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The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

The Sims Livin' Large Expansion Pack

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is way too much fun
Review: Let me warn you now, if you buy this game, you will spend all day long playing it! All night! Sleep, what's that? Meals? Well, just like your Sim families, you will have to remind yourself to do the daily necessities and eat and sleep and all that, because you will become addicted to this game! The additional neighborhoods are great fun, the genie lamp is wonderful, and the sad clown? Well, let me just tell you now that there is a download for that online so that the clown will go away...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Excellent, but after time...
Review: This is an unbelievacly excellent expansion pack. It is not, however a brand new game. I find when playing the sims - expansion pack or not, time rushes right by and before you know it, it's been four or five hours. The playing of the game is more or less the same, though characters can experience "the sexual act of love". Other than that, the main changes are all in build and buy mode. The build means more windows, doors, etc. etc., and buy mode includes lots of new items, like Servo (live-in maid/chef/repairman), rockets, crystal balls, genies (which can determine many things of love, loss, and cockaroaches) and many new cute pieces of furniture. Also, there are lots of excellent new skins - I mean EXCELLENT, and that is a whole new reason, for me, to buy the game. If you find the building/buying/creating part the most fun, this is going to be completely awesome for you, and if you prefer just living, then it won't be nearly as good for you, but still excellent. So my advice is to get it, although I am warning you that the polish does wear off and it plays almost the same, but play it, love it, and get on with life as Bob Newbie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I love it and I have actually played it!
Review: I like this game and this add-on pack is great. I do a lot of work on this game and have even come up with my own skins, furniture etc, etc. This add-on pack is the great and gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Has a solution (kinda) to that pesky problem with your spouse burning down your house and you dying. Now you can wager your life with the grim reaper. Servo is ok.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: "Living Large" is pretty good
Review: I would have to say first of all this game is probably worth your money. It adds so much to the game it will add hours of game play. Most of the new objects tend to hurt your sims more than they help, well, atleast the fun ones. If you haven't bought "The Sims" yet and are considering buying it and the expansion pack wait until they combine them in a "The Sims Gold" or something. It isn't worth seventy dollars to buy them induvidually. All in all if you like playing the sims, but are getting a little bored, then by all means buy this game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BUY, BUY, BUY!!!
Review: Well, how do I start? First of all, this exspansion pack has the best stuff! My sister and I loved it right off the bat. We now have five neighborhoods instead of just one, and tons more items to buy. I heard about this from a friend of mine, and she gave me a useful hint that I should share with you if you plan to buy this: If the crying clown pays you a visit, ask him to leave immeadiatly or he will stay!!! Don't ask. Anyway, the genie is awesome, although you should put a smoke alarm over that jacuzzi tub! :-) PLus, the Grim Reaper is awesome, and you can even try and reclaim your loved ones from the realm of the dead. The game is so striahgtfoward and easy, that even a six year old could manage it....although the content might not be siutable! (you'll see what I mean when you buy the Heart Bed). I hope you'll take my suggestion, and BUY THIS GAME NOW!!!!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Expansion by adding stuff but not functionalities
Review: Expansion pack is nice if you like the base game, The Sims. I have bought both at the same time hoping for the best, based on other reviews. Previously have played the Simcity 2000 and Simcity 3000 and have enjoyed both to a great extent. Unfortunately it is easier to create a good game about how to build a city than a game dealing with people's personal life. Basically if you believe that life is all about getting stuff and more stuff, then you may enjoy The Sims. At least for a while. Expansion pack was needed for this game, because sooner or later you will get bored with your current stuff and will need novelty to keep you going. That's where the Expansion pack comes handy, with tons of new and different stuff. But if you want a little more than that, then this game shows its shortcomings. You cannot control the environment at work. Your Sim just dissappears from the screen when he/she goes to work and comes back after work home with a daily paycheck. In order to advance with their career (to make more money to buy more stuff or just because you're the career type) your Sim has to be in a good mood, which depends if he/she eats, baths, sleeps enough. Your main activity in this game is to make sure that all these needs are fulfilled all the time. The Sims need lots of time with each activity and may just refuse to do what you tell them (in order to satisfy their needs). One of the important needs is contact with other people. Your Sim cannot go and visit other neighbors, they have to come to you. For that reason to enlarge the pool of your Sim's friends you depend on whoever comes to your house. Another words, if you, the prospective buyer, consider yourself as an active type who likes to control what is going on, then you may find yourself dissapointed. If you like to go with the flow and just do your best and see what happens, then you probably will like this game. Just because that there is no other game like currently on the market, this is the best game you can get today (of this type). At the same time it proves that we still have to improve the technology (speed and memory)in order to handle the complexities of a simulated human life. Good game but keep your expectations at a modest level.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: For the price I expected more
Review: Yes, it's true there are new objects, patterns and career tracks, but none of it really changes the monotony of game play very much. Don't get me wrong; I really love the game, but after a few days, it gets really tedious. You know exactly what the outcomes of almost every action you take will be-- unlike real life! Skins and floor tiles are all over the Internet for free. Why didn't they incorporate more actions for the Sims, such as interacting with other Sims, random events, and going out to other places besides work? That would make gameplay more interesting-- not designing a "tacky love shack," or having a genie deposit roaches all over the house. On the upside, I do like a lot of the new products the Sims can buy, such as the telescope, the chemistry lab, and the Vibra-bed! Why not put hundreds more like that in there? I know it seems like I'm being negative. I do like the game; I just expected the Sims to be more different than it was after adding the expansion pack.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Read this before you buy!
Review: There is a problem with the CD not working on alot of CD drives. You should check on the Sims website to make sure you don't have one of those drives.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The NEW Sim on the block!!
Review: I didn't think that they could expand on the best computer game of the century!! Well, even though it is a new century. 8^) This game is the best out on the market.....the addition of new items, new jobs and best of all, an improved download, importing, exporting and walls, items, floors, and houses make this buy worth it!! If you pass this add-on pack up, then you ddin't need to buy the first as you really didn't like the game. If you like the first, you NEED this!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: If I had a chance to play it once in a while..
Review: I'd have more to say about this if my girlfriend would let me near my computer to play it occasionally. Instead, she has taken it over for herself. Sims is a highly addictive game to begin with and the new toys you get with Livin' Large just make it that much worse. The only thing I didn't like is that the free-money cheat code gives a lot less money now..

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