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The Sims Superstar Expansion Pack

The Sims Superstar Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $16.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Love The Sims...Love it!
Review: Like Barbies for the computer, with a weird twist. I am anxiously awaiting the releases of Makin' Magic and The Sims 2. Needless to say, this game has kept me enthralled for hours at a time, and that's hard to do. Another wonderful perk is the customizability of the game, and I can't forget the Sims community. I have never seen a game with more fansites, and I have met some seriously talented artists who thoroughly enjoy employing their talents to make the game ten times better. This game and all the expansions are perfect for the couch potato who is sick of the TV, or the housewife who needs something to do besides cleaning. I highly recommend this game. It's a good cure for boredom.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An engaging and entertaining expansion
Review: Although I have found all expansion packs for The Sims to be good values with great content, Superstar is not my favorite. Nevertheless, the game has some good qualities that can't be overlooked; besides, who can resisting giving your Sims a skydiving simulator in their own backyard?

If you pursue the path of fame for your Sims (and why else would you buy this expansion?), you will visit a new area in your game called Studio Town. You can, of course, customize Studio Town and download new buildings for it. In Studio Town, your Sims will use various objects to attempt to reach Superstardom. You have 3 different themes of objects, including music, modelling and movie-making. However, you do not select one of the three types; your Sim can use any combination of them.

You gain fame by completing "mini-puzzles" in Studio Town. For example, if your Sim tries to model a swimsuit, you chose one of three poses for him/her to take. The Studio Town employee overseeing the shoot will tell you whether or not your choices are correct. For the eariler levels of fame, you'll have 3 chances, but for the later levels, you are cut back to 2.

You also have to gain skills, as usual, and "Somebody" friends. Each "Somebody" in Studio Town is worth a certain number of star points, and a number in the Job panel will tell you how many star points you need. Making friends is harder, however, because Sims that are famous do not have as many interactions as normal Sims do.

Playing Superstar is challenging but rewarding. It is not easy to become a star, but once you do, you'll be happy. Your Sims can also win a variety of rewards for doing well while working in Studio Town. If you like The Sims, you will probably like this expansion, even though it seems to be aimed at teenagers more than anyone.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Expansion Pack Yet!
Review: I love this game! My kids love this game!

Your sims folks practice at home and then go to SimCity and play in front of patrons who either clap or boo you off stage.

This expansion pack is less "buggy" than the previous packs and it initializes much quicker.

I'm still looking forward to the Sims2.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: good but better things to spend your cash on
Review: there are better things to spend your cash on

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A good expansion, but a bit difficult
Review: The Sims Superstar allows you to help your Sims become superstars. It's a nice expansion, but it does have some shortcomings. Getting and keeping famous friends isn't easy, and some of the mini-games you play are difficult.

To become a true Superstar, you must earn a certain number of "famous friends." Studio Town, where your Sim works, is populated with game-created "Somebodies" and "Anybodies." Each Somebody is worth a certain number of famous friend points, depending on their ranking. You can find out which Somebody is at the top of the pile by looking in the new tabloid, which is delivered daily with the newspaper. Unfortunately, the ranking changes every 3 days, so you might have a friend worth 5 friend points slip to 2 points.

Interactions with famous Sims aren't easy, either. Until you accumulate a certain number of relationship points, you have a limited number of interactions that you can use. Many of them run along the lines of, "Ask for hug," "Ask for Autograph," "I'm your biggest fan!" Because of the limited interactions, it is difficult to make friends.

You actually earn fame points by using objects that include mini games. The mini games are small puzzles where you try to figure out the correct pattern. You are given 3 choises, and you have to choose the correct one. At first, you are given enough chances to figure the game out, but as you rise through the ranks, the games become more luck than skill.

There are a few other problems about the expansion. If your Sim does not make enough "Anybody" friends, an obsessed fan will visit their house and steal their awards. They follow them around everywhere, and while it might be flattering for awhile, you soon find yourself being very frustrated. Even once your Sim becomes a Superstar, you will never hold the top place on the tabloids; the Somebodies that come with the game will have the top spots. Another issue that annoys me is the appearence of some "real life" celebrities. Marilyn Monroe and Andy Warhol are okay, but I get tired of seeing Avril L..... and Christina Ag..... in my game.

In general, the game is very fun. It does take some patience to make your Sims become Superstars, however. I would reccommend this game to any fan of The Sims.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I LOVE it!!!
Review: I have all the sim add on's. And I can trully say this was my fav. next to Hot Date, never have I wanted an expantion pack so badly next to HD. I love teh new level of game play, of you having to wrok your way up the ladder of fame, making new friends with the "who's" "who's" of Studio Town, and also keeping your fan base happy. The new objects are great, the ones I like the most as the massage table, the aquarium tank, and the sushi bar. The only draw back is that darned obsessed fan who steales your trophies [but this can be prevented by building a room with a star only door, and clear glass for gust to see], and how he swims in your pool, digs in your trash and takes pics of you and your family. High lights are the tour bus that comes to your famous sim's house everyday at 12:15 pm, "normal" sims asking for your sim's autograph, and the new enteractions, like star kiss, name drop. And I also love the new recording booth, fashion runway, and vedio shoot. This game is the best!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Brace Yourselfs! The Sims has Another Expansion!
Review: This is a great expansion! First the good stuff:

1) Singing Sims: I thought that the songs would be just mumble jumple, but it does have some beat! It's cool! Also, have you tryed puting kids on the singing stage? It's reall funny!
2)Music: I love that music and stuff! It's really cool!
3)Easter Eggs harder to find: A easter egg is a hidden part of a game. I found that easter eggs were harder to get in this one, I had to wait a long time for the Obsessed fan. That's good because in unleashed I got the racoon poping up really fast and I found almost every easter egg kinda fast (Besides Nessie).
4) A lot of bugs are fixed on this one! Even the upside down head bug!

Now for the bad things:
Umm, not many baddies!

I hope you have a nice day!

~SCAF Police Zsky2.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Another expansion...
Review: Not that it's not a good game, but Maxis just made too many expansion paks for The Sims..from Livin' Large to Superstar, it's been 7 expansions (including the Deluxe Edition), and the qualities of the expansion keeps on getting worse and worse (even though Superstar was a little bit better). It's time to stop buying these expansions and wait for The Sims 2 to come out, so you can uninstall The Sims (and its expansions) to free some memory on your computer. After installing Superstar, the gameplay was slower on my computer, it wasn't as smooth as before. If I have patience to play this game, this expansion should be pretty good (you have to spent a LOT of time in this expansion, and double that a LOT of time because the gameplay is slow). So buy it if you really like this series, but don't buy it so you can save money to buy The Sims 2 and free some space on your computer.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great!
Review: I loved the new clothes and jobs you can get with this new sims expansion pack. the only thing I didn't like about it was that it takes up so much mb. 125 to be exact. It majorly slowed my computer down and I experienced some during gameplay because of it but other than that it was great!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Sims Superstar
Review: The Sims Superstar is great, but there are some things that can be annoying. For instance, the fact that you have a stupid guy named the obsessed fan follow you around if you don't have 130 fan points. But its got loads of new stuff, and its mostly pretty awesome. Just to say, I think most of you know these cheats, but I'm going to put them down. (you type these in the box in the corner that you get from typing at the same time ctrl, c, caps lock, and shift)

Money Cheat; rosebud;!;!;!; etc,etc.

Good Mood Cheat; MOVE_OBJECTS_ON then you go to the buy mode, sell your Sim, then go back to live mode and click on their faces. You can also sell trash and dirty dishes and old newspapers and junk.

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