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The Sims Superstar Expansion Pack

The Sims Superstar Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $16.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Sims Superstar has just been released!
Review: Why did I not give this game 5 stars if I love it so much? The answer is simple: a five star game has everything that a good game needs, plus much, much more. The adverge game would be 3 stars. So, by rating this game 4 stars, I am saying that this game is very very good.
If you are thinking of buying this game, but you are not an experenced sims player, I wouldn't recomend it unless you want to spend hours figuring out what to do. But, if you are already a sims-lover and you want a little bit of a challange, this game is for you!
This game is truly a simulation of real-life celeberties. To become a sims superstar, first you must go through 10 levels of fame, filling up a half a star at a time (Total of 5 stars). Be sure to pay close attention to ALL of your fans and always be friendly, or you may end up with an obsessed fan who follows you everywhere and even digs through your garbage! If you don't want to drop out of your current career track, you can always just live like a star! New items include a satalite dish, new tv, skydiving simulator, new pool table and piano keyboad. There are plenty of new social interactions that will keep you entertained for hours and even some animated versions of some real celebrities. This includes Marilyn Monroe, Andy Warhol, Avril Lavigne, and Christina Aguilera.
So buy the Sims Superstar today!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Its HollyWood!
Review: After recently purchasing the Sims SuperStar for my PC I rushed to open the box and download it to my computer. Since mine is a limited addition It included three real Singers Including Avril Lavigne, Christina Agulara, and one other whom I havent met yet.The sounds of the loading screen just make you want to dance and it is sooooooo bright and funny when it says "spreading rumors!!!" As soon as its done loading you bet I instantly clicked onto the SuperStar view and was amazed to See it was an almost exact replica as Hollywood!! Including the Walkway in which stars sign there name into there own gold star...which im not sure they do in the Sims SuperStar. However the buildings are amazing like ive never seen before!!!! there are soo many new, fancy, and out of this world objects like the under the sea playhouse n the Skydiving Simulater. You would not believe how amazing things there are. Although there is not many new things for the home the sims superstar is a great game and It Adds sooooooooooo much more fun and freedom to your sims boring and yet exciting life......so you dont get bored of going downtown, to old town, or on a vacation over and over again........Happy Playing and be a star w/ the new sims superstar!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Surprised they released such a buggy product.
Review: I bought this game tonight & haven't been able to play it more than 5 minutes. It froze my computer once but the biggest problem is just closing the application spontaneously. It's happened several times to my increasing frustration. If this doesn't improve I'll be taking it back to the store.

My computer is a 1700 Athalon 512 RAM Windows 98SE machine.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Worthy Expansion
Review: I bought this game three days ago, and I expected this pack to be better than any of the others. I wasn't disappointed, and this pack IS the best except for possibly Hot Date. the new objects are awesome, with everything from music video shots to a karaoke stand. There are featured celebs in the game. they are Avril lavigne, Marilyn Monroe, Andy Warhol, and Christina Aguilera. Most of the music in the original Sims games have benn awesome, and Superstar even broadens that music style to new limits. For one thing, now there are techno themes within the game, and they sound GREAT! There is also the classic music that you would expect from Hollywood, and that's cool too. There are awesome new build tools, with new fencing, walls, and floors. As you'd expect, they are stuff like blue screens, red carpet, and Hollywood-style star floors. In Superstar, you must contact an agent, and then you are on your way. There are 10 rankings of fame, and with each step you gain access to more objects. For example, you don't even have to be ranked to do karaoke, but you must be at least a 4.5 rank to access the movie set. It should also be noted that it is MUCH harder to gain levels than that in just normal jobs, but the hours spent advancing are worth it. You will gain obsessive fans, press, and even a wide range of awards for being famous. Something I find fun to do is give out autographs and kisses to loyal fans, and just generally draw a large crowd. Another cool feature is the fact that once you are a big shot, you get a snazzy new limo to ride in to and from Studio Town. It is much cooler than that black thing, also! Superstar is everything you would expect on a sim's road to fame, and it is definitely a must-buy for any fan. Oh, one more thing, there are three career choices. They are music, fashion, and acting. The good thing is, you can do any of the three whenever you want once you are famous enough!The new objects and animations are worth the price of admission alone, especially for only 30 bucks. Superstar will find a place in your sim's heart, and you should buy it right now if you are interested in the wonderful game, The Sims! My Rating-10!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Look at Me, I'm Famous!
Review: Only two minutes into The Sims Superstar Expansion Pack, I had become a karaoke singing sensation. I could do country, dance, rock, ballad and big band, and the audience was loving it! Of course, that's just one of the many things you can do in the new Studio Town (and trust me, that's where you have to begin - at the bottom). After a few hours, I was able to record jingles, and pose for a photo shoot (I can't help but notice that my acting and modeling skills bite; my sim can only seem to carry a tune). Of course, there is so much more to do (including acting in a soap opera), but it's a long hard road to fame and you have to schmooze your way to the top.

