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Zoo Tycoon

Zoo Tycoon

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great!!
Review: i love this game!! i begged my mom to get me this and when it finally did come, well, you can geuss what happend.i have about 20 games now!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Loads O' Fun from A to Zoo :)
Review: Remember how a excited you would be as a kid to go to the zoo?

Now imagine how exciting it would be to design a zoo! Now thank Microsoft and BlueFang for having created a game that allows you to do just that in a simple, yet highly entertaining manner.

What's great about this game?
* everything
* lots of animals to choose from (new animals can be downloaded from the internet)
* educational (you can learn about the animals as you build your zoo)
* challenging, fun scenarios to play (which don't resemble each other - and don't have to be played in order)
* the management (business) aspect is realistic, yet not overwhelming
* fun stalls and other items to add to your zoo (for augmenting your income)
* putting compatible animals together can increase the attractiveness of the exhibit (and add to your challenge as a zoo keeper)
* "moody" animals keep you busy with their moaning and groaning
* animal toys may help appease some of the aforementioned animals
* updates automatically by connecting to the internet (a nice touch)
* a flying santa appears at Christmas time (just for laughs!)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A Fun Game But Gets Boring Fast
Review: I downloaded the demo, and I thought the game was good. Then I got the full version and it was better. But although there are many animals to choose from and many features, it does get boring fast. Everything just seems so repetative. A zoo may not of been the best choice for the next tycoon game. Wait untill it's [less money] unless you love zoos.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good for the Animal Lover
Review: This game is fun at first with its detail graphics, colorful zoo objects and excellent animation. The player gets a fair amount of animals, plants and settings to start out with, and more options with progress. The panda is the last animal to be available for adoption and by then you have every other possible thing for the guests. Eventually you come to a point where it's confusing to keep track of your animals and hard to satisfy your customers without going broke. This is a very laid back sort of game with only a slightly challenging goal. It lacks the competition and excitement that would keep you coming back for more. In the long run the game becomes boring and predictable. Even after you've tried all the wrong things just to see what would happen.

Zoo Tycoon is your average educational game with the same average entertainment value. It's nice for those who have a big interest in animals. Try getting it used if you can.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best game in the world
Review: There's only one way to describe Zoo Tycoon: great! Here are some reasons I think Zoo tycoon is a great game: it's challenging, it has a large animal selection, it has a large plant selection, and it has neat interactive features. For instance, if your fence falls apart, or if you're just plain weird and delete the fence on purpose, the animals in that exhibit will escape and your guest's will start screaming and will run out of your zoo. Or if your guest's are unhappy your zoo will start to lose money.

All in all, Zoo Tycoon is a really great game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Cute, Fun and Easy to Control
Review: What a cute game! If you don't know, it's a Sim game based on creating a zoo that inhabitable for animals and fun for adults. It's a little more realistic than the usual park games and not so tedious, either.

First the good: the graphics aren't too bad -- they're just not like Quake. The animals are very cute and when they have babies they're just adorable. You have a number of additions to your zoo to decorate and entertain your audience. Speaking of guests, that's probably one of the better points of the game. In playing SimRollercoaster, I got very sick of how repetitious it was to send guards after delinquents almost every 5 minutes (meaning, it was just expected after awhile and got very boring.) Here, the guests act more like guests. You don't have mass riots break out (unless an animal escapes, obviously) and the most of you have to worry about is bathrooms and food stands. Once that's in place, it's easier to concentrate on your exhibits rather than the fact that guest #1245 is pissed because there isn't any drink stand within 10 feet of him (although there's one 15 feet away.) This isn't the case at all. The guests roam around, take photos and buy stuff without vomiting or getting angry (like the system tells it to.) It's a little more realistic and fun to play.

On the program itself, I was VERY surprised how well it loaded and how fast! First thing it did was scan my system (quickly) to make sure I was compatible. Usually with games, I have to run some type of diagnostic within the game disc, but this was different. Also, it loaded within 10 seconds. Most of the time, the games I buy take a full minute (such as the Sims or American McGee's Alice which takes a minutes inbetween boards) I barely have time to grab a drink before it says: What do you want to do?

The downsides would be some of the glitches. Very few, mind you, but they can be annoying. I find that the keepers have a hard time walking -- period. They sometimes walk in place for a second and my exhibits fill up with "poo" that they neglect to clean up right away. But, I'm expecting a patch which I'm sure they'll put out sometime soon. Otherwise, it runs just fine. Makes sense, though if you think about it, here's a software company putting out a game that is directly compatible with their platform. Who better to put out a game than a programming company?

All in all, cute game. Very much an "artsy" type of Sim game where the player concentrates on the look and management of the park rather than the rides. Pretty fun.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Zoo Tycoon Rocks
Review: I would recommend this game to anyone who enjoys Sim City or any games similar to that. The best things about this game are some of the little details. I was thrilled when some of my animals started having babies! It was also cool to see the great variety of animals and props I could get for my zoo. You get to creat everything in your zoo from the types of trees that are around to the kind of sidewalk that makes up the path. You can also build your zoo in different settings like the moon or Mars. It's great for kids, too!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Zoo Tycoon Good, but not Great
Review: Zoo Tycoon is a great game for strategy, but lacks a certain something. Sometimes the updates don't work and it isn't very realistic.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Game
Review: Probably one of the best games that I have used, is Microsoft Zoo Tycoon.

The features are excellent, program interface is easy and self explanatory, and plenty of fun!

As with every new game, there are certainly a few "bugs" to iron out, but that shouldn't stop anyone from buying this game. Seems like it is a lot better than some of those other "tycoon" games I have heard about...If you're looking for hours (or days!) of fun, buy this game!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: BOOOOOO!!!! IT didn't work on my computer!!!!
Review: i got this game for christmas and it didnt work, but i played it at my friend's and it was really fun i wish i could get it to work!!!

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