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The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Beautiful game. The best?
Review: I agree I didn't hink Livin' Large would be THIS good, but it's better. This is probably the best game ever. Who ever says this game stinks is, well...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Christian parents beware!!
Review: I think it is very important to point out to anybody thinking of purchasing this add on for their child, that this game might not be suitable for a Christian family or children under 18. For example, the game includes a vibrating bed which enables your Sims to shed their clothes, roll around on the bed quite suggestively, and the next thing you know a Sims baby appears. Also, Christian parents might not care for the scary looking grim reaper, voodoo dolls, and crystal balls included in the game either. I am single and Catholic. If I had children interested in software games like this one, I would definitely appreciate being told about the content before I made the mistake of bringing it into my house. Hoped I helped someone here.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims: Livin' Large and Livin' Better!!!!
Review: I didn't think that it was possible to make The Sims any better then it already was, but with the release of Livin' Large, I was proven wrong! This expansion pack has made the game 100% better then it was (if you can believe that!) and even more fun to play. Not only are there tons of new items, new scenerios and new decorating styles, but now there are FOUR new neighborhoods, to give you a total of 50 houses you can build! The possibilities are endless! Trust me, if you loved the original Sims, you will ADORE Livin' Large!!! I have been an avid lover of the Sims games (Sim City 1, 2000 and 3000, Sim Tower, Sim Farm, etc...) for many years, and now I am anxiously awaiting the release of Sim Town!!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: I'm Disappointed.
Review: I love the Sims and I'm addicted to the game. However, I expected the Livin Large add-on pack to have better furniture, walls, and other objects. The stuff that is on there is kind of stupid. There's too many castle objects and the carpets & walls are downright tacky. The only thing I really like about Livin Large is the new clothes and character skins. This game is definitely not worth the 30 bucks.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If you have an awesome cheat code for the Sims....beware!
Review: Love the add-on but was taken aback when I could no longer use my awesome cheat codes to obtain more financial support for my Sims, etc. I truly enjoy the new characters, Sim skins, etc. I also noticed that some of the employment opportunties earned less money than in the original Sims game. I am disappointed that the Sims never seem to get a day off and also have cockroaches showing up, even in the cleanest houses. Definitely purchase this, if you don't mind not being able to use the cheat codes for the original game. Sooner or later, they'll come out with new ones.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: this i a wonderful expansion pack for your sims game
Review: Hi bought this expansion pack about a week ago.and i was hook to it. Some people have been real disoppointed in it caues it did not have very many down to earth stuff in it.but i think its a great game i mean if it did not have that stuff in it,it would not be a game and it keeps prople intrested with it i played on it for like 4or5 hours when i got it,i was playing into the night. you can act out robin hood, romeo and juliet and others. it has more funny stuff in it like you can turn into a zombie if you die are you can play for sims's life with the grim reaper. you can make potions and have a evile clone or turn into a frankastin. you can have a genie that could give you a yard full of flamingos if you ask for money. you can make a hanted castal or are a wild part house or you can make exloding gromes and use them on unexpacted guest, jobs like a hacker orslacker,and even get a vist from the tragic clown. This game is endless fun and its for everyone in the family.i give this game a 5star caues thats all they give you but i would give it a big 10. YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE SIMS GAME TO PLAY IT!. so if you dont have eihter maybe its time you did just remember if your one of thoses people who is always busy i would not get this game it takes up alot of your time caues its so much fun. BUY IT NOW! thanks :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wonderful, Ecstatic, Incredible, But...
Review: "My name is Bill and I am a Sims Addict". This is the new logo for people who are suffering from the Sims Disease, which I am. I quit for awhile, then I went back on the computer. And just when I thought I had it made, BLAM!, this new extension pack comes out. Before you buy it, I would like to tell you a few things.

1. You WILL have to go out and buy the original SIMS to use this software. It is an "Extension Pack". What some people call a "patch for a game".

2. You will get FOUR new SIMS universes. Now only the original universe or neighborhood and one other have people (and, no, for the second there are no familys or people waiting in hybrination)

3. I'm a businessman in the first universe, like I was before. And nothing has really changed! Expect I have a much much better chair that is quite cheap. This is new. But outside of that, one can discern no real difference. I did try the coo-coo clock. Which is new. But it was too loud and I got rid of it. I went back to the old alarm clock.

4. The next neighbood has only 1 new family (the Matsuga's). 2 new people. That's it. I am playing in two games now. Note: Its really just five seperate games. Just two empty houses in the second. And the third, fourth, and fifth are just like the original game except all you have is the original landscape. Some of the empty lots are cheaper, I believe. And the Matsuga Family is wild! It's just that I don't want to spend 200 Simoleans for something that is "cute".

5. I created a new game in the second universe. With a ball player uniform, I picked 1 of the new career tracks as a "Slacker". I was a golf caddy and now I work at a Fast Convience Store. I must make lots of contacts. And there are only the Matsuga's. So I guess I will have to create many more Sims as a "Slacker". You have to build your own house in this one (SECRET: About a month ago, I found out that you only have to build a bathroom for your Sims family! Put all other items except shower and toilet on the grass. Doesn't make much difference until you collect many thousand Simoleans. You can even have guests!).

6. If you are new to the SIMS, buy both the "Sims" original AND this "Expansion Package". Just get it over with. I know that this is REALLY "THE SIMS 2ND EDITION". But just get it over with.

Good luck! And see you at the 12-Steps Sims Recovery Meeting.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Awesome!
Review: This expansion pack arrived just in time! My boyfriend and I played THE SIMS nonstop for the first few months we owned it. We built our dream houses and rose to the top our Simian careers but after awhile...things got a little dull in the neighborhood.

We quit our jobs, seduced our neighbors, and even resorted to luring friends over and starving them to death! Things were not going well.

The new skins, careers, and stuff are fantastic! If you own and enjoyed THE SIMS you have to order this pack today. As an added bonus, when we installed the expansion pack, some old program glitches (e.g. that bag of chips that gets stuck on the floor or piles of garbabe the maid never "sees") were resolved.

I'm having a lot of fun with this and can't wait for the next update!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Yay! More Sims
Review: Initially I wasn't impressed when I installed the lastest Sims add-on. "Great, different colored couches". However, after half an hour of exploring I discovered some of the new items. You've got to admit that day-to-day life of Sims can get pretty dull, but the new items make it much more interesting. Robots! Chemistry lab! Genies! Cockroaches! and more! Overall "Livin' Large" is well worth it to buy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sims Livin' Large your in Charge
Review: Livin' Large with you in charge. This game is the best! The new items like chem sets and crystal balls make the possibilities endless and the easter eggs that are found are ones that won't leave anyone dissapointed. By the way easter eggs as in hidden secrets not literally.

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