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The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: SOLiD
Review: this is a solid expansion pack. it does what it claims to do, lots of new pets, and new careers. but one of the things i like best about sims are the skins/heads, and this expansion pack doesn't give you much of either one (heads more than skins).

it takes a long time for your pet to be well-trained & learn skills, so be prepared for the wait. the new neighborhood is okay, but a little boring (cafe's, parks, etc), they help you meet new friends, but i would suggest downloading an object that makes friends for you (i have a painting, and when the sim looks at it, it's automatically friends with everyone in the neighborhood).

but the sims UNLEASHED is a solid expansion pack with more lots to build houses on (another benefit) and pets. the only problem with pets is that they take up spots in the family, so pets + people combined can only be 8, which is a downfall.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Expansion Pack!!
Review: I was probably more excited about the Unleashed expansion than any other Sims expansion, mostly because I am a HUGE animal lover and I had been telling my fiance a few days before I heard about it that I wanted pets for my Sims! It more then exceeded my expectations, though it did have some annoying faults (which have since been fixed).

The Stuff I Liked:
-The Pets!- Besides the fact that you get a TON of pets to choose from (plus if you go to the Sims website, they have more pet skins available to download), it's a lot of fun to play with and train your pets. I couldn't be happier with how the pets themselves work - they are awesome!

-Old Town- Old Town is a fun place to take your Sims! You can shop for seeds to make a garden at home, enter your pet in a show, hang out at the coffee shop.. It's a lot of fun - excellent addition!

-New Items- You get a TON of new stuff in this pack, mostly related to pets! There are lots of cool dog/cat houses, toys, scratching posts, you name it! There are also some fun new skins and clothes.

-New Neighborhood Design- I like the newer neighborhood design. Old Town is part of the overall neighborhood, giving you more lots to choose from!

Ok, the stuff I didn't like:

-Stray pets!- These guys are super annoying because they constantly pee all over your lot and come in your house and eat your pet food! Luckily, there is a fix to this which you can download from the Sims site, or I believe it comes with some of the newer expansion packs. It's a little "no stray" sign you put on your lot. It fixed all the problems for me!

-Pet Family Members- Dog and cats take up a family member "slot", so you can only have a certain amount. I tend to have huge Sim families, so this was a minus in my opinion.

-Old Town- You have to take your entire family (pets included) whenever you go to Old Town. If one of your family members is at work, no one can go until they get back! This is annoying to me and hasn't been fixed with any of the new packs. I wish there was an option to take only the family members you want to Old Town.

Overall - I give this expansion 5 stars. Bottom line - even with bugs, it's still a lot of fun to play!!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: almost like the original
Review: I have not had the chance to play all the expansion packs however I have to say that it isnt as great as I thought. The game, to me, is almost like the original exept you have pets and can go outside of your home. I was hopeing that it would be more interesting but it isnt. If you ask me I would choose one of the other expansion packs. Im hopeing to get the others for Christmas, ;-) right mom!?! Anyway I would choose one of the other expansion packs but if your a collector of the games then I would buy it just so you have it in your collection.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Sims Unleashed Review
Review: In my opinion, The Sims Unleashed is the best all around Sims Expansion there is. Infact, if this was a stand alone game with just the pets, Old Town, and the Sims, I would say it's the best all around computer game. The reason I rated it four stars was because of some glitches, like half of the time I call the Old Town Shuttle bus to come pick up my Sims, it'll say it's coming over in a couple of minutes.. but a couple of hours later, it still doesn't show up! But this game is great when the Shuttle bus shows up, and you venture out into Old Town.

When you first buy The Sims Unleashed, I suggest you go to the Sims Unleashed tutorial house, Claire Charming. Even though it isn't the official The Sims Unleashed tutorial house, Claire Charming's small little cottage, and her adorable Cocker Spaniel, Luna, helped me with the basics of the game: Feeding, training, disciplining, playing, and many more activities to do with your pet. Also, I started a little garden in Claire's backyard, filled with all sorts of vegtables. The only bad thing about having a garden, is the rabbits and gophers! They'll trash your crops, no matter how much fencing you put around it.


1. There are tons of dogs, cats, fish, birds, etc to choose from.
2. You get a whole new part of town, plus a new neighborhood section.
3. Instead of a plain, old yellow taxi, you get a big red Shuttle Bus to pick you up if you want to head out to Old Town!
4. New bodies, heads, clothes, furniture, house materials, and more!
5. You get pets! (What more could you want?)

