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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: to me, the idea of somone disliking sacrifice is ridiculous.
Review: I have owned Sacrifice for nearly at the time of this writing. It is the single game in which I have never lost interest, despite the fact that my computer is only just above mimimum requirements. I see people who complain about the repetitiveness of the game, despite the glorious graphics which dazzle them at first.

I never had glorious graphics. My framerates have never been but so-so. I have to put up with all sorts of gliches and grunts (alas, there are many). Yet, I am not one to put up with these annoyances. But I do, and only for Sacrifice.

I won't try to describe what I experience in Sacrifice's gameplay, but there is so much tactical and strategic (yes!) depth, that it has consistantly drawn me back to my computer for more. Every 'god', or side, in Sacrifice has a specific set of units, but those units are shelled out on a gradual basis (at different 'levels', depending on how much 'damage' you do in-game. Thus, every 'level' is almost a different game in itself, and each progressive level might totally alter the balance of the game.

Thus, while Sacrifice comes full featured with a flotilla of tactical probabilities, there are also essentially strategic descisions to make. Many military ideas have been included and ingeniusly implemented, like supply lines, for one.

Also, online play is superb (although gamespy servers are far from trustworthy), and the Sacrifice community is great fun. Ive been an active community member in Sacrifice for months upon months, and I now feel as though the 'old usual' people I play with are genuinly my friends.

Those that claim that Sacrifice is 'repetitive', and declare their unfailing allegiance to games such as Starcraft or nearly any other RTS, are merely admitting their inaptitude for strategy/tactics. These are the people who only know how to build up an enormous army and hurl it at their opponent, then gape in disbeleif when their masses of misunderstood and poorly engaged (but seemingly invincible) units fall willy nilly about the feild of battle. Im sorry, but with Sacrifice the days of mindless build orders in RTSs are gone forever. In Sacrifice you must THINK to win. If you think me wrong, come online some day and challenge Symbiosis_Bob to a game. He'll prove you wrong, I'll wager.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: All glitter, no gold
Review: At first this game is jawdropping. Beautiful graphics, a fast engine, original ideas and a unique premise. After playing through a few games, however, one quickly comes to realize that every session is essentially the same. There is little variation from mission to mission in the actual gameplay and it rapidly becomes a very repetitive experience.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Great Fun to Learn, very low replayability
Review: While Sacrifice is an absolutely beautiful game with great sound and a fresh (at the time) approach to RTS, there isn't much that makes me want to play it over again. The Single Player campaign is a set of branching mission choices, each of which affects the rest of the campaign. Potentially you may want to explore the entire thing. I get the feeling, however, that while there are subtle variations in the plot, it boils down to the same conclusion no matter what choices you make along the way. It is probably much cheaper now than at the time of release-- if you want to drop $... to experience a rich and beautiful world for a few days to a week of intense gaming, it's a good choice. Beyond that, you might be disappointed.

And I'm absolutely miserable at MP RTS, so I won't even bother mentioning it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One Fatal Flaw...
Review: This game is amazing. Flat out, no contest in the top five games i've ever played ( and THAT my friend is a feat few games can achieve ) The graphics are amazing, and i get a PERFECT framerate on my duron 600mhz w/ 128ram w/ voodoo 3 3000agp on the high/normal graphics setting in 1024x768 ( 16bpp... i don't know if it does 32bit, and i know my card doesn't so i don't per say care lol ) It could be a run of the mill battlezone2 with magic clone if it wasn't for a few things that really set the game apart. 1: the ability to choose different gods, thereby giving yourself different spells/units 2: multiple endings! yay! it took the gaming industry HOW MANY YEARS to figure out that the appeal of FMV games could be used somewhere else? 3: Once again, i have to talk about the graphics. They are AMAZING! Somewhere between giants and Rune... And they fit just RIGHT for everything. 4: the voice acting. You wouldn't think that voices are that important, but with a game that has this much plot, it IS a kinda big thing for a centaur to SOUND like a centaur ( they used too many low voices though.. fine by me, my speakers like 'em ) plus there is nothing quite like playing as a servent of the god Pyro ( except possibly listening to bevis and butthead ( FIRE FIRE FIRE! ) and crossing bevis with stephen hawking... right, anyways )

