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Mech Warrior 4: Vengeance

Mech Warrior 4: Vengeance

List Price: $49.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: great games, for the non-perfectionists
Review: this is a GREAT game. I've loved every minute i've played on it. The gameplay is excellent, the new mech-lab gives different mech an identity, the graphics are good, the sounds are great, and it had alot more storyline then mech3 ever did. And on top of everything, the multi-player, the best part of the game, is very good as even u dial-up users won't have to worry about lag (unlike mech3, where u would have to shoot 4 mech-lengths in front of the mech in order to hit it because of the lag). However, u hardcore Mechwarrior fans may find some things about the game that aren't realistic or right, which is why im cutting it down to 4 stars. Heck, im one of them, but im not the perfectionist that SOME ppl are. ....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Very, very fun... but slow
Review: Okay. This isn't going to be a full-fledged review, as I did not have much time to play it when I did, so take that into consideration when reading. Overall, I found MechWarrior 4 to be thrilling --- it consumed my attention entirely. I found the graphics to be awesome, and the realism of movement was very nice. Essentially -- a wonderful game. I found one large drawback, however. As long as one was not involved in mutual combat (you're firing at an enemy and the enemy is firing back at you), the framerates were smooth. The moment I got involved in mutual combat, however, the framerates dropped so steeply that everything locked up for about 1-2 seconds --- not fun, epsecially for such a fast-paced game where every second counts. I was puzzled by the whole thing, since I was playing on a 1.7 GHz Pentium 4 with a 32MB Riva TNT card and 128 MB RAM (okay, not much RAM, considering, but come on). Now I am even more puzzled after having discovered that system requirements for the game are drastically below that of said machine. Hmph.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: MechWarrior 4 ROCKS
Review: I didn't know about MechWarrior 2 or 3 when I got this- I didn't even know what a 'Mech was. I started it, and the game is great, from the first mission (blowing up a base on the moon) to the last. All I can say is that it is by far, with no exceptions, the best game I have ever played (and believe me, I've played a lot). My advice is GET IT!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Did God Make this game?!
Review: This is a very FUN GAME! This game is by far the best MW game that is out. the bad thing is Single player= Easy. If you dont have internet. Then u dun wanna get this game. Multiplayer is challenging. Different modes such as : Capture the flag, Team attriction, Hide and Seek , Steal the Beacon, Attriction, Destruction, Team Destruction. I think i listed enough.

I have the xpac to this. But xpac is worse then the original.
Many Mechs to choose from. You can practicly make your own mechs.

For any newbs. If your wonderin how peeps are so good in team attriction and stuff. Just make yourself a Nova Cat with 7 er lrg lasers or a Daishi with 6 er lrg-a 15 lrm pack-2 clan gauss rifles and waste everyone.

But you still wanna try diff weapon combinations. Like i have a shadow cat with 2 er lrg and 1 eppc and a light gauss. and it rox.

If your a ... newbie. Get a vulture. and glue 5 20lrm packs on it and lock and fire.I wouldnt consider doin it though. its for sissys and sum ppl ban u for doin that.

This game has killer graphics. Its impossible to see what the hell is wrong with it. Lasers are enhanced in 3d too. The pulse lasers actually look and sound like pulse lasers.

A few new mechs. Nothing to serious though. there are to many things about this awsome game that i cant name em all.

Well thats my review. this game is worth the money
And its a Must buy

Id pay [$$$] for this...its really that good.



Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good multiplayer fun, single player somewhat lacking.
Review: First off let me be blunt, this is not a simulation game. Though if you invest some time in learning the hotkeys you can really clean up. Honestly though about a dozen keys is enough to play. Though there are about 30 useful commands overall. As for whether this is good or bad, I would argue for the better, though fans of the Battletech series may dislike the game, I feel the more casual approach has gathered a much larger player base which is important for the forthcoming reasons. To a large extent this game plays like a slowed down FPS. The mech choices are good, and while some weapons are nearly useless, most have uses in various situations and customized loadouts to fit any fighting style can be made. That being said the real show is in multiplayer, with the single player campaign in my opinion best merely for training players before they hit the multiplayer servers. If you come for only the singleplayer campaign you're probably gonna be disappointed, as the extremely linear storyline is not very riveting, and most of the mission scenarios can be won merely by blasting anything that moves. In multiplayer however the game shines, with intense pvp battles, and sneaky tactics from other players.

My other main beef with the game aside from the lackluster single player campaign is the general ineffectiveness of the smaller mechs against the heavier mech chassis. As it is their small size prevents the better weapons from being mounted on them and even should a small mech get behind a big mech chances are the big mech will get a bead on the little mech and blast it to pieces long before the little mech has injured the big mech.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A good, though not great, game
Review: I have to alter my opinion of this game. I previously didn't like it much because it wouldn't run on my computer, but after souping the ol' machine up, now it works.

