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The Sims Superstar Expansion Pack

The Sims Superstar Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $16.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Big Sims Fan Conservatively Pleased
Review: I have been a HUGE Sims fan since the moment it hit the market. I have bought each expansion pack and have enjoyed the progressive additions and improvements. I am truly enjoying the Sims: Superstar! The BEST feature is the Butler. You know how annoying it is when your maid, gardener, or repairman stays all day, charging you money but doesn't complete their task. The Butler takes care of calling the labor and finishing whatever they don't. Going to the Studio section has become a religious event for my Sim. The hardest thing was to learn how to get past the shallow conversations in order to make the "star" become friendship contacts. If you are not careful, by the time you get your 'star-climbing' Sim friends with the 'current star' Sim, they usually are no longer 'current stars' - in fact, they may not even be on the Who's Hot top 10 list. What I want now is SIMS 2! Anyone know if there are going to be anymore expansion packs (if so, how many) before SIMS 2? EA keep 'em comin'!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Super Famous
Review: This expansion pack provides so much more then all the other ones... You can live your dreams of fame and earn alot of money!! $$$$ But when you get up to the 2nd star you kind of have trouble modeling because the photopher is very picky, and you only have 3 try's to make them happy... Well good luck folks!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: More work than the other expansions
Review: Many reviews have already described all of the new interactions and items that come with this expansion pack, so I'll focus on some of the things that may not be mentioned that I would have wanted to know before buying it.

1. Overall I would say this expansion involves more work than the others. Becoming famous is an all consuming occupation leaving your Sims little time for anything else. Sims must spend countless hours in Studiotown.

2. The game cannot be saved while a Sim is in Studiotown (much like the downtown area of Hot Date). This is a problem if you experience frequent crashes with your game. I find I need to take my Sim home where I can save the game every time he/she has raised their fame score, so that I don't lose it because of a crash. This is time consuming.

3. Sims run out of energy very quickly in Studiotown so not much can be accomplished in each visit. (only one visit is allowed per day)

4. Sims need famous friends in order to become famous. I find it very difficult to make friends with these famous Sims, the friendship scores don't seem to increase as quickly as with regular Sims.

5. This one only applies if you have downloaded objects from online Sims sites: I have a user-created teleporter in my game, and it no longer works. The game crashes whenever I try to use it. This forces me to use the phone to invite other Sims over, leaving it up to chance rather than being able to import them at will. (Much harder to increase the friendship score this way). Teleporters worked with every other expansion pack, but not Superstar as of yet (hopefully someone will fix this).

I don't mean to point out only the negative aspects of the game, I do enjoy this game but am a little disappointed that it takes so much more work than I had expected. I do love all of the new interactions that are available, and like watching my Sims sing, act or model. I'm still looking forward to an obsessed fan following my famous Sim home. My Sims don't have a high enough fame score for that yet :) (Also, there aren't really 3 separate career paths, Sims access all of the items one at a time as their fame score increases, so they are essentially rock stars, actors and models).

Overall, if you love the Sims, you'll love this expansion pack as well. But be prepared to spend a lot of time trying to become famous.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: MAJOR BUGS!
Review: Maxis is getting very lazy with their Sims series. I couldn't even get this to run with sound. I could however play it without sound. What fun is that? It is not my system either, since both the Sims and Livin' Large work perfectly fine. Maxis I guess is getting greedy and is no longer making quality expansion packs. I was hoping for a patch for Superstar, but none exist as of now and their technical support wasn't helpful either! I ended up taking this back and I got a full refund. Learn how to program Maxis!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Sims Yet!
Review: Maxis and the makers of the Sims have done it again. Just when I thought there was no way they could produce a better Sims expansion pack, just when I thought there was nothing else they could make the Sims able to do - Sims Superstar arrives! In this Sims expansion for the first time you control the career of your sim. It is your responsibility to get them signed to a talent agency, to take them to "Studio Town" and to make them work to be a better talent.

The ability to control the career of your Sim is absolutely fabulous. I loved being able to decide whether my Sims should begin a career as a singer, actor or model. Studio Town has enough new features to keep you interested for a long time. Some of the new items include spa items like the mud bath and oxygen bar, new career items like the kareoke stage, model runway, and some things that are just plain fun like the underwater tank and the sky diving simulator. In addition a whole ton of new floors, walls, roofs, rugs, furniture and gadgets have been added for you to add to your house. It is also very cool that when in "Studio Town" you have to keep your eyes open for famous sims (Marilyn Monroe, Avril Levigne, Christina Aguilera).

