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Zoo Tycoon

Zoo Tycoon

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Lots of fun!
Review: Zoo Tycoon was lots of fun! I couldn't wait to start making my own zoo. There are a pretty good variety of animals and plants-and a lot of things for your visitors. I thought it was funny when you see a tour guide, they usually have a pack of people behind them. :) It's fun for a very long time, but after a while it does get kind of boring because your people get bored of your zoo. And it's a little frustrating when you try and try and try to get your zookeepers to clean up the animals' "poo". Other than that, this game is a LOT of fun!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best zoo I've ever been to...
Review: There are plenty of scenarios to keep you busy for a while, but having completed all of those, I'm having the most fun in sandbox mode, creating fantasy zoos.

Be forewarned, however--having provided a home for all of these magnificent animals, you must devote yourself to their continued happiness. If you don't, they will let you know. Some of them will express their displeasure by attacking your guests, which has quite an effect on the overall mood, which directly relates to your profits.

There are tons of cheats on the internet for this game. Of course, I know you would never use them in the scenarios, but a couple hundred thousand extra bucks >:. come in real handy when constructing the zoo of your dreams.

I eagerly await the dinosaur expansion for this game, available sometime in Summer 2002.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Want to play a game that will keep you busy for hours?
Review: I did my zookeeper internship at Roger Williams Zoo in Providence, Rhode Island and worked as a docent (tour guide) for 5 years. I'm currently in grad school for Animal Nutrition and this game is right up my alley! It keeps me interested and I don't get bored because not only are there more than 30 animals you can adopt, you can add all kinds of scenery that will keep the guests coming back, happy & donations coming in. There are also several different zoo scenes from which to choose. The instructions are very easy & if you make any wrong moves, prompts guide you along. You won't be wasting your money with this game.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Mediocre
Review: This game is very entertaining, however the novelty wears off fast. Once you make maybe two zoos, it's like the same over and over. It's a lot like SimCity in that of the redundancy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: zoo tycoon a must buy!
Review: ...it is totally adictive.

u start off by the practice game 2 get u started and then u can play freeform! with soo much 2 do (caring 4 your animals, building exhibits, restraunts, reptile houses, water fountains,gift shops, elephant rides) u wil always be playing on it no matter what!

the music is really cool and if you get bored of building your own zoo try the sceniros.(u have 2 do the tasks they want in a limited time only.)
oh and becarful cos if your animals r not happy lots of terrible things happen so beware!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: No different from other sim games

The game allows you to manage your very own zoo. You buy animals, cages for the animals, concession stands, exhibits, etc. In addtion to buying things, you also get to hire staff to work for you.

The graphics are excellent! However, theat's the only good thing about this game.

What I don't like about the game is that when you buy something and try to place it somewhere, you can't rotate it clockwise/counterclockwise; you have to rotate the screen if you want your purchased item to face the right way--this is really frustrating.

Another element I don't like about the game: When people really starts to pile in to your zoo, the pace of the game slows down. The box that came with the game says that your PC must have speed of at least 300 mhz; if the speed of your PC is less than that, the game will go really slow once the crowd pours in.

The game is very fun to play when you first start out, but it gets boring extremely fast. If you want a really fun sim game, I suggest getting "The Sims" and its expansion packs.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great family game
Review: I got this for my 6 year old who loves animals thinking that she would get into it down the road. We play now at least 4 times weekly and my 4 year old joins in. We have built fairly complex scenario's and I am now only needed to read some of the comments. They list mild violence, but that is only if you break down the walls on purpose and let animals eat guests. We just never do that. I am amazed at the things that my daughter comes up with to build. It allows great creativity and hours of fun for us all.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Zoo Tycoon Rocks
Review: I got Zoo Tycoon a couple weeks ago for my birthday and now I'm addicted to it. The animals look so real and act like real animals. All the animals except the giraffe are easy to take care of. The giraffe is really picky and you have to change their terrain every five minutes. It's really cool because you have to build your own zoo, hire workers to take care of your animals and your zoo. It's nothing like roller coaster tycoon were you have to do a scenerio, on zoo tycoon you can play freeform and get up to 500,000. I always get in trouble by my mom because I wont get off the computer! The only thing I dont like that it takes forever to get the panda bear. But other than that its a really cool game and I would reccomend this game to anyone who likes zoo's and animals!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Get's Really Old...
Review: I enjoyed this game, for the first HOUR and a half... Then I got really tired of just cleaning up dung, and having people NOT go to some exhibits. It doesn't have a very friendly interface. THe only thing I enjoyed was letting the cages break, and having the animals 'chase' the people.Saddly, thatwas the funnest part.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Realistic graphics and fun to play
Review: Zoo Tycoon is a really good sim game. You are in charge of building and maintaining a zoo. There are two gameplay options: Freeform games and Challenges/scenarios. In the freeform games you can build the zoo the way you want to, from a choice of areas. You can choose an animal and put in in an exhibit. Then you've got to make the exhibit suitable for the animal. There are lots of animals to choose from and you can also download more from the internet (within the game).
In the challenges, you've got to meet the criteria within a time limit (for example a 12 month period) and if you complete it you get access to more challenges.
There are lots of ways in which you can make your zoo attractive for the guests, by building scenery and also attractions such as Elephant Rides, Avaries and Compost Buildings!
The graphics are good and realistic too, and you can build from 4 angles. The whole game (including graphics) resembles Rollercoaster Tycoon. If you like strategy games or zoos, it's definitely worth buying.

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