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The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Its way fun
Review: I think the sims unleashed is really cool it has some really cool things like going to "old town" and going to the petshop to pick out the pet you would like to have there is a variety of pets you can get a dog (there are lots of different colors to pick from), a cat (there are also alot of colors you can pick from), and iguana, a turtle, birds like love birds parets cokatoos and some more, you can also get fish there are lots of suplies you can get for your pets too. But getting pets can also be a pain to take care of but they are still good. Going to the parks can be fun too to meet new friends. In the end I would definatly recomend sims unleashed as a fun game. :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Expansion Pack Ever! ...
Review: The Sims Unleashed was the best expansion pack that I have ever had!! With unleashed, you are able to take your sims to "Old Town", where they can meet lots of cool people, buy things, and explore the town. There is a pet store, and you can go in and buy pets and their toys. There's lots of parks, where you can go and meet your fellow sims, and even a garden shop to buy seeds for your yard. There is also a tremendous new selection of objects for your new pet. If you have a cat or dog, there's no doubt that you'll find them a bed that suits the style of your house. Lots of really awesome outside decorations are available too. This game was really fun, and it never gets old or boring. Have fun!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A fun add-on, but has its problems
Review: The Sims Unleased expansion pack is a fun add on for The Sims. You can have pets, get larger neighborhoods, and grow a garden. When you buy your pet, you are able to buy either a cat or a dog, and be able to choose its color. The neighborhoods are now larger with more streets, lots, and even a few businesses like gardening stores and pet shops. You can also grow a garden with tomatoes, beans, etc. and have to tend to them and get rid of pests. Though this expansion pack is very entertaining, there are some things that I find fairly annoying. It loads and runs slower as compared with previous addons. The neighborhood just has too many stray animals wandering around, and it can become tiresome shooing them away. It also is annoying and stupid for stray dogs and cats to be able to open the door and come right on in your house. Aside from its few problems and annoyances, I recommened any Sims fan get this if they either want to have a pet, a garden, or a larger neighborhood, but those users who do not care for these things, just pass this expansion pack by.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very cute!!!
Review: This is the best Sims expansion yet, as far as gameplay goes.
The little animals are adorable!! I just wish I had more time to play, because I would like to see what kind of tricks they can do.

HOWEVER, there are some serious bugs in the game, that the patch did not fix.
1.People spin around several times before doing anything. This is not only annoying, but it wastes their time.
2.The women now have a "gorrilla walk" which is ugly and annoying.
3.MOST IMPORTANTLY, the game often locks up after an hour or so. The patch helps this sometimes, but not all the time.

But, aside from those issues, this is a great addition to the game!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Sims Unleashed!
Review: Sims Unleashed is a great game!I enjoyed it and loved creating the families, thanks in part to the cool new outfits now in stock for the Sims. I also had fun picking out your pets. I have yet to win an award of high acheivment, and while my pets are being trained{or pampered!}I have a great time shoppping for gifts, to ligten up the household, our give my pet{s} a treat! Those that have already been introduced to Sims will have a blast creating homes and community lots, entering pet shows and forming a garden to give your Sims a healthy dose of vegtables. I do reccomend you limit your time spent playing, for quiete easily will you get held up in the game. It's really fun, but I believe is just an introduction to Sims.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Sims the same?
Review: Yes it is true that unleashed takes your sims a step further in their quest to becoming a real world inside a real world. Yes it is one of the most pivital expansions yet, but the sims will never be the same. Cats and dogs are prowling the neighborhood, and new occurances disrupt your sims life. Of course, nobody said that was bad...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Finally... pets
Review: I was so glad when this expansion came out. Every family needs a pet.. There are only 2 things that I didn't like about it. The first is that potty training a puppy is a total pain. Mine is always peeing all over the house at night, and my sim won't wake up in time to discipline him. The second is that you can't just hug and kiss your pet any old time. They have to really like you first... and don't forget to buy treats for them. It'll make them like you faster.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Need a little spice in your SIM life?
Review: This is the first SIM expansion pack I've purchased and I must say that having this add on is like having a whole new game. The addiction I used to have to SIMS has been renewed! The most obvious addition is the fact that you can now own pets. Cats, dogs, several types of birds, turtles, even an iguana! Cats and dogs are really the only animals that your sims can interact with more than the guinea pig and you really can't tell pets what to do, but interactions with pets aren't so limited that it's a problem.

Other really cool features include "Old Town" which as whole seperate community for your SIMS with plenty of options for your pets, too. There are several new careers and skins, too. Other additions include the fact that your neighborhood grows to about 4x the basic size and you can grow your own veggies and make a living that way.

The only con is that it slowed my pentium II computer down a lot and the game play for me is constantly freezing. Minus this factor the game is great and definately worth every penny!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun stuff
Review: I got the Sims for Christmas 2 years ago, and I really really like it. I was really excited about getting The Sims Unleashed, because I love animals, and thought it was "sweet" to be able to get animals for the SIms. Its really fun - you can get fish, birds, dogs, cats, and guinea pigs. Also, there's shopping and cafes. The only problem I had with this is that there is so much new information that it made my computer run slower when I'm playing it (my computer's 2 years old).

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great game, even kids can play this one
Review: Hey this game was a blast! I had fun and even the tykes can enjoy watching the animals run around. Sure I think Hot Date is funner but this is still enjoyable. Even when the animals [deficate] on the floor you still crack a smile. Advice: try this game, you'll be able to be on it for hours - I know I have!

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