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The Sims Superstar Expansion Pack

The Sims Superstar Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $16.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Fun, Exciting in beginning, but it got old..
Review: This expansion pack really isn't as great as I thought it'd be. It it fun, and very challenging but once it's installed it changes the entire game layout. It's much harder to develop relationships with the sims, and the 'living' tab is completely different. I personally think that it wasn't the best they could do. They do have a few cool features, though, including the butler service, more household items, and studio town.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Kicks major booty
Review: It is the best sim ever. You can be famous. The only hard part is getting past the modeling part. I really recomend this game

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Make your sim famous
Review: When you think the sims were doing good they made them dancing,modeling or singing stars. Was this a good idea. well it is different but I think there are better ideas for expansion than making your sim famous. How about things

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome Game
Review: This is the coolest game ever. However it is very addicting. It's very funny to have your Sim a nobody and then oneday people are asking for their autographs!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best expansion pack for the Sims yet!!
Review: This is a definite must have for the sims enthusiast. As soon as I bought it, my friend came over to try it out. He ended up ordering it within a week. We both think it's a great game. The best part is... well, I can't really think of a best part. The whole thing is awsome! :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: best add-on yet
Review: This has to be the best expansion pack yet for The Sims. This time your sims can try to become superstars. There is a whole new area to visit (Studiotown) where your Sim can mingle with such legends as Marilyn Monroe and Andy Warhol or try and make friends with the local stars....not always an easy task.
Budding stars have to develop their skills in singing, acting and modelling as well as keeping their fans happy by chatting to them regularly and signing autographs. Woe betide the Sim who neglects his fans as he will quickly be stalked by the 'obsessed fan' who will not only prove a nuisance in Studiotown but will also plague him at home by leaving dead flowers around and rummaging in bins etc.
There are plenty of new walls and floors etc as well as lots of new items to keep your Sim happy...try the new oxygen bar or have a relaxing massage. Outdo the Jones's by being the first in your neighbourhood to employ a butler.
if you are only going to buy one expansion pack for The Sims then this should be the one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Challenging
Review: This is one of the best expansion packs if you are up for a challenge. Even if you are using cheats such as "rosebud" for more money or a rejuvenating chamber it is still a challenge to master the fame objects, build your career, and maintain the friendships necessary to climb the ladder.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not worth it.
Review: I love The Sims and all its subsequent expansion packs, so don't get me wrong; Super Star is excellent, especially compared to other other games out there. -But compared to the other Sims expansion packs? Well, in my opinion, its the black sheep of the family.

The whole premise of this pack is that your Sims get to go to Studio Town and pursue fame, instead of having a humdrum, everyday job. This sounds good, but in practice its highly annoying. In order to stay in good standing with the public and avoid a fame demotion, you have to take your Sim into Studio Town practically EVERY DAY, and stay there in real time (no more fast forward mode while Daddy is at work!) It gets incredibly tedious. In addition, in order to advance, you not only have to keep your Sim's happiness level high and supply him with the appropriate friends and skills, but now you have to suffer through little guessing games, where you choose the right sequence of buttons or get demoted. What's worse is these sequences are random, so there is no way to memorize them and breeze through it! This is not right, Maxis!

Then there's the Obsessed Fan; a non-playable character that follows you around if you don't pay attention to your adoring public enough. While a cute idea (he goes through your trash can and takes pictures!), it can quickly get annoying, and I have not yet figured out how to get rid of him.

All in all, I'd say skip this expansion pack. Its not worth it.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Making Famous Sims Not Easy Work
Review: I couldn't wait for this lastest expansion pack for The Sims to be released so I preorder it and tracked my package online from work to see when it would arrive at my house. Since buying The Deluxe Edition I have become totally addicted to The Sims. So when I finally installed Superstar I was very impatient to see what this so called "Studiotown" was like.

First off if you what your Sim to become famous they must first have an agent...I was so impatient that I didn't read the booklet that came with the game and had to go back and actually read the thing. I digress, your sims get agents by looking for one in the entertainment magazine that is delivered everyday with the newspaper. If you chose not to make your sim famous they can still visit Studiotown, but they will have to pay for it. By way of making your sim famous I recommend that you use a sim that is living in a rather large household(5+ sims) and has a lot of points for Charisma and Creativity. Heading through the road of Sim stardom is no easy task, they have to make famous friends in order to climb the Studiotown ladder, and their energy runs down a lot faster. One problem I exprienced is that I had one Sim be in a good mood one second and the next in a horrible mood that she got bumped down on the Star scale for her bad behavior.

The 150+ additional items are excellent, my sims especially love their own scuba tank, and having an energy massage in their house. Having the Butler feature is nice especially for your hard working Sims that don't want to risk losing their job over raising a baby. One thing I noticed about the butler is that eventhough you might have already hired a maid and a gardener, once you hire the butler they stop coming to the house so the butler calls to hire them. The only good thing about the butler is that he does feed the baby while the sims are at work other then that he is expensive and lets the maid, gardener, and repairman do all of the work. So after having the baby for three days when it turns into a child I fire the butler.

This expansion pack makes a nice addition to the rest of The Sims collection.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Its going going gone...
Review: My daughter (11) is or big Sims player in the house. She has gotten pretty bored with the last few Sims expansions.

Not with Superstar. She loves the fashion, the new jobs, and house additions. I agree. I think this is a big homerun for the Sims line. Great job EA.

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