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The Sims Superstar Expansion Pack

The Sims Superstar Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $16.99
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 5 stars
Review: it is the best game i ever played, me and my friend are like obbessed with the game we play it like everyday.we have lots of fun playing it too.you thought of a lot of cool stuff and brought it too life .KEEP IT COMMING!
thanks you biggest fan,
Sara Shelton

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Lovin it
Review: Why do I like the sims? Well first of all, it allows you to control other people. Second of all this laugh-out-loud game supplies a furniture mode and a building mode. The tutorial house taught me how to play the game and soon I was ready for the rteal deal. Some people don't enjoy that the Sims don't speak English, but it doesn't matter to me. If the Sims spoke English it would be so boring. Plus it's hilarious to watch them speak funny. You could make them succesful or lazy, there life could be bad so yours doesn't have to be. It's adicting!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Reply to Please Help Me
Review: Hello. I know that it is frustrating when you can't get your sim to become famous! I have this game and I can't get mine to get famous. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to quickly get your sim famous without doing that spell from Making magic? Please post if you know. Also get a mirror for your sim and have them "practice their speech" it got my sim a whole star but i can't think of anything else to do to get them more stars!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: please help me
Review: i love this game but cannot get my sims to become famous.if anyone has any tips please let me know and post and i will be happy to answer that persons questions about any sims.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great expansion!
Review: This expansion is great and also a must have to your sim's collection!! You get to do more of the career aspect by actually going to work and raising your star level! Great game!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Super indeed!
Review: The title says it all. It is super!!! This is the one sims game that I have played for the longest consecutive hours ever. Die-hard Sims fans will enjoy this game very much. If you don't have it yet, put it on the top of you list of PC games to purchase. It's high quality stuff!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Superstar gets super stars!
Review: What's inside the game:

You of course get a new place to visit: Studio Town, a new career to chose from: become a singer, actor, or model (I refer to it as a career since you get paid for it), new objects like a skydiving simulator, a skuba diving tank, or a satellite dish, hire a butler to handle EVERYTHING in your household, and you have new celebrity social interactions.

What you can do in Studio Town:

There are many things to do in Studio town, but the most fun things you can do are interacting with famous stars, the paparazzo (aka paparazzi) and devoted (and sometimes, obsessed!) fans of yours. You can preform on stage (singing/acting), and as your fame increases, you can pose for professional pictures, model on the runway, make albums, star in a soap opera, or even star in a movie.

Playing the game:

Your fame is rated from zero to five stars. You must preform often to increase your fame, but also to keep it from falling (just like relationships). Skills in the body, charisma, and creativity area are a must if your sim doesn't want to get boo'd off the stage, so I suggest working on these BEFORE trying to become famous. Your success also depends on who you know famous wise; if you're talking to a has-been, stop befriending them and start rubbing elbows with the top ten list! The top ten list fluctuates daily, but mainly, most of the people on the list stay there only in different positions (*Note: You can find out who's hot and who's not by reading the new news paper that will be delivered to you daily along with your regular paper). Increasing your fame through stars isn't as hard as it sounds; a 3 star top ten friend will count as 3 stars, not one!


As other reviewers have said, it is a bit hard to become a superstar but not impossible, and it's fun becoming one too! Even if you don't make it to becoming a superstar, it's still fun being at other levels of fame; people treat you differently, and you get obsessed fans! Now who could pass that up? The game is fun to play no matter what level of fame your at. I give it 5 well deserved stars!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Best game yet!
Review: This is the best Sims game that was ever created. You can become a SUPERSTAR!! How cool is that. Their is a new spa area. I made this family and my girl was a superstar. She was so cool. Everyone liked her and it was fun. I do have on tiny problem but it does make the game a bit more hard. Let's say you want to make a cd. It says pick 3 things in the sequence thing. Well if they don't like your sequence, then your in trouble. This game is awesome. Please, if your a Sims fan. BUY THIS!! (Requires the Sims, Sims Deluxe, or Sims Double Deluxe to play.)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Takes up a lot of memory
Review: This game is really cool. The news studio town is a lot of fun and there are a lot of cool new things to wear and decorate with.

The bad part is the amount of memory these expansion packs take up. I suggest to only buy the expansion packs that you want and not to buy them all because of the incredible amount of space they take up. They also cost a lot of money for an expansion pack. Some games don't even cost as much as these expansion packs. They are running out of new ideas and should stop making new expansion packs!

Don't get me wrong the game is great but be prepared for The Sims to overtake your hardrive! If you are new to the wonderful world of The Sims, I would suggest to you to buy the newer expansion packs and just skip the old ones. The first two really don't have that much new stuff in them. This one however has a whole new Studio Town area. The only problem with this new area is that the directors won't let you have a part. They say you need experience but no one will give that to you. Another problem is that when you return to your house after you have been to Studio Town (or any other area for that matter) your sim is tired from being out of the house but the time at the house hasn't changed and it takes forever to get them sleeping at night again instead of in the middle of the day.

So, get the game if you are a die hard fan and don't mind The Sims taking over your hardrive.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It's okay, I guess...
Review: When I recieved this game as a gift I thought that it would be the best, but when I played it for the first time, I found it very hard and a little boering at some points. All in all, I have to say that it is a good game though. It Keeps your brain challanged!

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