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World War 2 On-Line: Blitzkrieg

World War 2 On-Line: Blitzkrieg

List Price: $39.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Purely Revolutionary
Review: This game will be THE most historical game of the year. It's innovative setup will guide this historical reinactment, first-person shooter, real-time strategy and RPG into the msot addictive and realistic war game ever. Just the pure scale of entire Europe and all WWII equipment EVER used is enough to make any gamer drool. Well, I'll see you on the battlefield June 6th!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: This game is awesome. You can do anything! Everyone has to buy it! *reaches for pom poms* Rafter taught me everything I know.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This game is revolutionary!
Review: For the first time, a combined arms first person simulation with infantry, tanks, and planes (and eventually ships and subs, too!) all on a HUGE map of Wester Europe. The game will be a persistent universe where your character gains rank and participates in missions with other players. Thousands of people all playing in the same arena, all fighting each-other to win the war! The battles are intense. The real performance characteristics and physics of vehicles has been modeled in intense detail. The graphics are great for a sim and you will really feel like YOU ARE THERE.

Whether you're a sim junkie, a fan of first person shooters, a World War II officianado, or just someone who wants a massively multiplayer online game with a true player-vs-player environment where what you do actually MATTERS, this game is for you!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Should be the best game EVER!!!
Review: I'm writeing a pre-review. The game is to come out soon, and I just wanted to write this to get ahead of the game. I have been following the game for a while. This game should be really great when it comes out. The plot of the game is sort of like UO, and Everquest. Only that your in World War 2. You take missions and try to defeat the enemy. Its a totally 3D, totally 1st Person game. You take the spot land, sea or air. You can be a solider or tank crew or piolet or ship hand in an online 3D game. I won't even go into the details of how realistic the game is. One really cool feature is if you want to take out a tank, you don't just have to blow it up. You could shoot the driver through the slit in the driver seat, or throw a granade in the top, or blow the treds off or shoot the driver when he pops his head out the top, or any other way that a tank was taken out in World War 2. Also the war is planned out by real commanders, beople who pay the game and worked there way up in rank. Also the units are true to the time and historically acurate, so you will have to wait for 1942 in the game, to be a US solider and fly the B-17, but you could always be a tank commander while you wait. I highly recommend this game. *****

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome
Review: It is purely the greatest. But, before you buy this game keep in mind it is not free when you play over the internet. That means that is (10) aditional dollars every month after you buy the game itself. So, I would still call it a good bet because I think that it is worth it. I have been waiting a long time and I will not let this chance pass me by.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best WWII Game Ever
Review: This game Kicks! You can be an Infantryman,Tanker, Pilot, Salior and everthing in-between! Timeline is from 1940 France until the end of the war! Use all the WWII Weapons. Fight fro Germany, Britian, France, or America(later in the war)! Once the war's over it starts again. Beware: There is a monthly fee. It's the price to pay for the best!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: World War 2 play and pawnage
Review: WWII Online is NOT for the faint hearted. This game has a LARGE learning curve. (Did I say Large Learning curve I mean a large, LaRgE LARGE learing curve).
The first time you enter the game world dont get disapointed.
If you dont know what to do tune channell 99 for help. Duty Officers are online to help.
You also need to gain rank to get bigger and better toy's so again dont get discuraged and dissapointed ask for help.
New Intro to the game are Paratrooper's, Air inserting behind emeny lines, Cutting off resupply during a attack etc
CRS has done alot in the past year to increase the number of new toys to play with. My first year I was disapointed with the sameold stuff day in and day out.
In the past 3 months they have inserted 3 new tanks (Sherman for the French as a lend lease item. It rocks. wOOOOOt)
Yes the game does have some flaws such as a broken HC (High Command) structure. Some people dont work well together (Like real life)
But you can find people (from all over the world which is cool) that will work together.
The System Requirements are for a HIGH END grahics card and a 2gig + uP, and 1 gig DDR min...... yes min to run the OK.
CRS has done alot since the game first came out. This is rocket science in a online video game. yes it is not perfect, the game can be choppy/Laggy
Grapics are not the best either. But the playability is great and the teambuilding with squadies s really fun. So my hat is off to them in their efforts.
Some people are willing to help you some wont cause you may be viewed as a spy (That does happen as in real life)
Interesing twist to the game people with 2 computers will evesdrop on the other side to glean intel on where the attacks may happen
This is really cheating and those players are banned (the AXIS side seems to have the most cheaters and game exploiters).
So the bottom line is that if you want to have fun for hours at a time try it out

