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The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Livin' Large...could have been better
Review: First let me tell you that I like to keep my Sims happy. This expansion pack seems to have been designed to mostly torture your Sims. What do you get? Let's see...

1. Roach infestations. You don't get the occasional roach or two like you would expect... You get plagues! In real life, if you had this kind of problem, you would call an exterminator. You can't do that here. To avoid these, you have to pretty much clean the toilet after every use. Even unmade beds can cause them to appear! Ridiculous! The maid will sometimes spray them but not always.

2. Genie in a Lamp. The genie will make you choose between two things. Each choice has both a good and a bad effect. The chance of getting a bad effect to a good effect is about 3 to 2. So, you get about 3 bad events to every 2 good ones.

3. Chemistry Set. Most of the potions you can make with this have a bad effect on your little Sim. A couple of examples... The light green potion ruins all of your Sim's Needs except Room. The yellow potion causes a permanent reversal of your Sim's personality. That's PERMANENT. So if you created a nice, outgoing, active, playful Sim, you will now have a grumpy, shy, lazy, serious Sim. Isn't this fun?

4. Alien Abductions. There is a telescope that can be used to increase a Sim's Logic Skill. Unfortunately, there is a chance of your Sim being abducted by Aliens. Getting abducted by Aliens will mess up your Sim's personality...never to return to normal.

5. Voodoo Doll. Used to beat up someone currently in the house. Really. What were they thinking?

6. Servo. The most expensive item in the game. Costs §15,000. Is he worth it? He can cook, clean, repair, etc. But, you must activate him EVERY time you want to do something. You could probably do the thing yourself in the time you were taking to turn him on to do it! If he automatically sensed a mess, or something to repair, went out and cleaned it all on his own, then he would be worth it. He can't and he's not.

So, why should you have the Livin' Large expansion pack? Well. there are some new objects that are worth having. I especially like the new dresser that allows you to preview your Sim's outfit so you can bypass it if you don't like it. But the main reason you should get this expansion pack is so you can use all the downloads that are available on the various websites devoted to the game. One website I recommend is The Sims Resource. (I'm not allowed to give the URL but your favorite search engine should be able to locate it for you).

The Sims Resource website has some wonderful programs and objects you can download that will not only make your Sims happy, but will also make YOU happy. For example, there is an Edit program that will allow you to keep your Sim's relationships at 100 without you having to call their friends over ever again. There is a bookcase that will improve your Sim's Cooking and Mechanical skills very quickly. There is a mirror that will do the same for Charisma. There is an exercise machine that will not only improve body skill very quickly but it will actually INCREASE your Sim's Energy instead of lowering it! (If you get nothing else, get this! No more afternoon naps! When your stay-at-home Sim's energy gets low, just go hit the exercise machine for a few seconds...and Wow! Energy bar competely green and maybe picked up another Body skill point! This one piece of equipment allows your Sim more time to study her skills and, also, it really helps her out if she is taking care of a new baby! Do get this...it's amazing how it changes the game for the better. It's called the "brawny boy exercise machine". You will love it! It's funky looking but who cares!) And, there is an Espresso machine that will max out ALL of your Sim's needs every time you use it. Of course, all of this is cheating (big time!), but, hey, they're there if you want to use them (or need them). It's just a game and we're having fun! Right?

Anyway, though, you really need this expansion pack to use many of the things that you might want to download. After all, you don't HAVE to experience any of the things that were listed above...except for those blasted ROACHES!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: This is a good game to get!!!!
Review: This game is perfect if you like the sims. There's alot of new things like a vibromatics where your sims can get a little freaky in the bed. The only thing that I do not like is the fact that there's roaches and aliens but other that that it's perfect

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Ok game.
Review: When I first bought this game I was expecting much more than what it was. It is pretty much the same as the regulare sims game. The only thing different in it is that there are 5 new neighborhoods ( which all look the same), there are new objects but not many ( only about 25 or so), and there are new skins ( but not many). Over all I do like it (but dont love it). I would not spend [money] on it, I would find a used copy of it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The *BEST* expansion for The Sims....
Review: I bought this expansion way back when it was released, but now that Vacation, the 4th expanion, has been released, I am sure this is the best expansion.
First off, the few jobs that were added made it fun for me. I love the "paranormal" career track. And the skins (clothes if you're not familiar with the word) are great too.
You can also build a variaty of houses with Livin Large. You can make something from a gothic mansion to a futuristic house to a party house or just a normal every-day house. This game is a MUST for all Sim players.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best game made (along with AOE)
Review: This game will advance the industry of computer gaming. There is always something to do. You could make your family aristicratic. Or, you could make your family a bunch of bums. There is always something to do.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The most computer friendly expansion
Review: If you have an older, slower computer this is by far the best expansion pack. It adds fun and useful items and NPC's to the game (like the genie and grim reaper) without slowing your game down to an irritating speed. Both Hot Date and Vacation are nearly incompatible with older computers (for instance one's with Intel Celeron Processors). Trust me, I've tried playing them and they aren't even worth the bother. You feel more stressed after playing them than you did when you began.
Of course this game is great for any computer, but if your computer isn't all that fast, this one is the best fit and most fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Evern better than the original
Review: The first of the expansion packs. This is a truly great game with or without expansion packs, but expansion pacls such as Livin' Large make it so much better, and I personally consider them a necessity.

Livin' Large has a futuristic theme. There are new social interactions, new skins, new styles for house decorating, and new objects. Livin' Large also can provide some new friends for your Sims. Some include Servo, who is a high-tech robot who can cook and clean, and the genie, who comes out when you rub his lamp. Be careful though--even genies aren't perfect. Sometimes the genie will make a mistake and something terrible could happen!! (i.e. your house turining into a pile of ashes or your plants dying.) Also, there are new career tracks, including: Slacker, Paranormal, Hacker, Musician, and Journalist, all of which pretty much speak for themselves and don't need description.

Livin' Large gives playing The Sims a whole new meaning. I higly recommend this expansion pack for all you sim-lovers out there.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sim's Livin' Large eXpansion
Review: First off, you have to have The Sim's to play any expansions for The Sims.
In this expansion you have 5 new carreers to play around with. As well as brand new characters and skins, objects (i.e. a magic lamp, a wood working bench, and much more.), and some new bugs as well.
Nope, not a computer virus, little *annoying* coakroches! If you don't spray them away, they keep coming back in more little armys!
You also get 5 new neighboorhoods, with 10 lots each. So you can build a total of 50 houses!
I'd have to say I really liked this expansion (granted it is the only one I own). I was starting to get bored with just the orignal SIMS.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Larger than Expected
Review: This was GREAT!! I loved all the new furniture and decorating styles. I also enjoyed all the new things that happened. Especially the alien abductions. Maxis gave it its all on this game. Though ares freezes unless you have a good computer. But its still worth every cent!!:}

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Another GREAT Maxis Game
Review: Jut when you thought it couln't get any better than than the Sims it does The Sims Livin'Lage has over 120 new objects over 20 new job and new suprises such as the traggic clown,the grim reaper,a genie, UFOs,frankenstein,robots,fournin tellers and much more stuff to do. I think its well worth the money. I also wrote reivews for other Sim games

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