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Zoo Tycoon

Zoo Tycoon

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The Good & The Bad
Review: This is one of those games that hooks you for the first few days. You know the kind? You spend countless hours playing it and working hard to master it, only to find that you stop playing it a week later and never play it again? This is one of those. It was very entertaining going through the various scenarios. You have to go through all of the easier ones to unlock the harder ones. The easy ones were VERY easy, but then I got to one that almost seemed impossible. I ended up getting cheat codes hoping to get past that scenario and move on... But once you get the cheat codes it ruins the game.
Bottom line, if you value your dollars, I wouldn't buy this game. You may like it in the beginning and play it alot the first week, but in the end, you'll put this game on a shelf and never touch it again.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Rollercoaster Tycoon fans will love this.
Review: Microsoft finally did something right! Zoo Tycoon is quite a good game. It's a lot like Rollercoaster Tycoon. There are various scenarios where you must build a zoo and ensure that you've a certain number of exhibts, get a certain number of guests, etc. There's also a freeform mode that's quite fun. I bought this as a bundle with Monopoly Tycoon, and this is most certainly the better of the two.
The one thing that I didn't like is that the interface is a bit slow at times, and it can be a bit confusing. Overall, for the fans of Rollercoaster tycoon, and like games (Sim City, etc.), would like this game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome
Review: This game is really addicting. You have all sorts of new foliage, shops, buildings, and other scenery that is all related to dinosaurs. There are also 2 new staff members, scientists who take care of dinosaurs, (scientists can only take care of dinosaurs and zoo keepers can only take care of animals) and the DRT (Dinosaur Recovery Team) in case a dino escapes.
The game is also kinda funny. One time my T-rex escaped and it crushed a bathroom and there was a guy sitting there on the tiolet like in Jurassic Park.
Here are the Pros and Cons of this game:

-dinosaurs make game interesting and really addictive
-guests aren't idiots who get lost if they walk off the path
-very entertaining when dinosaurs escape

-to turn animals and dinosaurs "snap" instead of a smooth turn
-maintence workers sometimes are dumb

Overall this game is a whole lot of fun and if you ever wanted to make your own Jurassic Park then your wish has been granted!

O, and watch out if your adult T-rex escapes or it'll eat guests and staff members!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Zoo Tycoon is Worth the Money!
Review: I bought Zoo Tycoon after a friend told me she liked it. Now I am addicted to it! You can name your zoo, hire workers, adopt animals, and use lots of neat items to build the ultimate zoo. Animals will be unhappy if you have the wrong kind of habitat for them. You can tell if your animal is sick, hungry, angry, or unhappy with its environment so you can know what the animal needs to be happy. If the animals are happy, so are the guests. You have to set up beverage and food stands and bathrooms so the guests will be happy. I don't regret buying this game and I still play it every day! Hope this helped!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Expansion.
Review: Zoo Tycoon by it's self is ok but Dinosaur Digs will blow your socks off.The objects alone are outstanding and trying to get a dino happy is next to impossible but fun trying.I'm a sim junkie and this game is number 2 next to my sims.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best Tycoon games ever!
Review: What can be better than running a zoo? When you start out you get a few animals like a Lion a thomas Gazelle and a few more. First you have to build a fence big enough for the animal to run around. Second you put an animal in it. If you put 1 girl animal and 1 boy animal they will have babies/baby.If you put 2 of the same kind they won't. Second you make an appropriate habitat for the animal. For instance, if you put a Lion you wouldn't put it in a rainforest atmosphere you would put it in a African atmosphere with sand and dirt and the certain kind of tree they like. Third , you have to put a toy so they can play and of course they have to have shelter. Also you need a zoo keeper to take care of the animals. You can also hire a person who picks up trash and empty garbage cans and fix things and you can also hire a tour guide. You also have to put food stands and souveiner stands so the customers don't complain. Sometimes it might get annoying because you have to shange the terrain alot because it gets trampled a lot by the animals. When you get farther in the game you get more and more animals and toys and shelters and trees and much much more. All in All I would have to say this is a 5 star game. Good Luck!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Fun but no Sims.
Review: I'm what you would call a sim junkie.Zoo Tycoon has cute graphics and the sound isn't bad but the lack of objects make it dull.They have a research department but after two years your done getting new stuff.If your looking to take a short vacation from your sims this game will help a little.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: This tycoon hits the big one.
Review: I am a kid but I get all great grades and know how to rate games. Zoo Tycoon is fun to fool around with. The graphics are good and you can easily access info. about your animals. My only problem is that after playing for a while, it isn't fun anymore. You already constructed a few exibits and there isn't much more to do. Your animals escape a few times and it starts to seem get boring just watching animals. Zoo Tycoon is a good game to borrow from a friend but I wouldn't really buy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Absolutely Wonderful!
Review: I was surprised at how much Blue Fangs (the game's creators) included in this expansion pack. And everything that they included, is of course, dinosaur related.

The interface has not changed much; they added three new buttons which allow you to toggle on/off buildings, foliage, and guests. In the Zoo Information Panel, there is an extra tab that allows you to see how all of your money-making concessions/gift shops are doing. It provides information on how many guests went to that particular shop and your average income.

If you have Zoo Tycoon already, get it!; If you don't and you like simulation/strategy games, I suggest that you buy the original Zoo Tycoon and also Dinosaur Digs -- it will be worth the money!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Get this if you have Zoo Tycoon
Review: This is a great addition to Zoo Tycoon. It lets you create your own "Jurassic Park", so to speak. It has a lot of cool dinosaurs and a few new fences. It's very fun to play. It's also very addicting, you won't wanna stop & time seems to fly by while you're playing this. Dinosaur Digs was a great concept and now a great expansion pack to an already fun game, thanks Blue Fang & Microsoft!

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