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The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Who Needs Reality?
Review: If you thought the original Sims was addicting, get ready for rehab: this add-on will have you at the computer for hours. I had gotten a little bored with the objects in the original and was ready for more options on decorating, jobs, etc. Livin' Large has all that and more.

Want to live in a gothic, gloomy castle with candelabras, stone floors and walls, and suits of armor? You can get that here. Want a crazy, wacky pink house, with the tackiest furniture you can imagine and a big vibrating bed? Here it is. Just want some different things to decorate and amuse yourself with, like a chemistry set, a mini voodoo doll, a head floating in a jar, new paintings for the wall? It's all here, and much, much more.

If you own the Sims already, this is a must have. If you are planning on buying the Sims, fork out a little more money and get this as well. I'm helplessly hooked. You will be too.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: It's Alright, not what I hoped it would be.
Review: The Sims Livin' Large is a great upgrade for new items and such that could not be made by any user, but it doesnt really add anything to the game that much. The robot and guitar and all that is fun at first, but then they just become 'another' item in the game and you sort of end up with what The Sims was after awhile. I hope Maxis hopes to add features like assigning some of your family members to their own rooms, letting your family have pets like dogs and cats, and letting you put items against or on diagonal walls. Just my thoughts.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: OH MY GOD
Review: WOW. The Sims was a good game but an expansion to take it to its full potential? Now thats a wonder to behold. It should be on of the seven wonders of the world.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Dont buy this, demand respect as a game consumer!
Review: once, there wasa game called the sims, this game was great, and one of the key features was how easy the company, maxis, made it to make user made objects, skins, walls etc... it was fun. many people loved it and put many hours into it, they made it their very own creation. then comes a expansion pack, sounds good? wrong. If you downloaded any user made objects it simply wont work, its like the quake expansion packs not working if you have a mod installed. the only way to fix this problem is by unistalling the orignal version of the sims, i put MANY hours inbto perfecting the houses and characters in this, and the only way to get my $30 expansion pack to work is by unistalling my current houses that i put a lot of work into. if a company wants to make a game mod freindly, then the official products should work with these modsa installed, this shows me that this product was rushed, and that maxis really doesnt care about the costomer, well if they dont care about their costmers, dont be their costomers until they start making quality products that are worth the money... save youreself a headache and dont buy this peice of cattle dung.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Soooooo realistic
Review: The best game ever!Was not dissapointed one bit saw posters at Planet X went to my friend's house to play it I fell in love with the game bought it my self and right away pre-ordered Sims living large before it came out. Genies this is awesome you wish for something like money and boom you get pot of gold! or a big pile of bills.... Voo-doo dolls teach your arch rival a lesson poke him, stab him, etc etc... Chemistry set you can turn into a monster and destroy everything or drink a refreshing drink and even turn invisible! Sims who plan on buying this tragic clown picture have a chance of getting the tragic clown himself come out of the picture and make everyone sad and check this out Death even comes when you die you can plea to him and try to get your sim back I reccomend this game for ages 10 and up

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A nice add-on but not worth the cash you have to shell out
Review: It's nice they added so many new things.. but you can get most of them off the internet.. I don't know about other sim gamers but it seems a little too bizarre for me. The garish new objects and the bizarre new (and totally infeasible) lifestyles and toys, including Genie (i'd like one in reality but...) voodoo doll (take that 6h grade math teacher!)and odd decor that makes you wonder who the Maxis people hang out with on the weekends (it's illegal to use tigers as your floor you know) really put me off.. the sims sold so well because it was realistic to a certain degree.. this makes it more infintely more cartoonish. Of course.. some of you may want the Munsters next door... if that's what you're looking for.. neat new things (ooh shiny!!) then buy it.. if you want to keep that semi-realistic approach don't get it.. i thought it was ..ok.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Amazingly addictive. Even hardened gamers will enjoy it!
Review: Doing game reviews for BellaOnline.com, I tend to buy a new game every 3 days to play. There are few that really grab a tight hold of me ... but this was definitely one. As soon as it came out, I bought one copy for me and another as a present for a relative. That night I was up until 5am playing my couple - a criminal and a psychic - and building them up in career. Blearily I trudged to bed, dreaming of my Sims.

The next night I promised myself I'd show a little more self control. I created a musician sim - in a fit of amusement I chose Britney Spears - and her partner Prince William. I wanted to have a little fun - I put him into a Robin Hood outfit. She started playing on her electric guitar, and the Sim-friends that came by booed their fool heads off. A few hours later, she was ripping amazing riffs on her tiny instrument, and the Sim-buddies were now dancing around the living room. It was amazing.

The wealth of new outfits for your sims, and objects to buy them, is just fantastic. Pets. Giant lights. Interesting, pretty doodads. The gorgeous new 60s windows and wallpaper, plus the gothic candelabras, arrow-slit windows, and even a robot make this an incredible enhancement.

They've got fun jobs available, too. Want to be a Shooting Star in musical fame and glory? How about a slacker (think golf caddy) or hacker, or psychic or more? They're all there, each with their own outfits and career ladders. But wait, it even gets better.

You can have MULTIPLE NEIGHBORHOODS. Now, since a given Sim family often needs 15 or more friends to get to the higher levels, the original game was pretty much one-person-only. You couldn't have multiple people use your computer, because there were a limited number of house lots to go around. The houses were simply needed for the Sim-Pals to live in (in groups of 8 of course). With the new system, each person who wants to play can have their very own neighborhood, where they grow and live to their heart's content.

Sure, there are still a few bugs. Probably the most glaring one is the annoying lack of pathfinding ability. My psychic lost her job when she'd already gotten to Medium status because she was trapped in the bathroom. The maid and an unruly guest blocked both entrances, and I didn't blast a hole in the wall fast enough. In another scenario, a guest came into my kitchen, faced the fall, and refused to move. She in fact fell asleep against the wall. Once again, I had to make a hole in my house for her to escape.

Pathfinding aside, though, the game is enormously addictive and I haven't been to bed before 3am since it has entered the house. The person to whom I gave it as a gift is experiencing the exact same problem. Sure, you can argue, is a high-school-band-teacher *really* a step up from being a lounge singer? By the time you're a Rock Star, with a huge pool and a bar in your back yard, you don't really care. It's just amazingly fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Livin' large is great and Fun!
Review: This game deseves to be game of the year! It is fun and a great expantion!!!Buy it Geurinteid to be satisfied

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the sims are livin' large
Review: this game is one of the best games I have ever played. this game should win the award for game of the year like its counter part the sims. disipointed sims fan gives people like him a bad name he has no right to dis this game like that. i think only people should only do good revirus.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Livin' Large Just a tune up for SimsVille
Review: When Sim City was originally released in 1991, it changed the way we looked at computer games. When Sim City 2000 came out in 1994, we were astonished by it's beauty and complexity. When 'The Sims' crashed into the Number 1 spot of 1999 and stayed there through most of 2000, you just knew you had to get it. Now, Livin' Large expands on the concept of 'The Human Zoo' and makes the game even more fun and complex. With up to 5 neighborhoods to build, and dozens of new objects, walls, and floor to build with (real people don't spend all day downloading objects that don't work from fan sites ) I doubt you'll need to buy another game until the promise of SimsVille is fulfilled. Complete with all of the updates, you can fly and never land. I highly recommend the companion Prima hint book if you hadn't planned on getting it. It's worth the price just for the humor and cheat codes.

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