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The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A definite improvement to the original game
Review: Livin' Large is a big improvement to the original Sims. With the additional 4 neighborhoods you can try different things, like making an entire neighborhood of one particular career type. Plus, this expansion offers up five new career tracks, which brings the total to 15. Not bad if you're looking to try out a variety of careers.

The new objects in Livin' Large are nice, but I wasn't able to find all the new objects the box claimed to have. I looked for some of them for a while; maybe I looked in the wrong spot. The additional objects help though, they fill in the quality gaps the original Sims had, and they give themes, which are a nice change from the original. You can use wall torches, a bearskin rug, or a vibrating, heart shaped bed.
The Sims themselves can now have different looks; there are new faces and bodies, which give your Sims more personality. There are bodies and faces to go with the skins; you can have gladiators, or sarongs or other things to liven it up.

All in all Livin' Large is good if you liked the original Sims but found it to be lacking. It doesn't cover all the missing aspects of the Sims, but it's a good start.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This Really is Livin' Large!!!! =)
Review: This is a really, really, really fun expansion pack! Build your own creepy castle, a tacky love shack, a high-tech home of the future, and more! New situations like, alien abductions, roach infestations, the grim reaper, a wish granting genie, and more than that! More neighborhoods gives you the power to create and and control up to 50 families, 40 more than the original game! Five new career tracks- 50 new jobs: hacker, paranormal, journalist, musician, and slacker! Have a robot clean up all your messes, create a Frankenstein, gaze into a crystal ball, become a rock star, and much more cool creations! There are so many more items and miscellaneous stuff, you don't know where to put it! Everything is sooooooo new, you'll go Sim crazy! Also, the moment you've all been waiting for, besides fish, you can have a hamster!! =)=) This really makes you enjoy the Sims a whole lot more with an expansion pack! Gotta get it!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: It didn't work at all...not even on a brand-new computer
Review: When I first played The Sims, I thought it a wonderful game. I was in love with it. So when I received the expansion pack, I was ecstatic!

However, once I installed it, (which was a long process in itself and it also gave an error message) the game would not work. I would start the game, on my brand-new computer, and the game would blank out my screen, then return me to my desktop. I tried over and over, but it was useless.

I then had another problem...the riduculous people at Maxis made it so that in order to uninstall The Sims Livin' Large, you need to uninstall The Sims. This caused me to have to make backups of all my files, then have to reinstall The Sims and put my backups in the game.

All in all, though the game is fun, (I've played it at friend's houses) it is not worth the trouble. Stick to the original.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Great Stepup in The Sims
Review: The Sims is one of the greatest most addictive games out there. The first day that I got it, I played for 12 hours straight! There are so many choices and different scenarios that can happen. However, The Sims Expansion Pack added onto this great game. It adds new furniture and appliances, new careers, and it quadruples your previous ability of households. It also has some new interesting scenarios. To go along with the new furniture, the building features have been improved to fit the style of the household. The improvements of this game are dramatic, but become even more expansive with the newer expansion packs which give you the ability to leave the Sim Home. All-in-all a good upgrade, but somewhat outdated.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent!
Review: Livin' Large is a great expansion pack to The Sims, and it adds so much to the game, you'll forget what it was like without it. Most of the new items are great, especially the chemistry set and the telescope. Plus there are so many new twists (the Tragic Clown, the Grim Reaper, etc.) that it just makes the game that much more interesting. But the best thing is the addition of the 4 new neighborhoods, so you can basically start the game over several times with new characters once you get sick of the old ones.

I highly recommend this expansion pack to anyone who enjoyed The Sims.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Sims Just Got Crazier!
Review: Finally, an expansion pack for The Sims! A whole lot of fans have been waiting for this expansion, and it turned out not what I exactly expected, but more! There's a wide range of crazy objects and new design themes for the decorative builder. Why did I rate it a 4/5, anyway? Well, it lands to the point that this expansion pack is far from reality! But nevertheless, this expansion is full of fun!

Rating: 5 stars
Review: My best friend, Chloe loves this game. It has taught her a million things about buying and building houses. Now she knows where to spend her money. She thinks it is very fun having her customized family sleep, eat and even go to the bathroom!! I would sugest this game to everyone that I meet!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Game in the Whole World!!
Review: The Sims is the best game that I've ever played and if I thought that was fun, I hadn't tried The Sims Livin Large. It was awesome! I made the best house! I recomend it to ANYBODY!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A ten year old sims fan
Review: This is an awsome game!If you like decorating things,or controling people you'll love this game!Don't get it if you have Windows XP though it doesn't work about the second time you play it.Also heres a little trick if you press ctrl+alt+c and type in rosebud;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;! and put a space after it then hit enter over and over and your money goes up it doesn't mater how many ;&! you put just put alot!This is a great game you can build a huge house or go to... and download one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: like but boring
Review: good but boring after awhile go get house party or hot date will revive livin large

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