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The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Think this one out...
Review: Yes, "The Sims" and its various expansions up to now have been well worth the money, but this one I expect might not live up to the hype. I believe this because, for starters, not everyone is big on pets, or the messes they make (real OR simulated). Even with the relatively large selection of pets and pet-related interactions, chances are that some users might be turned off by having to partially neglect their characters' social lives to train the pets. The new items included with the expansion might be interesting, but if pets aren't your thing, then consider skipping this title.
The main reason I believe this title won't be as hot as the others, though, is that the release of "The Sims Online" isn't too far away, and those of us who loved the concept of the original game are probably already drooling over the approaching online version. So, to recap, your money might be better spent on another game if you don't like pets or if you like multiplayer play.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best (and hopefully last) expantion pack yet!!
Review: When I first heard about Unleashed I could not wait to get my hands on a copy! As I said in the title this will be the best "Sims" expantion(exp)pack yet! I have played the other EXP's and those downloadable animals just don't cut it! You can take Spot for a walk and find your true lover! thats right folks, your animals can help you with your love life! Their are many more new aspects to the game that I will not be able to explain. Adios Amegos!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Yeah pets for yo sims
Review: i hope that the dogs can attack the begular, but the alarm is just fine. you know that your gonna have to house broken

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Pets
Review: This game is really cool, because it gives the Sims a chance to care for something. I am looking forward to its release. Plus you get shops, neighborhoods, and a lot of other fun stuff!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: No More...My Computers Going to EXPLODE!
Review: 950 MG!? Maxis says this game will take up 950 MG!? I only have ONE expansion pack on my computer and I only have 190 MG left!! ARGH! Have they not considered the fact that some people don't have computers with enough MG to weigh the same as a Sumo Wrestler!?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Thing Since Velcro!
Review: I know as a fact that any true Sim Gamer is constantly begging for more in "The Sims". I have all of the current 4 exp. packs, and knew I needed something new. Ah, how me and my friends have longed for gardens that aren't cheesy little "build mode" flowers, owning shops, cool cafes, and most of all-Pets. Well, a gift from god has been "unleashed" upon us puny mortals that satisfies all those needs! I give you, "Unleashed"!

Take a little stroll ito a new place called "Community", sort of like "Downtown Mode"or "Vacation Mode". As in Downtown, the time at home freezes when you go to Community. Once you're there, skip on over to the pet store, where you will find 12 different kinds of dogs, 12 different kinds of cats, around 3 kinds of birds, or a lizard, turtle, or fish. And there's even more--train your new friend to do tricks! But that's not all you have to train them to do. You'll also be required to train them things like, where to go to the bathroom. Too lazy? That's fine. You just need to reach the nearest phone to call a trainer. If you neglect your pet, however, It will wreak havoc. It will tear up your precious garden, drink from the toilet, and if it's ticked enough, get into the trash can and fill your house with litter.

Maxis didn't forget the nature of pets, though. If you have a cat and a dog, don't expect them to be best friends. If you get a male and female cats or dogs, expect kittens or puppies. Your pet could scare away unwanted pests from your garden. A cat will keep the mice away, but would probably be very interested in your fish or bird (Heh heh).

Take 'em to the park to find a new friend, encounter new enemies, or locate a new lover. You heard me--your pets will help you with new relationships! (Think "101 Dalmatians"!) If you touch another person's pet and the pet doesn't like you, the owner will slap you.

You can get your pet an assortment of stuff like toys, beds, scratching posts, exercise stations, chew toys, catnip, and tons of other things.

Buy seeds for a variety of crops and GROW WHAT YOU EAT!!! :) It looks different than the traditional plate of food in The Sims! If you have a worthy crop, you can also sell it at a farmer's market for some profit. Heck, you can own a store! Take your pets into a cafe and talk to others there with new interactions. or, go back home and use one of the new 125+ items that come in the Expansion Pack.

don't forget the New Orleans French spiral staircase! Since the dawn of The Sims, gamers wanted it.