1. Sometimes the Shuttle Bus doesn't show up! Very annoying!
2. A new expansion pack means more loading time!
3. It can take weeks or months to train your pet just to get five skills!
4. Pesky rabbits, gophers, and especially stray dogs and cats pee all over the road, making it look terrible!
5. There's only one new child's outfit - a hideous pair of overalls and boots, and a ugly, puffy denim dress!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Sims: Unleashed
Review: This game is really cool. The presence of pets really make the lives of the Sims more entertaining. Also with this expansion pack, you can plant, grow, and harvest crops for yourself or sell them. Pets are also very important with crops because they can chase away things like rabbits that can destroy your crops.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Starting to get boring...
Review: Don't get me wrong The Sims is great, but after Vacation I started to get bored of all the Exspansion packs, not only that with every new installment it started to get more chopy, how they move in such, plus it takes 6 mins to load. This is still a fun game but it seems like they should start making somthing differnt that exspansion packs. Like another Sim City

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Sims Unleashed
Review: The Sims Unleashed has facets both charming and frustrating, and well as downright brilliant. The easiest way to list them all is to use a pro/con list, so here goes:

Completely changes the neighborhoods to include a HUGE number of lots (includng the ones from the original Sims, of course)

Lets you have a pet (or 2...or 6)

Has lots of new items, music, NPC's, floors, walls, etc.

You can plant gardens! This is a really cool aspect of Unleashed. There is a little plot of dirt you can buy and put on the ground; then you can go to a store in the Old Town and buy seeds. You can plant the seeds, and soon they'll grow into vegetables (depending on what kind of seeds you bought, of course). You can either eat the veggies right away or put them into a pantry (there are several pantries, all of which can be found in the refrigerator section in Buy Mode) and use the pantry like a fridge ("Have a Snack," "Prepare Dinner," "Have Quick Dinner," etc.).

You can buy collars and things for your pets.

The Inventory section has been expanded: you can buy masks and candles from stores, and take them home and put them on a shelf or wall or whatever.

Once in a while, my game would crash juuuust before the game was supposed to load. It would keep doing this every time I tried to load it, rendering it totally unplayable. I tried everything, called tech support, but the only way to fix it was to reinstall it...and that means reinstalling The Sims, The Sims Lving Large, House Party, and Vacation (which were the other expansion packs I own). (...)

From the getgo, Sims have had trouble walking: they'll turn needlessly, not walk through enclosed spaces, etc. This problem has taken a definite turn for the worse in Unleashed. Now, nearly all my Sims perform this ridiculous turning action before opening the fridge or examining a picture, or anything. It really gets my goat. I tried dwonloading the patch for it, but to no avail.

You can only make your pet walk; you can't make it use itmes, even items that are just for pets. They are supposed to do that on their own, but none of my pets ever did, so I ended up wasting money and space.

The vast majority of the new items are "pet-only" items, meaning you can't make actual Sims use them. You can't make pets use them either--see above.

The stray animals which turn up in your yard nearly every night are cute for a while, and are a nice touch, but soon are very annoying to chase away.

All in all, I really do recommend this expansion pack. It has some excellent innovations, and these far outweigh the small annoyances that plague you. (...)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: love my new pets
Review: This game is the best that I have tried so far. I have deluxe and unleashed because I am still a fairly new sims player but boy do I love it. There are new interactions, new pets, new jobs, more lots, and many new fun things to buy. I plan on getting all the expansion packs someday but I'm definitely glad to benefit fom unleashed. Very good for the money :)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Limited support for Windows XP
Review: I love the game (all of the expansions), but after a while it started crashing when I would click on certain lots. When I went to look for tech support at the Maxis/EA web site, they said there was very limited support for Windows XP because the game was not designed for use on this system (I had already tried all of the recommended fixes). The XP support issue is my biggest (but only) problem with this version - I would otherwise highly recommend the pack if you like the Sims series!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the best expansion packs for The Sims
Review: If you are a Sims fan, this is one expansion pack that you can't do without!

As the name implies, this pack allows you to adopt pets to add to your family, a feature that has been long-asked for by fans of the game. However, if you aren't a fan of cats and dogs, don't despair; this expansion also expands your neighborhood and provides additonal jobs, and for those of you with green thumbs, you can try to make a living buy growing your own vegetables.

The two main types of pets are cats and dogs; they are an actual member of your family, as regular Sims are. You can also download skins for them from fan sites. They can be trained to do many different things, such as hunt mice and (if you have Superstar) get rid of the frustrating Obsessed Fan, and they can also help boost the social scrores of solitary Sims.

If cute bundles of fur aren't your style, you can opt for a fish, an iguana, a bird or a turtle. They are more like the guinea pig download, and have much less interaction.

The expanded neighborhood is what sold this game to me, however. The hood goes from 10 lots to 40, and it adds an option to go to "Old Town." You visit Old Town to adopt a pet, or buy seeds for your garden. You can also place food stands on the lots.

All-in-all, this seems to be one of the better expansion packs. Diehard Sims fans won't want to be without this, and those occasional players might find something new to like in this game.

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