The Three Things That You Have To Watch Out For: 1: you MUST use directx8, and UPDATE OPENGL! (e-mail) 2: I couldn't find the CD-Key, and i eventually figured out that it was on the PLASTIC on the OUTSIDE of the CD case, not on a sticker on the case or anything smart like that... so, if you email them (email) and explain, they will probably give you the key.. 3: it's tooooo shoooort! whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! even playing as alla the gods ( allways end up with james or the necro guy.. those are the 2 best final spells ) it just seems too short! even if it DID take me 9 hours to beat the game ( a record.. only serious sam, rune, diablo 2 were all around 9 hours.. )

well anyways, i think you MUST own this game if you have a video card worth crap.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: BUGS! They kill this game!
Review: This title has a ton of potential, but the fact that it's loaded with bugs and took me over a week just to figure out how to get the dang thing to run (hit ESC while the story is being told) without it locking up. I like the interface and the graphics are great, but it's about time software companies start putting out a quality product. If you like downloading patches and reading tech support bulliten boards, buy this game. Otherwise, wait for the next Blizzard title.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Great graphics - too many bugs
Review: My experience with this game albeit short has been fraught with first one little problem and then another. First the DirectX problems have to be worked out and then either myself or another player gets knocked off the site within 5 min. of starting a game. Work out the problems and then sell the game. Graphics are great but the computer generated players can create 3 or 4 X faster than you can, especially when learning to play the game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Poorly Manufactured and Supported
Review: This game was shipped without an apparently necessary CD-Code on the front of the CD jewel case. I emailed the support line and heard nothing for 2 weeks. I exchanged it for another one and found the same problem. My local store is returning the whole shipment. In the meantime, Shiny entertainment still hasn't gotten back to me. God forbid I need their help with a bug once I actually get to play the game!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A stellar game by any measure!
Review: Remember all those things recent games were supposed to offer? Gorgeous, detailed graphics, getting to play god, intersting creatures and minions. Well, while many others ended up with a few failings, Sacrifice truly shines in all of these areas, plus more.

The graphics are amazing. It offers a true, HUGE 3-D world that you roam around, under and through. You get to choose from one of 5 different gods, from the Earthy James to the fire-inspired Pyro and others. The gods are not content with each other, and their back-and-forth is half of the fun. Each has different spells, creatures, techniques, aims, and attitudes.

With all of the things to keep track of, you might think you'd be overwhelmed. However, the tutorials are fantastic and easy to work through. There are so many different ways you can approach it - as a true-to-one-god roleplaying, as a strategic mission, as a hack-and-slash adventure. The game supports you no matter which way you go, and the graphics and music surround you in lush beauty.

A must-have for any gamer looking for a worthy time-sink! This is one game I *love* writing the walkthroughs for!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Easy to learn, lots of fun, MAGNIFICENT EYE CANDY!
Review: This is a great game for us 40+ gamers: easy to learn, tremendous fun, spectacular graphics. The people having technical trouble probably do not have a sufficiently powerful machine-you need 500MHz and a good graphics card. But that's standard on most midrange machines now! (Hint: NVidia GeForce is the only graphics chip worth buying these days).

I've only put in 6-8 hours, and I'm at the seventh mission out of nine-but that's just one mission path. I'll start again with one of the other four gods to get their spells.

This game will suck up all my free cycles for 2-3 months. That's about all you can ask for.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Are you people Insane? Game of the Year? Madness! Horrible!
Review: Upon getting this game and going thru much trouble to do so. I am waiting to take it back to Wally World and get something else entirely or just keep my cash all together. This game from the start is a large pain in the bullet. Ive consulted the trouble shooting guide more times than ive played the game..adjusting this and adjusting that and on and on. I do not see how this game is Game of the year! I was so built up for it...and let down. Down, Down, Down. I look forward to Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2 expansion and have learned to stick to the big guys..blizzard and microsoft and looking for others hesitantly. Dont buy this game it isnt any good. I dislike it. Go for something else entirely. Trust me. The Ozone apparently has eaten thru a few gamer's heads. Over and out.Until Next Time.

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