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The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Marvellous ever social game
Review: This game is a very good game.The socialism of this game is not bad.The graphics are enormous and sound is good.Its a A+ grade game.I have not buyed it yet , but im sure its true that its a good game.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: It got a little boring after I got their!
Review: Unleashed was my first expansion packet. I played and loved it. Then after a while it bored me. My sim was having a lousy time. For Pete sake there was a women who said she could bring back the dead. I couldn't figure out how to do that (still can't.) Their is no monkey and you don't talk about the animal to a guy in a nice suit. Pretty much they lied about that. I did like the new neighborhoods and I did like the new families and I think getting a dog is kool. Otherwise, this game can get a little boring!! (Requires the Sims, Sims Deluxe Edition or Sims Double Deluxe.) (You can also garden which is kool, I guess.)

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: hello
Review: it is very fun i recomend it to any one who is in middleschool

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: About THE SIMS UNLEASHED Expansion Pack :
Review: This game is SO much fun! I bought it and I was totally amazed! The neighborhood is SO much bigger than the original, and you can have community lots (public places) in your neighborhood without going to Old Town.

Tip : If you don't want to train your pet yourself you can go to a pet store, and there will be a guy called The Trainer. If you click on him, he will be able to train your pet!


Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Can't get it to load. . .
Review: My 12-year old son bought this game with his own money, and we have never been able to get it to install. I contacted EA, and their advice was of no use. My son lost the receipt, so we couldn't take it back, and he wasted his money. The only good thing I can say about the whole situation is that he learned the lesson of SAVE YOUR RECEIPT!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Parents Beware
Review: I bought "SIMs Double Deluxe" and "SIMs Unleashed" for my kids, and boy am I sorry. It crashes at least once every time they play. My kids come to me with long faces and want me to restart the computer. Their SIM creations are always lost.

I've been a windows programmer for over ten years. Even by windows standards, this is very poorly tested. Even my children admit the poor quality of the game is a pain.

It does this on three different computers, running Windows-98, Windows-2000, and windows XP. It happens at their friends houses too.

The upside to this crashing is that the game has NO EDUCATIONAL VALUE. It's a total time waster, so when it crashes it gets the kids to do something more constructive.

The expansion packs also use an obnoxious copy protection, so I can't make backup copies of my CDs. My kids often trash the originals, so this violation of my fair-use rights could cost me money. My solution is a vow to never buy EA products again, nor let my kids by any.

Parents, do not buy this junk for your children.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: GREAT!
Review: This is a great expansion pack to have. This "pack" Allows you to have pets in your game, not just the normal aquarium. It is one of my favorite expansion packs yet!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My favorite expansion pack
Review: I bought the Sims Unleashed when I couldn't find Livin Large at Toys R Us. (this was before I was old enough to order it from Amazon) I installed it into my computer and after about three minutes I was THRILLED.
The Sims Unleasheed adds a massive new area to your neighborhood (which was pathetically small) and gives your Sims the opportunity of new careers, to get pets, several new heads and skins, plus great new objects. The best part is, definitely is that now you have the ability to modify a house without having the family on hand. Used with Hot Date, Vacation and House Party, The Sims can be the best game there ever was.
One complaint I have to make is that of the pets. You'd think they could at LEAST be housebroken! They make a lot of extra work for my Sims, so they aren't really the greatest.
One thing I forgot to mention was the new Old Town, which is like made up of parks and cafes, which is one of the reasons the neighborhood was made bigger-so they could fit all that stuff in. Overall, it's a wicked game

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Intresting but nagging
Review: I love this game, and squeaked when I first got it. It's fun, entertaining, and annoying at the same time. Well, you see, the animals can turn out to be VERY disobedient, and that can frustrate you and your Sim. When you buy your Sim pet, just like your Sim it has bars that say how loud or nice it is. On your Sim, it says how neat, nice, playful, and active he/she is. Same for the Sim pet. But a little different. I have to say, that when the animals make a mess by crapping on the floor, it might tick you off some. But it's entertaining, even if your Sim pet is smart or stupid.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Very Fun But Could be Better
Review: The Sims Unleashed is a great game. There are awesome pets and new skins (and heads). There are some flaws. I expected a little too much from it. Don't get me wrong it is a great game. You can win trophies in pet shows and train your pets to do tricks and housebreak them. There are many new selections. The thing I hate is it is harder to marry and make freinds (a lot harder). It still is a very fun game.If you need more fun for the sims it is this expansion pack.

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