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The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: cool but gets old
Review: i play the sims alot, it's one of the greatest games created.
i have most of the sim games and all of "the sims" games. i play them all day for about a month and then they get old. i play them from time to time but it isn't as cool as it was. This game has changed my life from all it's offered, but yet again, after about 2 months it just isn't that fun any more.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: doesn't look good
Review: I'm a big fan of the sims but I think it's a waste to have a new expansion for the game when Sims 2 might be out in a year or so.

also with all the previous expansion this one will only help slow the game down.

with all it's popularity the Sims does have ALOT of bugs and has caused alot of problems because of the increasing number of expansions that followed it, the Sims Unleashed looks like it will only add a few more...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good game...but what about everything else?
Review: I love The Sims. It is no wonder why it is the top selling game of all time. But..my problem is this...all of their expansion packs seem to have one theme that promises to be really great. And usually, it is...But it is so small. Why don't they just release all of their ideas on one expansion pack called SimReality? The Sims would age, grow, gain weight..and they could effect their health by drinking or smoking. There should also be weather in The Sims, and anatomically correct bodies for them, too. And babies shouldn't magically appear and they shouldn't have a choice to have a baby or not. It should just happen. The mom should be pregnant for 9 sim days. 1 Sim Day=1 Sim month. Anyway...sorry if I sound bitter. I still gave this game 5 stars, but it would be much better to have one big expansion pack.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims Unleashed
Review: From the begining the sims fans have always wanted pets, so here they are. To buy pets, you must purchase them in a pet store. The pets you can buy are cats, dogs, parrots, lizards, and box turtles. Their are 12 breeds of dogs(dalmations, Beagles, french Bulldogs, Spaniels, Rotweillers, labs Greyhounds and German Shepards, 12 breeds of cats(all I know of is a black cat, a Siamese cat and a persian cat),two breeds of birds(Parakeets and Lovebirds), and only one of lizards, box turtles, and fish. Ounce you get either a cat or a dog, you have to house train it and teach it tricks. If you would rather not do this, you can hire a pet trainer to do the work. Ounce your cat or dog has been trained, you can enter it in a pet show(the pet show judges mood and tricks). Your animals have social reactions too, but you cannot control them. You can buy things such as toys from a pet shop.If you own both a boy and girl dog or cat, you can end up with kittens or puppies. Another edition to the Sims Unleashed is gardening.You can plant cheap plots of three vegtables. You can later harvest them and either keep them in the pantry to eat later or sell them at the local farmers market. You can acctually live off the land. The final edition to the sims unleashed is community lots. Your neighborhood will now have 30 lots. You can zone them to accomadate faimilys or buisnesses. No townies go to the lots, so you can meet you neibors there. This expands the amount of people sims can meet. You can take your pets there. The sims unleashed also includes a spiral starcase,5 new carrers(Fashion, a culanary genius, a vet, teacher, or you can join the circus), and a New Orleans French Quarter set.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Da Simz iz kule
Review: I am very excited for the sims unleashed and I think it will be a very entertaining game. I am a huge sim fan and maxis and EA have never let me down with a bad expansion pack. I have all of them and still play them every day! Take it from me, if you are new to the sims and it's expansions, don't hesitate to get this game!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Too Many Expansions?
Review: I am probably one of the biggest fans of The Sims...but I have to say that there should be a limit to game expansion packs. This is the fifth expansion for The Sims! The only other thing that Maxis can improve upon in The Sims is having the Sims grow... which will probably be the sixth one (you just watch). I know I will buy The Sims Unleashed (I admit, it sounds extremely intriguing). But there is still that sneaking suspicion that Maxis left out so many of the necessities from the original game with future expansions in mind for extra simoleans. I just hope they will stop with The Sims and start The Sims 2 before my computer implodes and my wallet follows suit. It's like a drug....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Unleash me
Review: Have you been playing all of the sims for a while and you wanted some more pets?Ever wanted to plant crops?You wish you had all of this,am I correct?If I am then your wishes will come true.Brace Yourself,The Sims has pets.With your pets you could scare unwanted animals out of your crops.Ever since Livin' Large came out,did you want more careers?Well there is more careers added.Now I'm just getting started.Every since you could go Downtown or Vacation did you every wouder if you could go beyond?Like go to cafe's,markets,and pet stores?Well with The Sims:Unleashed,you could get of the couch(And I mean simlife) and head on over there.Heck,bring your dog or cat along.With the sims:unleashed,you could get these pets:turtles,birds,lizards,cats,and dogs.Buy some of those pet toys too!Now you don't have to download those wanna-be-add-on-pets from those sim websites.

