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World War 2 On-Line: Blitzkrieg

World War 2 On-Line: Blitzkrieg

List Price: $39.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Great possibilities, poor execution
Review: There are few games that I awaited with such anticipation as I did WWII Online. In fact, I've been waiting for the virtual battlefield to arrive since 1990(remember the rumors surrounding Spectum Holobyte's Falcon 3 and its once-planned world?). With the release of, and resulting problems encountered with, WWII ONLINE, I must admit that the virtual battlefield is a bit closer to reality...but it's not quite perfect.

First off, the complaints you hear are real: WWII ONLINE is apparently a bear of a game, and it requires a bear of a system. Why? Who knows? The graphics you're going to see are not even to par with the worst of the current crop of 3D games. It would appear that the biggest limitation is net bandwidth (lots of talking between the clients and servers), but this game still requires an astronomical amount of RAM (256+, based on reports) and a quick processor (700+, again, based on reports). A good 3D card helps (you'll have no idea why...the 3D is terrible. Good means: GeForce 2 or better, forget the rest), of course. I'm running it on a 1Gb Athlon, 768Mb RAM, GeForce 2 MX, Windows 2000 Pro, a 90 Gb striped RAID disk array, and 2.2 Mbps on cable modem; I get about 13 - 25 FPS in the game. You decide if THIS is acceptable to you.

If you've gotten past the hardware requirements, dive in, but be warned: there is no help to be found, the servers are often down, and, even if the servers are UP, you might not get online. Really. The WWII ONLINE authentication servers are one of the biggest bottlenecks of the game. You might try for some time to get on one of SEVEN servers, or you might not get on at all. Last night, the servers were down for hours, without one explanation or posting explaining why, even after they came online. This lack of attention will really incite a rage. The game forums are afire with the flame wars of angry customers (many of whom have returned the game).

That said, WWII ONLINE is FUN. Really, really, really fun. If you can get on, you'll have a blast, even though the controls are awful, the environment is hyper-unrealistic (sheep will flip a Panzer, and you can't drive through ANYTHING), and the single-player vehicles make life a nightmare. How many of you have wanted to drive in an armored column deep into France, surprising lone tanks with 10 Panzers and infantry. Two nights ago, I did it, and it was WILD. Group attacks against the French Char B1 Bis tank, with everyone gunning for the weak spot (port side radiator), HE rounds exploding over dug-in infantry, trying to unhook an 88mm FLaK from your halftrack while the shells are hitting - this is INCREDIBLE. Three days ago, I bombed and strafed Ricon (re-taken by the French after much fighting) with a Stuka - the Stuka even has a dive siren! After taking Ricon, the Axis defense of the town was incredible, with 25 or 30 people all fighting together in Bf109 fighters, Panzer III tanks, a whole line of 88mm guns, and countless infantry, AND THIS WAS ONLY ONE TOWN. Wow!

