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The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of only a few good games!!!
Review: Let's face it, most games are not that good these days. Well the Sims: Livin' Large is one of those good ones.

This is an Expansion Pack for the game "The Sims" if you don't own it I higly recommend you buy it just for this add-on.

Ok, ok, down to the game. This add-on incldes tons of new items, wallpaper, tiles, windows... so you can create any thing from the Ultimate Bachalor pad to A cheap Slum and even a Castle. There are also carrer tracks adding 5 new carrers and 40 jobs. And with more feaaturs comes my favorite, for disasters and challenges. Today I picked this title up at my local Computer store (same price as Amazon.com) and poped it into the CD drive. I used one of my homes and decided to try out the new objects, so I saw thee coolest item... a Fireworks launcher so I bought it then clicked "launch" on it. Here comes my demise, I put the laucher in the house and suddenly I hear a "boom" and my house is on fire!!!! Luckly I had a Fire alarm but that wasn't enough to save poor Mortimer Goth (A made up name in the Sims) he was buned to death (no gruesom images) and the Grim Reaper came and took him away. Next I tackeld a Roach Infestation (now leaving food out comes back and bites you in the behind). Maxis has even gone and made a voodoo doll (that ill show him a thing or two about coming in the bathroom while shes in there).

Unfortunatly they didn't solve the problem with the time but it doesn't matter.

I suggest you buy this game or you will miss out on things like, making Sims fall in love, and throwing to most outrageous party this side of Simsville has ever seen!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims has become even more addictive ! ! !
Review: When I first got the SIMS (public service warning to anyone who missed the fine print : This is an add-on to The Sims... you have to get the Sims first to play it) I thought it would be like all the other video cames I've gotten in the past... you know, once you get to know it, kinda cool and fun, a bit addictive for a while then after a while, it just becomes a thing of the past... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz... boring... ho ho ho was I mistaken.

Much to my surprize (and everyone else in the household) over a half a year later, the game, with all its cuteness, quirks, and Sims-isms has a cult like grip over all of us. Still, I'm sure every user has his or her "fantasy" add on. (I wish the Sims could actually stroll around the neighborhood, ring doorbells and wreak mischief) - - SIMS Livin' Large might not be THAT dream add-on or all the dream add-ons you've ever had (errrr... the unofficial nude x-rated add ons can be downloaded via the net) however, it does add a second wind to the game and makes it like new all over again. One thing I like in particular is that instead of having just one neighborhood, you now get five, so you don't have to worry about greedy household members (real world that is, not the game) taking up the entire neighborhood and messing with your houses. Then of course are the scenarios that you've probably read about.... be careful about the vibrating bed though. We turned it on, hit "play" our sims got nek'ed, messed around under the covers (don't worry, there's a mosaic) and next thing we know they wound up with a baby (I'm not kidding.) Well, this is a reality based game !

It'll be months I'm sure before I can really experience and review all the new scenarios, but all I can say is that if you've had THE SIMS for a while and are ready for some more surprizes, this is a must have for the true SIMS-A-HAULIC - - and the price is definitely right. (When was the last time you flipped out 29 bucks and got a year full of entertainment ?)

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: The Sims: Livin' Large
Review: If you are a Sims fan and are hoping to get more of the same type of objects, walls, floors and skins that are found in the original release, you will be VERY disappointed with this newly released expansion pack. The themes are extreme at best. If you are playing the Sims for fanatasy play with bizarre characters and objects, then this IS the game for you. However, if you are like most of us playing it with a more reality based spin on it, stay away from this expansion pack. You will be better off in the long run downloading new objects, walls, floors and skins from the numerous Sims fan websites.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This Game Is The Best
Review: I just purchased this game yesterday and its everything they said it would be. I especially love when the grim reaper show up at your door. The Sims is the Best game I have ever played. This game just adds to it. Its Very addicting. If you have The Sims You have to have this game. Livin Large is great. You cna have more than one neighborhood thats great because you can build new house. Theres a genie new jobs. I give this game a 10. Buy it now its in stores now you better get it before its gone. You;ll love this game if you loved the sims.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The New Look
Review: I think the sims livin large is gonna be the best expansion pack ever. Beacause you'll be able to get new jobs items and more things to use to get your job points up.Better save up your money so you can buy the new items.I can't wait until my sims livin large comes to my door step.so thats why I bought the sims livin large.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Well, I'm getting it today or tomorrow
Review: This is probably the most promising looking expansion pack I have ever seen for a game...EVER. I think it will be better than Corkscrew Follies for RCT. Here are some new features:

New Skins. I believe that there will be different races besides black and white.

New Items. Over 100 new items will make there way into the game, and that's alot compared to the 150 that were in The Sims alone. Some include: guitar, voodoo doll, genie, lamp, new stoves, new dressers, new seats, new couch's, a telescope, etc.

New Career Paths: Hacker (Beta tester, programmer, etc)Slacker (conveince store clerk, gold caddy, etc)Journalist (game reviewer, etc) Paranormalist (tarot card reader, cult leader, etc)and Musician (subway performer, I think coffee shop performer, rock star,etc)

New Scenarios: Alein Abduction, chemistry sets to alter personality, the grim reaper, etc.

New Neighborhoods: 4 new neighborhoods means 40 more homes and families.

New Design: Now comes with mod/retro (50's and 60's modernist), love shack decor, and castle architecture.

Plus, plenty of new wallpaper, windows, floor, etc.

This looks to be very good.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Sim Lovers Must Have Item!!!
Review: This add-on pack is a MUST have for any Sim Lover! With new items, building styles, and new characters to interact with...what else could you want. I'm really excited about Servo the robot! Have you ever wished your maid lived in your house with your messy sim? Well, stop wishing because Servo is your answer! There is a Voodoo doll, a vegas love bed, a genie, a tragic clown, and a crystal ball. Your sims will be able to have vacations!!! Wow, that's worth getting it alone!. So order this one now, because you'll regret it if you don't!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awsome!
Review: This is probably both Will Wrights, AND Electronic Arts best Sim-Game ever. I mean, talk about a genie, zombie, grim reaper, Tragic Clown, new skins, wallpapers, floors, lip couch, Boomerang Windows, voodoo doll, chemistry set, an evil (not to mention deadly) gerbil, and much, much more! All RIGHT!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I am a tester for Maxis
Review: As a tester for The sims and The Sims livin large i thought the add on pack was great it is a must have for those who have played the sims you know how fun it is building houses finding jobs creating a house fit for a king or a cozy little cotage in lot # 10 now with livin large there is so much more to do with 123 new objects more jobs "my favorite is the slacker" and even just to decorate your house makes it 20 times more fun they didn't add more pool stuff or anything some new chairs servo the robot house keeper the genie and it is really fun to make a wish voodoo dolls lots of fun to Poke the person in the family who is kinda mean all the objects i give a 6 star rating too and more character skins so you can have a more realistic or more fictional time in your sims liven large for those of you who have never played the sims you must get THE SIMS it is a MAJOR must have game of the year so what are you waiting for buy buy buy!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: greatest
Review: THIS IS GONNA BE THE COOLEST THING IN THE WORLD i mhave but one suggestion that no one thought of, a HAMMOCK huh? see? greatr idea. I am a genius

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