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The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: BAD GAME
Review: This is a bad problem causing game. It is boring

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A good expansion pack.
Review: The Sims is great, and this expansion pack just makes it better. New careers, Death himself, a genie, a robot, alien abductions, a sad clown. Fantastic.

Negative points for the cockroaches though, as they are a real pain. I tend to type "move_objects on" (without quotes) in the cheat window (hold down ctrl and shift and press c) and just delete them.

Definite positive: more neighbourhoods! You can have themed neighbourhoods and the like now, and you're not going to run out of blocks for a long time (well, unless you're playing the game 24 hours a day, which, unfortunately, is very likely :)

If you have and enjoy the Sims, you'll want this.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Brilliant!
Review: I own every single expasion pack of the Sims....Livin' Large, House Party & Hot Date. This was my first one, and it's brilliant. It was one of the best, with tons of new wallpaper, floors and items, which are really cool. Some of the new items do wonderful things, like produce bumbling genies from the lamp or turn invisible, or create an evil clone or a frankenstein-just a few of the choices from the laboratory kit, or the all purpose 15000 simoleon cleaning/gardening/cooking/host-socialising robot, for the rich or cheating sim-player. Also check out a ton of new jobs-let your sim get to the top of a music career as a rock star, or get those annoying phonecalls back with the psychic advisor. All in all, this is a great package, and I strongly recommend it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I'm addicted. I can't stop! Help!
Review: I'm hooked. The Sims is a great game and Livin' Large provides even more great stuff. More neighborhoods, more jobs and clothes and stuff to buy. I spend at least 2 hours a day playing. I love to come up with strange families and professions. Once I made a house with 3 kids and no adults. It's great. If you like the sims, you'll just love the expansion packs. Now, on to House Party and Hot Date

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Really Cool Game
Review: Livin' Large is really cool, but not enough for 5 stars! Now don't get me wrong there are some awesome new objects in this pack but there could have been a lot better ones! Some of the objects are just stupid! But the new bed only is worth the pack. And for later game play you would need to get this pack to "Complete the set"

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I like all of the game but...
Review: I know that I didn't really brought this game, I kinda rent it from my friend('caus' I had no money in the pocket) and, though I usually turn every game off in like 1 hour, this game was the only game that made me do this for more then 60 hour. Not only this, but all of the other packs. I love all of those things...
The only probablem is that, they shouldn't sell the booklet seperately. The CD's are like $30, and why not have the booklet with the pack? I know that doing this is easy but, why not have one with it? I just hope that maxis would pay attention to what I mean..

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Death and Zombies
Review: Who could ask for anything more? The additional cotumes, jobs, and miscellaneous characters, this expansion pack is a complete necessity to the orginal Sims game.

Fun chaos be its name.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: the sims review by lucy r.
Review: The sims is a fun game 4 all the family it is an educational game with a lot of interesting aspects !
who would bye it: well, anyone could bye but i think that an age group from 10 - 30 would actually go into a shop and require it!

i have given it 4 stars because i play on it alot and never get bored!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome
Review: I love the new vibrating bed, lol. The new careers and items really add to the game that already rocked. Now it rocks even more. House Party is still on my list to get & I can't wait until Hot Date comes out. This is an awesome expansion pak that really adds to the game as much as the advertisements say it does. 5 stars.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: SIMS IS SIMS!!!
Review: Hello everyone. Ok lets put it this way.. the sims is a game which everyone is addicted to. Well lets say JUST ABOUT everyone loves the sims. I love the sims and when i have the days when i cannot think of a really cool design for a house, i download one. Like most of the other reveiwers.. i must say this game is not really for young children. Now i am not saying you have to be 18 to play it but under 12.. hey thats over board!! So please be on the watch of what your children play. Although this game does not TEACH the way to kill people, it actually teaches them how to be responsible and how to go within a budget. Also how to act when you have a baby. How to raise it and feed it and makes sure it doesnt miss the bus and make sure he/she gets good grades. Anyways the game has good and bad veiw points. But the game gets 5 stars from me.. I am stil waiting for the 3rdexpansion pack to come out!! So...
~god bless america~
Dream Dancer

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