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Zoo Tycoon

Zoo Tycoon

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fun and Entertaining Game For the Whole Family!
Review: What a great way to spend (...)! I love these games where I get to run the world and Zoo Tycoon makes it even better because now I take care of animals. If that isn't enough, I also get to make a profit as I run my own zoo, watch my animals have babies, make designer animals pens and more! This game is easy to play and a lot of fun. There are also a lot of extras out on the net so make sure you press the convenient "Check for Downloads" button on the main screen. It automatically checks the net for updates and downloads them into the correct directories for easy use. Great feature!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Zoo Tycoon is a winner
Review: Zoo Tycoon is a great game for all ages. This is a very simple idea where you get the hang of it fairly quick and design your own zoo. The scenarios are challenging, the concept is fun, and if you like games where you get to design as you go along this game is a winner.

The only downfall I have noticed so far is the rare occurrence of the graphics being just a bit choppy.

This game is quite addictive because it is so enjoyable. It is definitely worth the cost. I look forward to an expansion at some point!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A major bug in the program
Review: This could've been a pretty cool game, but I've become frustrated with it in just one week because of a software glitch.
It seems that after you've been running your zoo for a while, you start getting messages that your guests are hungry or thirsty, even if you've added plenty of food and drink stands for them. Although there is a downloadable patch which is meant to address this probelm (...), it didn't work on my system. And the problem multiplies - soon the animals are hungry, even though their zookeepers are right there, and should be feeding them.
It seems to me that even if it HAD worked, it's a little unfair to expect users to have to go download a patch just to make the game work. Microsoft should never have released it with a problem this obvious. Have they not heard of playtesting?
My recommendation is to WAIT until an updated version has been put on the market before buying it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't waste your money....
Review: This is a very poor knock-off of Roller Coaster Tycoon (some of the details of game play are so close, in fact, it makes me wonder...), except that the close-up graphics are terrible, and it's very boring. It also takes too much time to get a "ride" up and running - by the time you do, your other animals will have died from neglect! Animal sounds are decent, but, overall, game sound is VERY boring - there needs to be more of it. It's really a shame, as the idea of this game has great potential. Yet, just another case of Microsoft trying to capitalize on someone elses success. In this case, they've failed terribly. Don't waste your money - I did.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A winner for all types of gamers
Review: This is an excellent little game in the style of Rollercoaster Tycoon. It is quite suitable for children or non-gamers, because of its simple interface and unobjectionable content. However, it kept this long-time game player riveted for many hours.

You are in charge of a zoo, and the animals and guests are your primary concern. You'll spend most of your time making the animals happy, as guests are pleased primarily by happy, well-adjusted animals. The great cats are notoriously hard to please, but all animals have their demands - from a certain type of terrain, to toys, to shelters. You also have to consider the most suitable fence type to keep your lions away from your Thomson's gazelles. The most difficult portion of the game strategically is raising the money to afford all of these improvements.

The game includes both scenarios and free-form maps. I prefer the scenarios as they offer a challenge - for example, build a zoo with at least 6 different endangered species within 12 months. There are cheatcodes available to give you unlimited money, which could be fun in free-form mode to build one's perfect vision of a zoo. Imagine that you're building Disney's Animal Kingdom or your favorite local childhood zoo and you have the idea.

Microsoft/Blue Fang have released a number of updates to the game, including new exotic creatures. They also included a bug-reporting feature. If you do experience a crash, Zoo Tycoon will upload information to Microsoft for troubleshooting.

This game exceeds efforts of similar games, such as SimSafari. Its mass appeal makes it an excellent Christmas gift, and it's definitely suitable for children as well as adults. You won't have to worry about unnecessary violence or sexual content here - although the animals do produce offspring, there is no hint of how they did so. And if the lions do leap the fence and eat your gazelles, you won't be seeing any blood spatter. The lack of these elements doesn't spoil gameplay, while making the game stand out as a game that parents can feel comfortable sharing with their kids.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: To mauch crashing
Review: I enjoy playing the game and making the animal enclosures, especially with the Shift 4 money cheat so I can just build...build...build. However, I recommend saving OFTEN. THe game will suddenly crash for no apparent reason. Another wonderful microsoft creation. I was half way through a scenerio the other night and forgot to save and the game crashed. It can be very frustrating. Other than that its a pretty neat game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good-natured fun
Review: I am totally hooked on Zoo Tycoon - it's intuitive, easy to learn, and loads of fun. The animal graphics are adorable - I love to watch my kangaroos hop around and my polar bear swimming in his pool. Or, if I'm feeling mean, I can drop a zebra or two into the lion exhibit. The only problem I have with the game is that you can't move objects once they are placed - you have to delete and replace them. I guess I'm spoiled from The Sims. Still, this is a versatile and addictive game which I think almost anyone would enjoy (except my luckless zebras, of course).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A best game that i have and the best game ever
Review: when i start this game...i was soooo happy that this is the game that i was looking for and this game is rocks..i like this game alot..:)

is you like stratergy games..youll like this game for sure..

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Big yawn.
Review: While this game had an interesting concept, it falls short very quickly. I do consider this game to be the most boring one I have ever fallen prey into buying.

By the time I was finished with the tutorial, my time with it was done. I did go back in and try a couple scenarios and free play, just to see if I was too harsh - but I was not.

The game has almost no fun factor, and there is nothing to drive you to play. Building an exhibit takes far too long time, and I always just find myself asking the in-game zoo keeper's advice: "Too much sand, not enough dirt" after every change I make to the show. And if you want to try to create a multiple-animal habitat, forget it!

I think the only fun I really had was the first time I put a lion in the camel pen.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An absolute joy! :)
Review: Unlike some tycoon games which are a bit too tedious and require a lot of time and patience, Zoo Tycoon is so easy to get into and very entertaining and enjoyable fun for all ages.

It has it's flaws (don't most games?!) but at the end of the day, I haven't played a game this enjoyable for a long time.

Build your zoo, look after it, keep the animals happy and get funding to buy the more rarer animals...
The animals look and sound great even though they are very small graphics (A sequel could improve on this and allow to take a closer look at them, and maybe an even more bigger variety of animals)...

At the end of the day, Zoo Tycoon is one of those games which make you wonder why they don't make more of this sort of thing...

Highly recommended! :)

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