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The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best of the Best
Review: I just can't wait till the sims unleashed comes out. This is my sister,my mom and I's biggest dream my sis and i's for the pets and the new objects and my moms for more neighborhood lots and parks and cafes pets the gardening and the pantry.I was always tryin those [...] animals from the websites and they just weren't cuttin it. I think Maxis was thinkin the same thing (no offense you sites that sell that stuff). To get to the point i really can't wait till the sims unleashed comes out because it is going to change my whole sims life and part of mine(well the part that has a lot of the sims in it).well thankx for readin my preveiw. peace out.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Overkill
Review: if you're a true The Sims fan then you've spent up to $200 buying The Sims and expansion packs, and now once again people are digging up $30 from their wallets to buy hopefully the final ex-pack for The Sims. this is truly overkill, in both good and bad ways. don't get me wrong here i'm not blasting The Sims i'm just making a point regarding the legacy of The Sims ex-packs. yeah i'll probably get The Sims Unleashed (why didn't they put animals in the 1st sims? stupid,stupid) but for gods-sake Maxis STOP MAKING ANYMORE EXPANSION PACKS!!!


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims just got Pets!
Review: The one thing that everyone knows is that The Sims would be a lot more fun with pets. Well, now the Sims can have pets with the Sims Unleashed. If you can only have one expansion pack, this is the one to get. For more information, see the offical Sims website.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Skeptical
Review: I have known about this new release for about 1 1/2 months now. I have thought about the game and I am beginning to become skeptical. I do not think this release will be very impressive. The last 2 expansion packs weren't very impressive either.
It is a little known fact that Maxis has been developing The Sims since about 1985. The first title was an amazing breakthrough in gaming. The game sold like ice cream in the Sahara desert. People then begged for an expansion pack. Once again Maxis outdid itself. People chewed on Living Large for awhile and were ready for a 3 helping. That came almost 1 year later when Maxis blew people's minds with house party. So many new features, items, intereactions, and more! Then they got careless.
Maxis realized that they really had a big source of income. They imediately rushed to build Hot Date while people were still enjoying house party. They threw it out on the market and it was once again a big hit, but not as big as the others. Hot Date offered a whole new style of going downtown and meeting new people. It was a nice addition but not quite worth the money. Maxis really fell on their face when they shipped Vacation. It oferred hardly any new items and almost no itmems for home use. I was really dissapointed when I brought it home that day. They had used the exact same engine they used in Hot Date. They just changed the name and the backgrounds. They did have some cool new interactions, but certainly not worth 30 dollars. I am very skeptical about the upcoming release of unleashed. The name is very original and if you ask me, it doesn't seem like they have tried very hard. They have their minds set on money and new and upcoming ways to make lots of money. Maybe I am wrong and maybe I am right. The world will know on September 23rd of 2002.
I am still a loyal supporter of The Sims, but if this release is as embarrasing as Vacation then I will be diirecting my time to other places. My reccomendation is to wait until after the release of this product. Wait a good month or so and pick up the September and October issues of PC Gamer magazine. See what they say and take my opinions into consideration. Money is becoming an ever scarcer thing and it might be a better idea to invest it in other places. Just wait until October to buy this and be patient. See what people say and find as much information ad you can before making your decision. Good day... MASTER_G

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims Unleashed
Review: I have been playing the sims since last year i have never got tired of it.anyway all i have ever wanted was pets that was all i would think about. My sister and i would always say that the sims needed companions and something to attract others/ but we never thought our dreams would come true. i found out one day the sims unleashed was comeing outand i just was freaked out.I just cant wait till it come out its going to be a blast and i really cant wait for the 125+ objects. that all for today thanks for reading this.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Another Expansion
Review: I have to admit that I am excited about this expansion but when will enough be enough with Maxis??? I own all of The Sims expansions and loved them all except for Vacation. Vacation was horrible and pretty boring and a lot of things just didn't work in it. We need a Sim 2 and fast!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Here Boy
Review: The Sims is totally awsome but when they get to have pets like cats and dogs I knew the game would bark.So buy the game.I wonder if the pets can have babies?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome
Review: this games seems to be one of the best. Ive always wanted to have pets and grow gardens. I can't wait to get this game!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: All the Fan of the sims reviews
Review: The sims is the best game ever.you can control people and ask them to do anything but sometime they refuse but that cool and sadly the sims cannot buy a car. i hope this coming new Sims unleashed would be better than the others sims expansion pack

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: PETS-sounds like fun, well it is!
Review: this is the best sims e-pak yet, well until Online comes out. There is just about any house pet you can think of and then some. you can teach them tricks and you interact with them just like with the people! this is a must have!!!

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