there is a lack of players. Well a nubie isn't the best person to give a review. I have tried alot of the online games and this far exceeds others in the most important category...you don't get bored with it over time. This is attributed to the lack of scripted outcomes, its not just another run around killing everyone you see game. You must use strategy and team work to survive in this game. But the game does support the loners by giving them vehicles like air that don't require support from others. The patches also add vehicles and tweek gameplay over time to continually improve the situation. Bottom line..buy the game, its well worth the time and money.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Absolutely horrible
Review: What a let down this game turned out to be, and now with other "working and free" WW2 squad based games out, this game is now nothing but a thing of the past. Poor patches, lack of players, terrible gameplay, bugs, horrid framerates, incomplete product and even Canadian retail stores have blackballed World War 2 Online, and wont carry the title anymore...

and no publisher will go near the title to publish it in Europe (hence why CRS has to give away free accounts in Europe)

The standing joke about their own website forum is that a posting any sort of reference or question about actual player numbers results in deletion before it can been read by more than the 5 people (and only paying customers can post mesages).
And the rank system is just too funny. You spend months 'earning' rank to be able to command and when you get to say COL. they reset everthing and you start over again!
Lets just tell the truth, the company is operating under Chapter 11 restructureing long enough to pay off its debts and then will shut down citing a shrinking customer base and loss of revenue making operations impossible to continue or some such BS. They constantly inflate the player base by giving groups the 'opportunity' to play (via game mags monthly cd roms)and the point at these non-paying peeps as the 'increase' of numbers in people playing.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: My Humble Opinion of WWII Online
Review: I first read these reviews here before I bought WWII Online three months ago, and thought I'd give it a go even though I had my doubts due to the amount of very bad reviews - I thought I would find some value in WWII Online that those others had missed.

Well, I did not.

First of all, as the title indicates, the game is online only - you cannot play off-line - you can fire the weapons at targets is all, but the online play is frought with stutters, and absolute screen-freezes - this is not an exageration, it is the simple truth - the game is nearly unplayable online. I play with cable and win xp 2000mhz, 512rambus, Gforce 400 w/64mb and have had nothing but big freezing trouble.

Secondly, there are very few vehicles to man, and they are of low quality. The artwork is just poor.

Thirdly, the community is somewhat nasty, not a place for the kiddies, and will curse anyone up and down who says something critical of their particular side or favorite vehicle. When the first release came out, the message board received some 20,000 complaints in a simgle day. The developers have become calous, and now has given the message board to a third party who removes all critical posts, so you cannot find any real reviews there. Something you should keep in mind, I think.

Also, they have just released a test patch that crashed many people's computers and made them unable to reboot. The company seems to be a bit sloppy, and that word would certainly be appropriate to use while discussing their terrains.

I do not think this game is up to a professional level, and I certainly cannot recommend it or the community. There are much, much better games out there to purchase. You should spend some time looking through the forum posts of different WWII Online boards and you will see what I mean. Make your own decision, and don't blindly believe anyone who says the game is great because that is simply untrue, and even those posts that are allowed to remain on the boards over there will prove that many of those gleeful reviews are spurious, to say the least.

But check for yourself and you will see that perhaps this one is one you should wait on, and pick up that other one you've been wanting - that's what I wish I did.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Talk About 1337!
Review: This game has it all, it's a great game. It still has alot of stuff that needs to be worked out. However with every patch this game just gets better and better. With the release of the 1.6 Patch the Infantry battles improved, and with all of us WWIIOL Gamers awaiting the arrivial of the 1.7. That is said to include a new 3rd person Infantry model, we are all waiting for this game to get better and better.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The sorrow... The emptiness...
Review: I waited for this game since the very early planning stages (about four years ago), participated in the developer chats, muddled through the website updates, was very active in the forum and community, and made several good friends which I still keep in touch to this day, even though we never played the game together. Why didnt we? Cornered Rat Software (CRS) promised the world, and failed horribly.

I could write a five-page essay on why this game deserves such a low rating, but since that will ust pile on the 'not helpful' reviews, I will keep it to a couple paragraphs.

The game WILL NEVER be complete. CRS has chosen to do 'map updates' which erase everything that happened every so often which leaves neither side unable to win, and this is not a big fun FPS, it is nothing more then capture the flag on a large scale.

The graphics and sound are abysmal to state it very plainly. It looks like this could be played on a Playstation or Nintendo 64, but wait, there is more. In spite of the terrible graphics and cartidrige-quality sound, you need a monster system to play this on 512mb RAM will let you fly planes. I understand that in a MMOLG you need to make sacrifices, but not on a scale like this.

Ill stop now, there have been constant updates and patches, and I have tried so hard to like this game, but it is nothing that was orignally promised. The sinister backstory behind its' release is another review upon itself. All I can say is stay away for a year and although everything will be severly out f date, by that time this game might just be what they orignally promised it would.

The only reason I gave it we must wait and see what happens in a year or so, but I am not keeping my fingers crossed, and am having a blast with Ghost Recon online.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This outta be a crime
Review: I bought this game like a fool after trying it to try it out in demo online. I was never able to get the downloaded version to run but figured it would be corrected by the production version. I immediately had to download a patch that took hours on my dial up and the game still didn't run. I emailed their help desk numerous times and only received one response which said "this issue is resolved". Funny the game didn't seem to know and still wouldn't work!!

Don't bother posting on their BB asking for help. You won't get a response and if you mention not getting a response and asking what is their problem there are some really hostile folks will will flame you.

Save your money. I was so fed up I threw this game away.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not a perfect 5, but darn close
Review: If you're like me, you have tons of video games stacked in CD towers around your room. You'll look through them every once in awhile and load an old favorate up and play it for about 5 min before you realize why you had stopped playing it. You'll go out and buy a new game, only to beat it in a week or less, then it goes into the pile with the rest.

Well WWIIOL is nothing like those other games. It is the only game that I have played coinsistantly from the day I bought it, and I still cant wait to get home from work to load it up. True, it had a bad start, really bad, thats the reason I didnt give it a perfect 5. It has gotten better though. With the new 1.6 version coming out, its only getting better.

Everytime you spawn in something different happens. No two outings are the same for me. I mostly fly in this game (which for now requires a pretty heafty system, but that too should be fixed for 1.6), but I have played all aspects. You're always battling a real person, no soldiers running around on pre-designated paths, no events that get triggered just by your current location, anything can happen (and usually does). And best of all, no Zones like in other MMOGs. If you want, you can get in a plane and fly from Ramsgate, England to Aachen, Germany with no loading times in between (that is, if your fuel holds out).

This game will never be finnished, they're going to constantly add new weapons, features and upgrades as long as they can.

One last tip. For max fun, join a squad. Orginazation makes this game fun.

"Everything else is just a game" - Docdoom

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