The Sims Superstar expanision can really slow down your computer. I don't have a ton of money for a really fast processor so the addition of this expanison has slowed down my game play and how fast the computer responds. Just something to keep in mind if you have an older or slower computer. Additionally, while the "Fame" career track is awesome it does require a lot of work - this is not a career you take a laid back approach to. Your sim has to be working toward getting famous all the time. There is no rest. The new items that Superstar offers for the home are awesome, however, it would have been nice if they had offered some new beds - its been a couple expansions since our Sims got anything new to sleep on.

Aside from those relatively minor drawbacks the Sims Superstar is a must have. I was all but ready to pack my Sims away prior to Superstar coming out. This expanison is awesome and the first time you load it you will not be able to tear yourself away for several hours later.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Sims
Review: To me these expansions don't make the game alot better. Sometimes I just get sick of playing, it gets too boring. Im sure superstar will be good. If you have a collection of sim games then you will want this. If you get tired of The Sims like me, you probably shouldn't get this.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty Good
Review: This Exp pack really caught my eye. I have been a fan of the Sims since the start and I am a major downloader and most of my computer is dedicated to the Sims. This Exp is really fun and much more challenging than the last ones, which I really enjoy. There are more options than the last but it has a tendency to really run slow (which I am aware that some of that is my fault since much of my memory is sims stuff) and after a while, it begings to feel like all the others. BUT I still really like it and recomend it to all sim players, either new or old!!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: HORRIBLE!
Review: I bought this game Friday, and it installed fine on my computer. It just won't start up! On the orange splash screen it crashes to my desktop between spreading rumors and polarizing conduits or whatever. Is anyone else having this problem? If so please please e-mail me. Maybe it would fun if I could get the game STARTED. My computer surpasses all of the requirements. I've done everything recommended and it still doesnt work.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Dissapointing....
Review: I was waiting along time for this game which I thought would be the best thing since the Sims itself.....big mistake. Oh sure, it does what the other expansions do: adds new items, new interactions, so on and so forth. But the superstar part of it...the very essence of the expansion, was, in my opinion, not a success. I mean, it's fun, but the thing that really dissapointed me was that, unlike how they advertised it, you don't actually pick your carrer!!! Instead of getting to CHOSE wheter you are an actor, model, or rock star, you have to do a little bit of each to attain ultimate fame. It does give you a taste of each field, but I would have given it 4 stars if you would be allowed to chose which field you want. The fame rating is pretty cool, though, and it is neat to have Sims you don't even know recognize you on the street, and give you an admiring "I'm your biggest fan" speech. The real celebrities in the game, such as Avril Lavigne and Christina Aguilera, don't do much than give out autographs. The objects, also, were not as great as advertised. The spa items are okay, although many of them, such as the steam bath, are a waste of time and money, and don't really boost your comfort motive. The only really worthwile one was the hot tub, which we had already before "Superstar". The sky-diving simulator and scuba tank give huge boosts to the fun motive, but are insanely expensive, and huge. The new floors and wall paper, however, were pleasing. The one thing that really got me excited was the fact that finally, after seven expansions, we get a new TV!!! No new beds, though (darn!). Personally, I think that Unleashed and Vacation added the most to the game, and that unless you are a diehard Sims fan, you can do without this one.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Great game but lot of bugs.
Review: This game expansion pack to me is better than any other expansion pack I got. However it has several problems on the game: First, once you install SuperStar all of your existing adult sims from your previous expansion pack will change all of their interests with almost no interests at all and for the sims'kids will lost all their interests they have. Second, The teleport didn't work so well. I tried to use then the game crush. Third, at the studio place sometimes one of the sims star stand on the road and didn't move away when the car come by. Therefore it told you longer to get home if your sim want to leave. All of these problems was bothering a lot in the game for me. Especially once the sims'interests was lost, the sims are very diffcult to make friend with the other sims. Other problems later might have a new patch to fix those problems but interest can not be fix unless they could restore the sims back to the previous version then it might work but this is not possible. This game will be a five stars game if it didn't have this kind of problems I just refer. Right now I have to get all my sims to read magazine to their interests back but the kids can't get interests from magazine. Anyway this is going to pain...On second thought I might as well give up forget about this game. Maybe when The Sims 2 relase I might play it again.

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