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The Sims Superstar Expansion Pack

The Sims Superstar Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $16.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "A must see. Four stars." - Sims Times
Review: I have tried every expansion pack of The Sims and have to say I enjoy this one much more than buggy Vacation or annoying Unleashed. The gameplay is a little challenging which is a big shock for a Sims game. It does a nice job of poking fun at the celebrity lifestyle, while letting all of us wannabe's have the chance to live vicariously as stars through our computer generated friends. Can't wait to see what's next!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The best expansion pack yet!!!
Review: I've really been enjoying this new expansion pack. All of the new objects are awesome, including massage tables, steam baths, mud baths, a new hot tub, scuba diving tank, sky diving tank, an oxygen stand.. and I just love the new little sushi stand that gives more hunger points than any of the other vendors so far.

There are a few drawbacks with studio town.. beginning with the fact that you can't invite anyone to go with you. I think it would be great to be able to invite other sims to go to the spa or whatever. Of course, you can set *most* of the spa items up in your downtown area or your home, but it would be nice if you could take others along with you.

One other drawback is that once you reach the point where you are able to record videos (if your sim is a singer) or make movies (if your sim is an actor) or use the runway (if your sim is a model).. the "game" that is used doesn't really give you much of a chance for success. But I guess it's tough to make it in the big time.. lol.

I've heard some rumors of the next new expansion pack that promises to be even better.. there are some details on the sims website.. it looks absolutely awesome!!

Anyway, I would definitely reccommend Superstar.. the objects and new skins alone make it worth it!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Overall - a lot of fun!
Review: I've bought every single Sims expansion the day it came out. You could call me a Sims addict. :) It's hard to rank the expansions, but I would put Superstar as one of my favorites.

This expansion is definitly fun, they added a LOT of new material to the game. The bad stuff first:

-It's hard to get famous! The first few stars are easy to get, you just work on your skills at home, then sing kareoke to become recognized. Once you get a couple stars, you have to start doing harder stuff. For example - you can record a song at the studio. The hard part is, you have to solve a puzzle to get it done right - which I find extremely aggravating! You have to choose one of three styles of singing, then make sure you have the right three in the right order. Once you figure it out, it's possible to get it right every time - but that's way too much thinking!

-Sims can only go to Studio Town once a day, but when they're there they get tired REALLY fast. My Sims can only do a few songs/modeling acts/acting jobs before they are tired and cranky. I wish they had a little more stamina!

-Sims have to have "famous" friends in order to advance. At first, it's hard to get these friends! My Sims would only do actions like "ask for autograph" and "ask for hug" to the famous Sims - hard to get their friendship when all you can do is bug them for an autograph dozens of times in a row!

-A lot of downloads are incapatible with Sims Superstar. Personally I don't use a lot of downloads, so it hasn't been a big problem. The one issue I did have was with downloaded skins/clothes. One of the skins I used must have been completely incompatible because it crashed whenever I tried to create a new Sim character. I deleted the skin and it hasn't been a problem since.

Good stuff:

-The music! I love hearing my Sims sing - the music is great! I've noticed that I have to play it in regular speed, medium or fast speed - else the songs don't sound right. It's really fun to watch them model funky clothes and act too.

-The new items! Tons and TONS of new items to play with. I especially like the butler, even though he is a little too expensive. My fiance teases me because my Sim lives in a small house and has a butler.

-The new NPCs! The obsessive fan - he cracks me up. Some people find him annoying, I like him. So far he hasn't done anything too aggravating, just taking stuff out of my Sims trash can and snapping pictures through her windows.

-Studio Town! It's a lot of fun. There are tons of places to shop and socialize. I like to bring my non-Superstar sims down there to hang out.

Overall I give the game 4 stars, only because some parts of it are more work than fun.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Sims Become Stars
Review: Face It. The Sims became stars in the first Sims game. From what I have seen of this, it doesn't look to bad. I am gonna get it anyway because I have all the other expansion packs and I need this to complete the collection.

Sadly though (or maybe about time) Maxis is realsing one last expansion pack (due around Halloween) as it has Sims 2 coming out February 15, 2004 and feels it's time to move on.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Keep on bringing those expansion packs!
Review: Okay I havn't gotten the game yet, but it looks great!! I love getting a new expansion pack and seeing all the new things they have. Okay before you put out the game please finish it all the way. The sims online wasn't even finished! So I think the regular sims is better and I want to see what they come out with next! I heard something about sims 2. It looks GREAT so far!! Please finish it...all the way!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good, yet FRUSTRATING
Review: This game is very clever, cute, and fun.. except it is VERY frustrating. It takes hours to get your sim famous, and you'll find yourself spending your entire afternoon on the computer, ready to throw the game out the window as your sim gets rejected again. I think Maxis made this game way too hard, it's tough to enjoy it. Don't buy this if you have no patience.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: fun but time consuming
Review: this game is fun just like all the other sims packs but it is very very hard to get your sims to be famous and they run out of energy in simtown to quick. i think that maxis could have made stardom a little easier and in this pack it is now twice as hard to make friends. but all in all still very fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great expansion for a fun game
Review: Want a collection of great new objects for your Sims? How about the most dreamed-about person - a personal butler! The Sims Superstar brings you all this and more.

This expansion pack adds on to the basic Sims (or Sims Deluxe) game and brings a whole new atmosphere to your Sim World. You have a "Studio Town" that you can visit to persue your interests in high fashion, music making or movies.

There are tons of new wallpapers, skins and objects to expand your sim world. There are fun new places to visit too, from a Sushi Bar to a Mud Bath.

If you really want to persue a high style career, just like in real life, it takes a TON of work and a ton of time. Be prepared to give up some of your old sim-hobbies and to focus exclusively on pounding the pavement and working on your connections. It's well worth it, though, if you meet the challenge and become a star!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Excellent Sims Expansion
Review: This is an excellent Sims expansion which is definitely worth buying, even with The Sims 2 not far off. The Superstar career track offers many new challenges, such as trying to develop relationships with people that have more fame than your sim, and therefore consider themselves above you. The career tracks that were included in Unleashed are apparently also included in Superstar.

This game also has a few bugs. I found that having a Servo (requires The Sims: Livin' Large Expansion) and hiring a butler caused the game to come to the brink of freezing. Also, having too many objects with too much animation causes the game to slow down based on the quality of the computer that the game is being played on.

Overall, if you are a fan of The Sims, you will probably be satisfied with this game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: What did this expansion pack bring to the sims?
Review: I dont know what was going on but everytime i visited the studio town, the program automatically shut down and jumped out to windows without any warning. So i could barely think that i would really enjoy the fun of trying to be a superstar in this expansion pack. By the way, I made a lot of training before i go to that town for gaining "fame". But everywhere i was banned for the reason of insufficient stars, not knowing where i should go and what i can do, just wandering around and finally worn out.(if my computer were not crashed, which allows me to bring my sims home.) All my families in the last expansion pack unleashed were settled well, but after the installation of the superstar they were all changed by their interests and personalties, can no longer get alone with the others well, and, most annoying, the friendship between them and their friends went into a chaos. So i could only delete them all and remade.... I really enjoy playing the sim series games,and at least, superstar increased my program-performing speed and fixed the computer crashes of visiting the downtown area(probably has been moved to the studiotown...) So approximately this expansion pack can be called satisfying

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