WWII ONLINE has great potential. If I were smart, I would wait for awhile until the game either levels out or fails entirely. This is really a poor pre-beta of a game that costs good money to try, but when it works, it works wonderfully, and it's sure to drag you back to 1940...at least for a couple of hours at a time.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Run don't walk to get this game
Review: I have owned this game since its release so I feel like like have been in on the ground floor of this game. I have had a love hate relationship with this game. It was very hard too get this game up and running and I was at times very frustrating. Just playing it offline took some tweaking to get it to go. Getting registered to play was a chore in itself, but I assume now that has gotten easier. Finally after three days I was able too play the game online. Frame rate is a huge problem with this game. I have one computer that barely meets minimum requirements, 400Mhz 128 MB RAM & VooDoo 2 video card, and the game is unplayable online. Part of that problem though is due too my tin can and string for a phone line. I'm getting 1 too 4 frames per second with it online, even after doing their recommended tweaks. I also have a 1 Ghz, 384 MB RAM, 64 MB Ge Force Video card and it runs the game pretty decent. Frames very from 7 to as high as 30 plus. This game does require a hefty powerful machine. As for the game its pretty neat and potential too be even better. Right now everyone is just running around shooting up each other, but as the game progresses I think more strategy will be required. My theory about purchasing the game is this. Playnet has currently suspended the clock on the free thirty days you get with purchase of the game. So why not buy it now, get 30 plus free days of game play and a chance too use all the equipment and practice with it. From my understanding when they get the game more finalized a new guy may not have access too all the weapons. Keep in mind this game is a work in progress and hopefully will improve.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This game is awesome-shame on those with no patience
Review: This game is rivetting. The gameplay is great and the graphics are very good. The whole concept of this game is mindblowing and carried out well by the game creators. Those of you complaining about the servers just have no patience and possibly no life. You act like every other online game has worked the first day it came out, come on now you know that isn't true.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Major Failure
Review: What a waste of money. Yea the game might be this, or it might be that. So what I haven't been able to get it to work in almost a week. At this point I don't really care how good the game would be if everything worked, I have lost all faith in the competence of Corrnered Rat.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Awful
Review: The most important thing to beware are the 'minimum' requirements. You really need something in the region of 1GB RAM, 1Ghz Processor, Cable/DSL, 32MB Video Card. Even then I've heard of people who have trouble with the game speed. My set up met the recommended specification and my PC just can't handle it. There appears to be a problem with 'memory leaks', which means the software just keeps grabbing more and more RAM as its played. Quite frankly this game should still be in beta testing. Don't waste your money.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great game, getting better! Must play.
Review: This game had some intial troubles on release, including a patch that you have to download. This is not unusual of a online game, however. If you love war, or are interested in WWII, this is for you! It is quite intense working with other people to achive a mission. As time goes on they are adding more equipment and more battles. This game will just get better folks. It was just released, if you have patience pick it up now, or you could wait for a couple weeks to a month and the bugs will be worked out. I bought it the day after it came out, sat through the patches, and dont regret a instant!!!!!!

I must warn you: I have called off work just to play this game more!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I bought this game a few days ago. And, i've been hooked on it since. The gameplay is incredible! This is a must buy for all "true" online gamers out there.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Beware Buyers - Best to wait awhile on this one
Review: Just a warning for any buyers that the server for this game has had HUGE problems and has crashed numerous times! Apparently, the server was never tested with the amount of people that would be playing online. Right now, the company is putting a hold on free one-month trial accounts as most people have yet to play the game online.

I would wait a few months before purchasing this title. In the age of internet financial disasters, this is another title that was rumored to have been rushed into production because of limited income. (In other words, the game wasn't tested enough to make sure it would work right.)

The game looks fun and exciting if it works, but I would check out internet bulletin boards or news sources before purchasing this game (and the monthly online payments) to make sure everything is satisfactory.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: a hord core gamer
Review: this game (stinks), i just bought it and installed it, i went online to play it. then i couldn't play it becuase the dumb server keeps on crashing, then i have to pay 10 dollars a month! i down'loaded a dumb upgrade which took a 130249782390 hours, and i finnallly got to play it, then i can't because when i try to move, i can't and i tried again to go on the game and i was disconneted, i wrote a conplaint asking for some help and they don't even reply! i meet the requierments to this game to! i have a 500 megah comp with a 56k modem and it still doesn't werk. plz don't buy it! its (price)!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: You got to be kidding!
Review: Okay... here we go... as a VERY long time player of online gaming, I must admit the action and excitement of WWII Online got me into my local store once the product hit the shelf. I grabbed the product and was out the door to install my new found "life-waster".

Installation was easy enough. I then looked thru the manual and started in.

As I was reading i figured i might as well run the offline mode of the game so that I could learn the keys in the actual game while reading the manual. This is were my first frustration set in, I have an AMD 900 and 256MB ram, 64MB Geoforce2 MX video card and it STILL takes frickin forever for the offline version to load, i mean... go get a cup of coffee, this is going to be a long one.

The keys in the game are very difficult and are confusing. One thing the box does NOT tell you is that a joystick is pretty much mandatory with this one. I made the mistake of trying to fly my first plane. I sat on the runway looking for a throttle button on the keyboard, guess what?, no key for it.

I was pretty frustrated with my "offline" mode, so i decided to try the online mode. Yeah Right! I got this nice little message stating that the servers were not available, so i check again an hour later, nope, another hour later, nope.

So far, this game CD should be used as a cup coaster.

So, i guess the best word for this game is, Don't Beleive The Hype!" - Pass this mess along to the next person.

($40.00 down the drain)

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