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: sarge60
Review: When WWIIOL was first launched, it was in horrible condition. Ok, that was 2 1/2 years ago. It wouldn't be around now and have the hardcore following that it does if it were still in bad condition.

The game offers things you just can't find anyplace else.

Things like a map that is Europe half scale, Air, Sea and Land forces all fighting for a common cause on a grand scale, etc. It even has actual strategic bombing. You can fly a round trip flight in bombers that lasts 1 1/2 hours and you are nervous the whole time because you know the enemy has fighters looking for you. Sometimes they find you, sometimes they don't till it's too late and you are rewarded with the sight of their factories in your bomb-sight.

There is nothing like rolling up to an enemy town in an armored column of 20, 30, 40, 50+ tanks and forming a line formation as you approach. You are nervous because you know the enemy is laying traps for you, like Sappers hiding in bushes, Anti-Tank guns, and Tanks, all waiting for you to make a mistake. If you do, it's lights out.

Ever wanted to come to the grunts rescue in your Spitfire? Well here it is possible and the guys on the ground are all smiles when they see the enemies Stukas going down in flames. Now they can get their armored column on the move again.

In short, WWIIOL can be summed up in a word.........Addiction.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A great SIMULATION... a fair game.
Review: First things first. This game is not for the casual gamer, or the fellow who thinks his computer should work like his television or console. You need a fairly beefy machine to play this, and an understanding of how that machine works.

It isn't a "twitch" game like BF1942 or DOD. You can spend a lot of time NOT fighting, not even seeing enemy. It has a fairly steep learning curve. You won't have any fun flying or driving anything without the proper equipment to do so, i.e. a good quality joystick. I see a lot of people who purchased this game thinking it was something it isn't, a FPS with WWII weapons. These people go away unhappy.

What it IS, is the worlds first persistent virtual battlefield, utilizing accurately modeled WWII equpiment, on an accurately scaled map of central Europe. There are no hit points, health packs, or super weapons. This game is based on physics, not how fast you can hit your mouse button. You can shoot that French Char B1B tank all day long with your 20mm gun, if you're shooting at armor a real 20mm would not penetrate, you won't do anything either, except irritate the crew.

It is hands down, the most realistic online tank sim ever made. It is one of the best tank sims ever made, period. To me, this is it's strong point. To those poor deluded souls who play infantry, this is it's weak point. The infantry game still needs work. They are important to the game as the only means of capturing and advancing territory, but not a whole lot to do with them. I don't see any fun in it at all myself, but there are those that do. I prefer tank VS tank fights, which the game does a fantastic job with.

Bottom line is this - if you're looking for a realistic, accurately modeled SIMULATION this game is for you. If you're looking for a FPS GAME.. it probably isn't your cup of tea.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Highly Addictive and A Test of Your Patience and Skill
Review: I've been playing WWIIOL from just about it's public release and I find it to be both fun and frustrating. The fun is when you're in the midst of "action" and things are going on around you that make your heart skip a beat. You see tracers, hear the pounding of shells and machine gun fire, and just about feel the tanks roll by you. Working with a team is the best way to enjoy the game, and by joining a "squad" you can do just that. But you can "lonewolf" it too, and just join an impromptu group for a night of fun. The frustration (which lessens with each patch) is the lack of a complete set of equipment, the bugs that occur from time to time, and the amount of time it takes to find combat in game during off-peak times.

The price has come down now, so if you want to give it a go, I'd recommend it. A warning is that it does have high computer requirements (though not as high relative to the market as when it was released), and you'll want to have at least 512 Mb of RAM, and a 32- or 64-bit Video Card. Also, a joystick is a must.

Hope to see you on the virtual battlefield! :)

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