The gameplay itself seems quite fine -- there is the usual variety of mechs to experiment with, and the usual selection of terrain to fight over. Of course, I haven't played the other mechwarrior games yet, so I have no basis for comparison there; but this seems adequate -- good graphics, lots of action, and quite challenging on occasion. Only a few missions in I got blown up several times and only barely pulled off the Arctic 2 mission while piloting an assault mech of the toughest kind, which to me is a recommendation.

Still, from a technical viewpoint, the game leaves a bit to be desired. My computer now FAR exceeds all the listed system requirements, but even playing on the lowest graphics settings the game gets very, very slow when several mechs are in a battle at once. The system even freezes once in a while, though this is rare.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Take a bag full of quarters to the arcade and have more fun
Review: After playing through Mechwarrior 3, I could not wait to play 4. I downloaded the demo, and the graphics were beautiful, but the gameplay just wasn't as fun as 3. But I gave it the benifit of the doubt and thought the story in the full version would make up for it. I was very, very, very wrong. This has to be the most boring story ever. Not only that, the voice acting and videos are extremely boring and the actors just act like they don't care. Mechwarrior 3's voice acting was superb, everytime my commander in the MFB said something, i really made sure to listen. But geez, these guys just don't care. Plus the video quality is terrible compared to MW3, really choppy and botched colors. This is what microsoft does; they take a good name and try to make it all flashy and cute when it doesn't need it. Mechwarrior 3 was a true Mech simulation, this is just a flashy ... arcade game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A lot of fun
Review: It's been a while since I played a "giant robot" game, so I don't think I would have bought this, but fortunately, I won it, and once I had installed it I played nothing else for several weeks. This game is FUN, pure and simple.

Pros: Great-looking; well-designed missions that are neither too long nor too short; engaging storyline - I actually got emotional about it at points; virtually bug free; great assortment of mechs and weapons to choose from; excellent use of force-feedback (I strongly suggest playing this with a good joystick - I used the Sidewinder 2).

Cons: Not really a major flaw, but I'd was left wanting more after I'd played through all the missions.

In summary, even if you're not into "big robot" games (which I'm not really), I think you'll enjoy this.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Mechwarrior 4 is okay.
Review: It's not what I expected; MW4 is becoming more action than simulation, something the Mechwarrior series was not meant to be. Still, it's a good game.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: MechWarrior Light
Review: As far as BattleTech games are concerned this one is the latest in a long line. By far the best looking BattleTech game yet created it suffers not from bad game play as much as it does from bad mission design.

Gripes: The mechs are faster in this game, but there is not a single mission in the game that emphasizes speed or manuverability over firepower. There are a variety of mech types in the game, but not a single mission that is not best undertaken with the largest heaviest (and slowest) mechs available.

The single player game is wrapped around a "Wing Commander" type story line. You must win every mission, only 1 time in the game will you get to pick between 2 missions. There is only a victory path to go down. Your lance-mates never die (if they did they would miss the victory party), your mechs that are nearly destroyed in a mission are completely repaired for the next mission. All this so the game doesn't diverge from the canned story line. (does anybody remember the orignal WingCommander where you could lose, where when a wingmate died you simply buried them and went on with the game?)

The Bad: The controls are not particularly customizable, which is annoying at times. The mech torso seems to auto-center on the direction of travel. This makes the traditional "circle of death" tactic difficult to use. You quickly salvage so much equipment and so many mechs that you wish you could give some of the stuff back. The AI for both enemy and freindly mech centers on the "rush in" approach. AI mechs don't seem to more than accidentally get locks on for their LRMs. The artillery is useless, as are a number of the mech weapons included. It makes nice splash on the box cover to say "x new weapons and y new mechs", but it doesn't add anything to the game. You can't shoot anyones legs off, if you are standing to close to a mech when it is destroyed your own mech suffers massive damage, always, regardless of how the mech was destroyed.

The good: This game looks great. The new mechlab seems like an improvement, and harkens back to the original BattleTech mech designs were critical spaces on mechs were limited, and played a real part in mech customization. The games is played on "real" terrain, with rolling hills, valleys etc... The weather effects are nice. With patches the games seems pretty stable (without them its not playable).

In many ways the game is a good introduction to the BattleTech universe. Its sort of MechWarrior light. If you are into the mech games already, then you probably have this one, if you always wondered what the fuss was about the Mechwarrior series or haven't tried a Mechwarrior game in a while you will probably like this one.

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