Besides the working aspect of Studio Town, I have also met some interesting people: I was able to get autographs from Avril Lavigne, Christina Aguilera and Marilyn Monroe (that last one is a head-scratcher - I mean, isn't she dead?), AND get photographed from Andy Warhol himself (although he seems to hate me right now). And, I have an obsessed fan. Trust me, obsessed fans are not all they are cracked up to be - in fact, I can't seem to figure out how to get rid of him. He's a creepy-looking guy that hangs around outside of my house, looking through my trash and taking pictures of everything. He even follows me when I go down to Studio Town. Even though these are just sims, I actually found myself creeped out by the idea of a sicko stalking me, and it made me glad I'm not famous.

As for new features, there are tons. To make your sims happy and relaxed, there are pure oxygen tanks, mud baths, spas and massages galore. To help you out around the house, you can now hire a butler. To spiff up your joint, there are new floors, wallpapers, doors and windows, plus tons of decorative stuff like more paintings and rugs, plus new furniture and other assorted gadgets. You can even buy your own karaoke machine to display and use in the comfort of your own home, but it costs a pretty penny.

When you decide you want to become famous, you quit your job and find an agent. Your sims can now choose to do whatever they want to do, whenever they want to. At first, this seemed great - no more getting up at 5:00 every morning to get ready for work, then watch the house sit empty for hours until my sim gets home. Like with the regular job, if you go two days in a row without visiting Studio Town and putting yourself out there, you lose half of one fame star (you only need five in all, but trust me, it's not easy to get them). While at first I liked this system better, I should point out that your sim does not make much money doing these gigs (at least, at first they don't). So I suggest choosing a character that already has a fair amount of money.

And now for the one complaint - the same complaint I have used for every one of the expansion packs: Studio Town runs extremely slow and choppy. Now, I don't have all of the expansion packs installed - just Unleashed and Hot Date, which makes me wonder if it runs worse for someone who has all of the expansion packs installed. However, for as entertaining as the game is, you tend to overlook the choppiness. Trust me, it's worth a little aggravation.

Now, I know I don't even have to say this, but I will anyway: if you are a fan of The Sims, you HAVE to get this expansion pack. I'd say it's the best one yet (although Unleashed runs a close second). And for anyone who may have gotten bored with The Sims since the last expansion pack came out, this one will surely re-spark your interest. Before you know it, your sims will be huge stars, and they'll have you to thank.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Maxis has brought back the fun!
Review: I just bought the Sim's Superstar and so far it is a blast.
The first Sim I created is a singer. She went onstage for open mike time. She bombed in front of the audience. So everytime she greets these Sim's, they remember her horrible singing. After some much needed rest and some lunch, she worked on her creativity. Went back to the open mike and rocked the house.
This game is for people with active imagination and time to play. LOL. A huge improvement on the TSO disaster.
Do buy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims 2
Review: Just to let you all know... They are INFACT coming out with a sims 2, where your sims DO age.
Plus the sims 2 is totally 3 D. :)

Superstar is going to be GREAT!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sims SUPERSTAR
Review: This game is gonna rock!!! You can now become famous and live in style. PLayers can now travel to the new Studio Town where they become "discovered" at an open mic, or karaoke bar. After that they move on to bigger items such as run-ways, music recording studios, music video sets, soap operas, or a movie studio to gain fame points and become a superstar. The fame score has 5 stars in it. Every so often sims will gain half a star for doing various things to help their job (acting, modleling, or singing). As you fill up the stars you go from a "nobody" to a "superstar". As you become famous you need famous friends to become even more famous. You also need to be kind to your fans. Sign autographs and let the photographer take pictures and watch your fame rise. If you arn't kind to your fans you will pick up a obsessed fan who will follow you around. A cool thing about the SUPERSTAR expansion pack is that you can will awards like the simmy award or the sims choice award. This really adds on to the fun.
What im looking foward to in this game though is the new objects. From various screenshots and reviews i have seen some and they are really cool. Theres a satilite dish, a new flat screen TV, the hugh scuba tank, the sky-diving simulator, tons of art, wallpaper, flooring, a new high-fashion section or clothes, the karaoke bar, the open mic, a butler, sushi and smothie stands for Studio town, and new pets for your sims.
In the end this looks like the best expansion pack yet. With tons of objects and the chance to become a superstar, the sims SUPERSTAR gets 5 stars.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: i used to be a fan
Review: I used to be a fan of the sims. I bought all the expansion packs but after vacation i relized is there realy a difference. Look at it this way Maxis made an excelent game and made a few good expansion packs but now that there realy milking i mean come on i wonder if maxis will ever come out with another non sim game.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: If you thought that "The Sims Online" was perfect it does get boring trust me.So if you're still a die-hard fan like me well then play this game even though I havent played it yet.BUT I WANT TO!So I advise you die-hard fans this is gonna be one heck of a good game by the looks of it.

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