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The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Probably the coolest expansion pack yet!
Review: Finally a new expansion pack! It comes out September 24.You can gets pets(birds, dogs, cats, reptiles etc...). You can get these by visiting a petstore. There are also five new career tracks which are education, circus, fasion, vetinarian, and cooking. You can go to a cafe, a garden store, a farmer's market, a pet store(as mentioned above), a park and new shops. You can buy seeds in the garden store and plant a plot in your backyard. If you bring in a good crop, you can sell them at the farmer's market. I can't wait to try this. For more info you can go to thesims.com. See ya in September!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better,Imposible
Review: This fifth (and probably last) expansion pack adds to The Sims, the last rock to reach the heaven of the games.With this add-on you can let your Sims go to downtown and buy a cute little pet, there will be dogs,cats,parrots,etc.These pets will interact with humans, and can help you, get your relationships, up to the sky.
Other fun fact about unleashed is that there is gardening too, you can buy seeds and watch them grow into vegetables that can be sold to the local farmer's market,you got to watch out for gophers,mices and rabbits that will destroy your garden, but with the trusty pets they can help you protect your it.
This add-on also adds a farmer's market, more stores, cafes and last but not least the most important,pet stores.
Apart of having pets or working with dirt, you can also now have 5 new carreer paths, including the delicious world of cooking, your sims can be the next Donatella Versace in the world of fashion,a veterinarian,they can teach young people in the path of knowledge or join the circus

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The Sims Unleashed
Review: This game is filled with excitment. If you have a pet and know how fun it is to play with them then I would suggest this game because if you've ever played a sims game before and wondered what it would be like to have pets on it, this is your answer. You will need the first sims to play this one, but believe me its worth the getting when it's in the store.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Yet
Review: I just heard about this game the day after it came out. It sounds like this expansion pack will be the best yet! It has pets which everyone has wanted since the original game and also has a pet store. I have only seen one picture from this game and it looks awesome! It looks like there are about ten differnet types of dogs and a couple of types of cats. You can also gets parrots, turtles, lizards and fish. For fun try entering your pet ino a pet show. Also, it has those carpeted climbing things and other realistic toys for the pets in the pet store. This expansion pack also features a cafe and a market. In the cafe you can bring your pets and bring up your relationships with people through your pets. In the market I'm guessing you can buy all different types of food to eat and I'm sure they will look different then the food they always eat. I mean come on. Who wants to see their sims eat the same food over and over again. The last features in this game are the garden and the parks. You can plant your own foods and have them grow, but watch out for the mice and other outdoor creatures wanting to eat them up. In the park you can walk your pet and also play with them. This game also has five new career paths-fashion, become a culinary genius, take care of the neighborhood's pets as a trustworthy veterinarian, teach others as a noble educator, or simply run away and join the circus. There are 125 new objectsfor pets and people, dozens of new character skins and an all new decorator set with a New Orleans French Quarter theme. There is much more to tell, but then there would be no point in buying the game!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sounds Great!
Review: Lots of people are looking foward to this expansion pack! It sounds like tons of fun to have pets for your sims! And you can grow a garden and sell the foods you grow at farmers market! You can train your pets or hire someone else to do it for you! This sounds like the best thing since Hot Date!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: In antisipation
Review: I am sooooo excited about the new game! It looks like the best yet. I have always wanted to have pets and also there are 5 new career tracks(cooking, circus, education and two more I forgot). I never really was into other exspation packs before I got them, but I am totally psyced about this one. I have a Mac, so I won't be getting this game until Jan. probably, but I am still very excited.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fun-- I'll tell you all the pro's & con's!
Review: This game is really fun, although addicting. I like this game a whole lot, but when you read the people who love this game's reviews, they tend to not touch all the things that are wrong with the game. First of all, you can go downtown and buy pets like kittens and puppies which are really fun to own, but they don't grow older into cats and dogs, and there isn't a wide range of things to do with them. Second, the neighborhoods are MUCH bigger. They extend very far, and you can fit almost 30 houses in one neighborhood. Thirdly, all the new objects, floors, walls, skins, and heads the game has. The furniture is really pretty, and the floors and walls are something most of you would actually find in your own home. And, there are much more skins and heads that come with this! Even some new children's clothes (finally)! And last but not least, I just need to say that although this game is fun and has a lot of new things, it crashes in the middle of a game sometimes, and you have to start all over. What I have learned to do, is just save the game when like every day (in sim time). That way, you won't have to do that much more! Well I hope I helped! Good luck, simmers!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Coolest sim expansion
Review: i luv sims unleashed. sims is fun and all but sims unleashed gives you a better idea of how much fun the game really is.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Don't waste your time or money on this game!
Review: I wouldn't get this game if I were you.First of all if you don't have enough memory on your computer you can't play it at all!!!But if you do then still don't buy it because it annoys you a whole lot.Like if you have the Sims Deluxe Edition installed and you have The Sims Unleashed installed it won't work because you need The Sims.So if you have The Sims installed and have enough memory on your computer you would be able to play The Sims Unleashed.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: if you love animals u will love this game!
Review: well i got the double deluxe game a year ago and i got bored with it, but this one is more fun but to be honest save the money for the sims 2 it's 10 times better than the original!

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