Thank you Maxis! Thank you EA Entertainment! You have never let me down!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Prepare to put a collar on The Sims Unleashed!
Review: Based on my previous experiences with The Sims and the expansions to follow, The Sims Unleashed will be one hell of a game! Give your little simmies a vast array of new chalanges - Pets, Gardening (Pets will help keep away the little nasties)totally new career paths, (A first in an expansion since Livin Large) an expanded neighbourhood, with re-zoneable lots, and..... (Bet you didnt think there could be anything else!) Over 125 new objects, featuring a spiral staircase, cat posts, dog bowls and more!! Also, based on your sims cleanlieness, mice might come around (like the cockroaches from LL) but if you decide you sim wants a cat, the little kitties can help keep the mice under control. Watch out though, these little animals,(That your sims have now purchased from the local pet store) have needs of their own, like fun, bathroom, hunger and so on, and if you neglet Fluffy's needs, then her ghost will hang around the house, daunting your simmie and reminding him of the time he forgot to feed her, or play with her to keep her company. Your sim will also have to housebreak and train their new pet, praising it for good things and punishing for the bad. But the pets have a massive good side, all those bacholour sims out their looking for love, take Fido for a walk down at the park, and woo in those females with your adorable pooch, and err, you too I guess. (".) Pets can keep social scored sky high, or they can make 'em drop, for instance: If your simmie's mate Mortiamer Goth came around to see and pet Rover for the first time, and Rover didnt like Mortimer, your simmie's relationship with Mortimer would drop, and vica versa. Or on the other hand, if Mortimer also owned a dog, and your sim and Mortimer had a conversation about dogs, then both your sim and Mortimer would be very happy, and score brownie points with each other. However, as you might have guessed, a dog and a cat owner wont click so easily. Oh, and your sims pets aren't just for show, well actually thats all they are. Local pet shows open up the oppertunity for your sim to show of his or her well groomed pooch or adorable kitten, or maybe even their bird, lizard or turtle. (Oh and there's some little fishies too!!)
Enough about the pets, we still havnt discussed gardening, jobs and the new neighbourhood!
*Ehem* Jobs! In The Sims Unleashed there's gonna be a first since Livin Large (a.k.a LL) 5 New career paths! Each career with 10 levels as normal, so 50 new jobs! :) Your simmie can take up and hold (or not hold, depending on their attidute) a career in Education, Fashion, Animal Care, Culinary (The food industry) and even run away (well run away within the working hours) with the Circus!
*Moving on quickley* The new neibourhood! The 'normal' neighbourhood will be expanded into 40 residential and commuinty lots, which you can re-zone to your choice. You can create parks, cafes, shops and markets, and then have your sim call for a shuttle to be taken around to explore the new areas. Unlike Downtown in Hot Date,(HD)the areas wont be full of complete strangers, instead, will be populated by the people of that neighbourhood (its much bigger now so dont worry about the areas being empty!)
*Almost done!!* Gardening now, is the last leg of this review/preview... Now your sims can litterally 'live off the land' by buying vegie seeds at the local market and harvesting crops, to eat and/or sell, and by using their new pets to help shoo off the gofers and rabbits. Theres a new pantry which will store the simmies seeds and vegies when they're ready, and will act a bit like a fridge, as in the sims can grab out a healthy snack whenever they please.
Hope you enjoyed reading about the new Sims game, The Sims Unleased. Written by Meghan M, age 13

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A few details about Unleash
Review: I am as much excited for the sims unleashed like any other sim maneac. I am too amazed by this but not only that they can have pets.....THEY HAVE MORE CONSTRUCTION! If you watched the first sim little show before the other packs you'll know. How? Well I saw a coffee table when I first got The Sims,I never saw it anywhere. Then Hot date finally came!!It had the coffee table. So it seems that we WILL have three floor, we WILL have more and more topics, and we WILL have more and more and more and more EXPANSION PACKSSS!!So what are you waiting for! Go order it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Really Cool!
Review: I think this expansion will be the best one of all! Mostly the reason I think this is because I absolutely adore pets and have always wanted them in my sims families'. In this expansion you can go to your local pet shop and buy a dog, cat,lizard, turtle, bird, or fish. And you can buy toys, dog houses, treats,and a lot more for you and your pets to enjoy. There are 125 objects in all. But that's not all you get! Also there are new skins. Another addition is gardening! Now your sims can buy seeds at the farmer's market and plant them in their garden. Once the seed has grown into a plant you can store it in your kitchen pantry or sell it at the farmer's market. Your pets will come in handy as they chase away the bunnies, mice, gophers, and other animals that come a callin. This game looks great! I'm buying it the first day it comes out!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Bravo!
Review: Hold up, here comes the SIMS unleashed! SIM-aholics all over will love the depth it adds to an already addictive game! Know that weird old bird lady down the street, the one with all the "birds"? No? Well, now you can create one in your game! Your SIMS will be able to interact with pets to gain things like charisma or up their relationship rating, and you can even buy fun things for your pets. Unfortunately, you can't take the pets downtown, but, on the up side, you've got plenty of opportunity to socialize with the neighborhood extension they've done. Also, your pets, as they're part of the family, get to go on vacation with you. What better way to soak up the sun than with a cool kitty cat at your side? Things just get better and better! Bravo!

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