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The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the BEST computer games ever made!
Review: This expansion pack has alot of new features such as: -Roach Infestations -Alien abductions -Love potions -Grim reaper -Wish granting genie -Exploding garden gnomes -Rock star job -Talk Show host -UFO investigator -Slacker -Hacker -Journalist -Paranormal -50 new wall and carpet styles -Gloomy Castle -Tacky love shack -Retro pad -Las Vegas motel -40 more families than the first sims

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Expansion Pack Way Out of this world!
Review: The Sims was a game very rare to find. I looked in 7 stores until I found it. Until I heard about a review on all about this I figured out more info. This "Expansion Pack" is no expansion..its more to be called Sims 2. Full of new ocuppations,skins,secrets, and more! This game will have to be a harder hunt to find. Its a game suddenly full of reviews and gossip. A sure to be best game of the year. I strongly recomend getting this before it comes out. I also recommend getting The Sims NOW if you dont have it. The people that want the expansion will need sims in order to play the game. The pack will be just like Harvest Moon64. A rare game to find too. So go find what you need and pre-order it cause this is gonna be a hunt of a lifetime!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Adult Digiworld
Review: This game seems to be like electronic pets--for adults. In the game, it's just like taking care of little toy electronic pets, but for more mature people. For example, feeding the sims, checking thier happiness, and even bladder control. That's why I LIKE this game so much! You can see though it has a lot more freedom, I guess myself and others like this game so much because we like to act as gods controlling our own little built world.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best (and Biggest) is yet to come
Review: All right, so my friend told me about the sims, i bought it, and though i thought it was the best game out there...it's about to get better. Livin' Large has like 150 new items including new wallpaper, flooring, objects (Some supernatural and magic) job tracks, and so much more. there's more skills than the original and more ways to build them. buy a carpenters bench and build exploding gnomes. Plus you can buy "sets" of furniture to save time and energy, or you can mix and match. It is an expansion, mid you, so you do need the original game "the sims" to play, so do not buy this until you have the sims....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Liven' Large is right!!!
Review: The sims is a very cool game and is about to getting another new look to it. The Sims Livin' Large Key Features are that you get dozens of New Situations and Objects like Alien abductions, roach infestation, love potions, the grim reaper, a wish-granting genie, exploding garden gnomes, and much more. There are five new career tracks which total up to 50 new jobs like scores of additional career options-jazz it up as musician; take it easy as a slacker; get in tune with your inner-self as a paranormal; be nosey and get paid for it as a journalist, or go high-tech as a hacker. There is also new Architectural and Décor Styles: Dozens of new building elements let you construct everything from a creepy castle, to a tacky Las Vegas motel, to a "retro" pad for the modern Sim. More Neighborhoods = to more sims: The addition of 4 new neighborhoods give you the power to create and control up to 50 families, 40 more than the original game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great, but could have been better.
Review: I recently received a copy of The Sims: Livin' Large, and I must say,it is great! It adds whole new twists and turns to the already fantastic game The Sims. My favorite new additions in particular are the Voodoo Doll and the Genie. My only problem with the game is that unlike other expansions, it does'nt add a whole new level to the game. Meaning there is no huge change in the way you play.But, if you loved the Sims as I do, then you'll definetely want to pick this up!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best expansion packs made!!
Review: Wow. This expansion is simply amazing. The sims alone is a great game but this expanision pack adds dementions you couldn't even imagine. New furnature, backgrounds, and improved game play. Definatly a must have for the Sims fanatic!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: I dunno...
Review: I dunno. This game will be very good with the expantion but i'm not sure it's very appropiate for anybody below 11 or 12. Since it also has sex, violence, and all that other stuff, just in a non egaurated way.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: THE BEST PC GAME EVER!!!!!!!!
Review: From the looks of the sims livin large.I Think its the best game ever because,theres 125 new objects including new walls,and floors.The is new characters like a genie that grants you wishes + you need to buy a lamp,he'll grant you love or money. new robots that clean your house for a couple thousand simlions. Also a new scienctist station for kids to make your dad into a zombie.At last they come up with a thing that can talk to A CRISTAL BALL that can tell you your feauture. and thats why i think the sims livin large is the BEST!!.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: From the looks of the sims livin large.I Think its the best game ever because

,theres 125 new objects including new walls,and floors.The is new characters like a genie that grants you wishes plus you need to buy lamp,he'll grant you love or money. new robots that clean your house for a couple thousand simlions. Also a new scienctist station for kids to make your dad into a zombie.At last they come up with a thing that can talk to A CRISTAL BALL that can tell you your feauture. and thats why i think the sims livin large is the BEST!!.

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