With the sims:unleashed, you can have the French Quarter theme.Everyone wanted that spiral stair right?Thanks Unleashed for the spiral stairs!Remember, with the sims:unleashed,you could go beyond with the +125 objects.

The Sims:Unleashed has more interactions.If you don't feed those cats of yours,then you could lose alot of birds and fishes.If your pet is upset,then it could mess-up your garden of crops or take out trash........ and put it all over the place.Some pets that don't like you can get you slapped by the owner.For Example,if I pet Bob Newbie's dog and the dog doesn't like me,then Bob Newbie will slap me. That's all I could say.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: You'll See!!!
Review: As fans of The Sims know, there has always been something missing from their virtual neighborhoods ... pets. In The Sims Unleashed, players can now add furry friends to their Sims' families. An all new expanded neighborhood featuring parks, pet stores, cafes and markets will give the Sims and their new pets a variety of places to sniff, explore and meet their new neighbors...

For the first time ever, the Sims can visit a pet store and bring home a variety of creatures and accoutrements. Players will make a big splash with the addition of a lumbering Labrador or fickle feline to their Sim family. They can also buy a parrot, turtle, lizard or fish that are fun for the whole family but don't need to be house trained.

The Sims Unleashed gives players dozens of new social interactions and expands their neighborhood. Thirty all-new residential and community lots featuring new homes, lush parks, a hip new café, cool shops and a farmer's market are available for Sims to explore. Now the Sims can walk their pooch in the park or bring their cat to a café and build their relationships with their neighbors through their adorable animals.

Your Sims can teach Fido where to go themselves or hire an efficient Pet Trainer to do all of the dirty work. Sims can also enter their kitties and canines in the local Pet show. The competition is "dog eat dog," as Sim pets try to impress the Pet Judges for prizes in obedience, tricks and good pet mood.

Also new to The Sims Unleashed is gardening. Your Sims can now grow a variety of vegetables in their own backyard plots using seeds purchased at the local garden store. Proper care of the garden will yield a crop that can be picked and stored in the new kitchen pantry or sold at the local farmer's market. Your new pets will also come in handy as they help chase away the pesky rabbits, gophers, and mice. Don't be surprised if they aren't the only unwelcome animals that come a callin'.

The Sims Unleashed expansion pack adds 5 new career paths with 50 new and exciting jobs. Sims can enter the exciting world of fashion, become a culinary genius, take care of the neighborhood's pets as a trustworthy veterinarian, teach others as a noble educator, or simply run away and join the circus. Over 125 new objects for pets and people, dozens of new character skins and an all-new decorator set with a New Orleans French Quarter theme round out this new Sim offering. The Sims Unleashed is truly the cat's meow!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: five stars
Review: it is a great game! so much fun for animal lovers...i think everyone has been waiting for it.i give it five stars

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The latest and greatest Sims expansion!
Review: Sims fans everywhere celebrate the announcement of a new, highly-anticipated expansion for the award winning game: The Sims Unleashed! One of the original requests was pets, and they have finally arrived. You will be able to chose from a variety of pets, including cats, dogs, and fish. You will have to purchase toys and food for them, and take care of them. If you don't, you will be sorry: they can destroy your flowerbeds, drink out of your toliets, and ruin a new aspect of the game: gardens! You can go to one of the new community lots and purchase seeds for a new garden, which you have to care for in several ways. You will be able to harvest it and eat the seeds from yet another new feature of the game, the pantry.

Another request from the fans that has been around almost as long as the game has is a spiral staircase, which will be included in this expansion.

Another great feature of this EP is the addition of five new career tracks. Your Sim can become a cook, join the fashion industry, become a teacher, run away and join the circus, or become a veternarian.

This game will certainly be as great as the earlier expansions. There is absolutely no reason to not get this game so order it today!!

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