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The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Okay
Review: Very blah for an expansion pack. The pets and gardens become tiresome, but,hey, it's still a fun Sims experience.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: good expansion pack
Review: I liked allowing the sims to have pets. they give you a good selction of pets i just wish that there was more breeds, they stray animals do get annoying though

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Unleashed is Great!
Review: Unleashed is a great expansion pack. It offers pets, new jobs, new objects, walls, floors, and skins, and Old Town, which is like Downtown in Hot Date.
Most of Unleashed is not pets. It focuses on new objects and new jobs, and Old Town. But the pets have all new toys, beds, food, and even a pet bath! You can also make a vegetable garden which will feed your sims instead of the fridge, or you can sell the vegetables in Old Town. There are also tons more houses and lots.
I'm not saying Unleashed is perfect. It can cause your game to run slower, and there are not a whole lot of new objects. There's not much to do in Old Town, but Unleashed is still fun!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not all that great.....But still good
Review: I have to admit, Unleased was'nt as entertaining as other expansions. The problems far outweigh the new features. Stray pets are a major peoblem in my opinion, There is no way to keep them out (even though i tried to make a pound once) and they seriously decrease the room factor outside of your home when they "do their business" usually behind your house or at the edge of the screen where you cant see it. The crops are also a problem, You may spend days growing plant, only to get get a few simoleons in return. And my final arguement with unleashed is that you have almost no control over your pets, almost defeating the purpose of having them. But dont get me wrong, The Super-enlarged neighboorhoods and old town are great adititions the new items and skins are also great. So if you're looking for a full Sims experience, dont pass up Unleasehed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Greatest Expansion Pack
Review: I really love the Sims...as do many people...but people are giving this pack a bad rep. This is one of the greatest packs yet! I have them all and it's a very addictive pack to play with. People should really stop complaining about how slow their computer is...it's not this pack's fault...it's your own computers. This has the biggest addition yet...pets! Gardens can be a pain to care for, but they do pay off! If you're looking for an expanison to buy...make sure it's this one...don't miss it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Don't complain about how slow your computer is!!!
Review: All these 1-star peeps are complaining about how slow their computer is, not game, even though, they THINK they are! Yeah, it is a bit slow, but if you decide to delete some stuff off your computer to make it faster, you'll end up finding all these things you don't need and making your WHOLE computer faster. Look, the game rocks, that's all there is to it... I would say it's the 2nd best expansion pack yet. (My fave is "Hot Date") I'm tellin' ya, worth every penny! (Why are people complaining about how many expansion pack there are, anyway???)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Pets? Even better!!
Review: I don't care what people say! Adding more expansion packs is cool. I love getting a new expansion pack and seeing new objects and interactions! It gets better each time! The sims Unleashed is real great! They were sort of thinking what I was thinking. I said to myself, "What if the sims acually had real pets." The pets you download off the internet are kind of wierd cause they don't move. They are for decorative. But I just love the real pets. It's just like real life!! You get to train the pets also. Please sim creaters don't stop making expansion packs!!!! I love new ideas for the sims! I have some ideas I would like the sims to try! But the sims Unleased is fun. I like every sim expansion pack! They're all fun. Having a dog and a cat and a bird on the sims makes it more exciting than looking at your sim all day. But I really liked the expansion pack. SIM CREATERS DON'T STOP MAKING EXPANSION PACKS!!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: addictive as expected, but always crashing
Review: This expasnion pack was always crashing on me. There is just so much data in this game.

It's fun no doubt, but the pets are hard to manage. Having to control pets is hard along with people and it's awful when they die!

The petstores are cute but repetitive. It's a cute idea, but hard to work with. I just like the extra furniture and skins.

I wish I could play it, it just always crashes on me.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Pets in exchange for irriation
Review: I was looking forward to the ability to have pets for my Sims, and was excited when I first installed Unleashed. It ran slow, very slow, but I was not as bothered by that as I was the fact the game spontanously crashed when I tried to purchase my first pet, and took out all my other Sims expansions with it! I had to reinstall the WHOLE set again, the second time I tried to install Unleashed (after an 1 hr and 1/2 reinstalling the OTHER sims) it refused citing errors, and I had to once more remove every expansion do a complete wipe of the games, and directory and start from pure scratch. After this it worked, still slow, but I was able to buy my first pet(though I was ticked to have lost all my families and having to start the game from scratch). Still I was looking forward to getting a pet so I eagerly went to buy my first one. I must say I am unimpressed with the variety of colors and breeds in the pets. The strays are irraiting as well as they come into your house and pee on your lawn/house/sidewalk. But after having two cats, one boy one girl I found out something rather cool, the pets can have babies! So that made it all worth while, though you never get to see them as kittens (darnit), still the fact they can have babies is a cool event. If you want your Sims to have pets this is the way to go, just be prepared for some headaches, and stray exterminations. =)

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: tired of these games
Review: These games are very addictive, and aren't very good for kids. If your child wants you to buy this for them, I'd recommend getting something they can actually learn from. This game is played for hours by many teens all over the world, and I don't think it's very healthy.

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