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The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Expansion Pack!
Review: I had a lot of fun playing the original release of The Sims, and found it to be an addictive little game. After a while, the game lost some of it's appeal and faded away from my list of regularly played PC games. Then the 'Livin Large' expansion came out and pumped new life into the old game. The addition of the new career paths was great (I especially enjoyed following the paranormalist career path). The inclusion of death (represented by the Grim Reaper visiting your Sims homes and taking loved ones away) and alien abduction (anybody seen Scully?) were also great touches. The Genie and crystal ball were interesting as well. With the 'Livin Large' expansion pack, and the increasing number of skins and objects to download from the Net, this game has a very high replay value. Maxis seems to have outdone themselves this time with this Sim game.

Should I be worried that my Sims are living better than I am? ;-)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims Livin' LARGE
Review: This game really hit the big time!! It has so many more things to do, see, and and use. I would reccomend this game to anyone that thought The Sims was great.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Rocks
Review: this game rocks I hesitated to buy it at first because it didn't sound as realistic but it is great. i would advise everyone to buy it

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If you even just like The Sims, you will love this!
Review: This game rocks! You have more stuff, more characters, more neighborhoods, more space for wallpaper and floors, and just plain more everything! It is perfect for a family to play. My sister and I love it. She can completely simulate her own neighborhood while I do the same. Also, we both can set up more situations, like a MacBeth Sim! We can have as many walls as we like and we don't have to worry that our fave wall will have dissapeared. If you like the Sims, you will LOVE Livin' Large!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Teenage game lover
Review: I was happy to hear that Maxis was coming out with an add on so I preordered it. I love it!! It soo much fun!! The colors are great and the people are fun. I love all the new jobs and the new wall paper. I think that MAxis did a great job and the people that dont like it have issues. It is totally worth the thirty dollers!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best!
Review: Hi I'm 11 years old and when my grandparents got me The Sims I loved it. I downloaded all the objects from the Maxis web site...., and others to make the sims more better. Then I heard of The Sims: Livin Large and I had to get it. When my mom went and looked before it was only $17.99 at a Wal-Mart but when she got home I called and they were all sold out already! Now they went back up to $30.00. I have to say it's well worth it they have over 180 new objects. The only thing that stinks is that most of the "new" skins ar stupid or work clothes, but the new jobs are awsome!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Must Have
Review: In regaurds to the person who said the cheat code didn't work for this game I have to say to go right back out and buy it. Just type in rosebud since the game is now patched. This is definitely worth the tirty bucks! I love the genie and all the new house designs. I was starting to get bored of the same old same old in decorating my houses. I love how it has the 4 additional neighborhoods. I can't stop playing this game. If your looking for something to amuse you for more than twenty minutes, I highly recommend this game for you.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Bad and Good Points
Review: I enjoyed playing the older version of the Sims, I bought the 2nd new version a few weeks ago and was overwhelmed at 1st. The Sims eatting noise is very annoying, though I could have turned off the sound in the game. Another gripe is it's more eye candy, it does teach you a person sometimes how to make friends and such. But with eye candy of new job skins, it's like a race to see what they look like. The good points is more neighborhoods to build more Sim houses, the genie lamp does help and the crystal ball does give you a few more points for each trait. The buidling of the pool is a semi-bad thing, if a Sim gets lonely in the red bar zone, I tell them to call on of their friends, they do and than they head to the pool and spend all day while thier poor friend is still waiting by the front door. You need so many pool ladders, and they still do not climb out to meet a friend or even get to the car pool. The other items are great, the machine shop and chem-lab and such. Though I agree with some other reviews, just download the items to your 1st Sim game. I would give it more stars, but it seems the game get's to be a memory hog on the hard drive. Making me take out some of my other favorite games.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: More fun with the Sims
Review: The Livin' Large expansion pack gives you more jobs (such as Hacker or Slacker), more house items (tribal masks and magic lamps), more skins (you can play Romeo & Juliet, or Sherlock & Watson), and more opportunities for mischief (several items can change your life when used). It also has 5 more neighborhoods (mostly blank) for more saved games.

However, I will agree with the parent who noted that this expansion pack isn't really appropriate for children, as it has some questionable additions (the vibrating bed, as well as many occultic "magical" items). Maybe EA should come out with a Livin' Clean expansion pack that has job tracks such as Seminary Student (eventually becomes the pope?)? :)

This expansion pack revitalizes The Sims when you may be tired of the same old situations, and gives you many more fun options for play. I'd highly recommend it for any mature player who LOVES The Sims and is ready to kick it up a notch.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: lets talk sims
Review: The Sims Livin' Large is a very well thought out expansion pack but its nothing special. The new items are very imaginative but not very interesting. the new jobs are very good ideas but they are pretty mediocre once you advance. The new nieghbourhoods are usfull but are all identical in setting. Maxis could have put alot more time into this expansion pack and i would have been great. But dont get me wrong its a good expansion pack just could be better. The Sims is amazing without it so dont go spending $30 or so, wait for the price to shrink to about $20.

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