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The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Probably the worst of the expansion packs
Review: Don't get me wrong! I love the Sims! It's probably my favorite PC game of all time. I just personally felt that this expansion pack just added the pet aspect, but it was hard to control both your Sims needs and your Pets needs. I bought it, and tried it out, but ultimately I went back to the previous pack. With the Sims 2 due out this year, it's pretty much a waste to pick this up so late in the game. You would do better to just wait and get the new Sims.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What i like about it!
Review: I really like sims unleashed the things i like about it are you can visit other places not just stuck in one house also u have a interactive pet which you can play with and have to feed and give it water. im not sure if you can take the dog for a walk because i have not found about that yet. i think if you enjoyed the first ever sims you will deffintly have to get one of the expansion packs.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Perfect Game
Review: I absolutly love this game. Play it all the time.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Pets?
Review: The strays really get annoying, running around the house. The objects are cool, but dont add much. Sometimes the game would freeze and I'd have to restart the game. I'll stick with the reguaLar Sims.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: EXCELLENT, buy a pet. 18th april 2004.
Review: Buy a dog,iguana,cat,birds and more. Buy more than one. And the same with the other sims games, go to a petr shop and redecorate it change it round, then send your sims down to buy a pet. And still a different variety of items and clothing. THE SIMS ARE THE BEST.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the sims- UNLEASHED
Review: Were you getting bored with your Sims? Tired of going on dates? Vacation getaway just brings you down to the dumps cause they're so boring? Don't like your parties anymore? Well if so, The Sims Unleashed is FOR YOU!

This game adds SO much more to your game, I highly recommend it if you do not have it already. As you all know, this game adds the features of Pets to your sim world. However, this is just like 1/5 of the new features!

Tired of building on the same 10 lot neighborhood? The Sims Unleashed adds a lovely 41 lot expansion to your neighborhood! Yes, that means you can build around 50 families!!! (If you wanted to.) In addition, an Old Town is installed RIGHT into your neighborhood!! The cab to get there is free!!! You can bring your sims to the heart of the neighborhood and grab some expresso, bring your pets to the pet show, buy seeds to grow VEGETABLES, the list goes on and on!

Speaking of vegetables, Unleashed adds a totally cool aspect to the game. You can now farm and eat your produce!!! I recommend the tomatoes because they can re-harvest themselves. Annoying little gophers and bunnies come and try to eat your crop, so I tend to stay away from planting carrots. >.<

Now back to the pets. They are really adorable!!! There are two types, ones that are a part of your family (cat and dog) which have the most interactions. You can play, pet, and train them. (Even housebreaking for the dogs! and hunting for the cats!!) if you have a big garden I suggest having a cat to scare away the annoyancees. THe other types of animals you can have are things like turtles, goldfish, iguanas, and lovebirds. They are kind of boring as all you do is like watch them... and feed. not much else.

The LARGE neighborhood expansion, adorable pets, new farming tools, and especially all the new objects and furnishings makes this game TOTALLY worth it! Add it to your cart now!! =]

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty good, overall.
Review: This is one of the best versions of the Sims I've played. It's very entertaining, and at the same time, frustrating. It's similar to our lives (especially those who have pets) when it comes to the animals. They make a mess (potty training will do the trick), are quite disobedient, and gets tiring, even if it's on a game. But it only makes it more fun. You have to be careful with your pet, though. Make sure you feed it. I had 2 cats, Amethyst and Cresent who died of starvation because of my laziness. I was pretty bummed. In addition, a good reason to get along with your pets is you can order them to attack people. Sounds fun, huh?

On Unleashed, you get more than 125 new items, including a vegetable garden where you can grow *duh* veggies. Best of all, you can sell them in Old Town, a new place to explore. You can decide whether to purchase or sell veggies. You can harvest them in a pantry. There are also objects made exclusively for your pets. I suggest this game to any Sims fan.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: best expansion pack yet
Review: i am a sim collector so i know a lot about the sims.
and this is the best expanshion pack ever maxis really out done ther self.and the town is alwesome.if you are wanting to buy a game by this completly worth the money.also if you have any question post here and i will be happy to anser them.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Don't Waste Your Money
Review: I didn't like this game that much. The animals, especially the dogs, got really annoying when I was trying to make two people become friends. I enjoyed the new careers, characters, and items, but the animals made the game really annoying. Plus, my computer is 5 years old and it took forever to load.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Buy it!
Review: This game does not look fun but i will tell you before i ever known this game was out my life was boring. Now that i have the sims unleashed i have a supberb life.This game is also a fifteen and i am only 10 but nothing bad happens. If you understand what i am saying you will know if you like it. I like this game because its funny when you see a nude sim and it will make me have fun. But my computer goes really slow and i sometimes can't play it and i am always wanting on it. The first thing i do in the morning is play this game. My best friend Megan Anderson has the sims superstar and thats good fun but not as fun as unleashed. In this game you have a chance to add a turtle,cat,fish,dogs and more. This game now has bigger neighbourhoods-now with 40 residential and community lots. New characters, pets and untamed animals. Five new careers-50 new jobs.125 new objects.Creat new community lots with parks, cafe,shops and a market. Housebreak your pets, train them to do tricks, buy them toys,treatsand accessories, and do your best to keep them from destroying the house.You can buy a budgie thats mad or another kind that can take up half the house with the cage and they can talk to you . They learn words off there owner so if you have been swearing you will find your bird swearing too. If your bird swears at your neighbours you will have no friends at tall. If you buy the sims on holiday your family will take another person, a dog or cat. The sims superstar is good fun to you can make you sims very famous buy going to town and singing or acting. When you get all stars full you will see your name in whos hot and whos not. If you don't like this game there is something wrong with you.Atleast 8000 people like the sims and atleast 3000 don't like it, but i find it excellent when you have an animal. To play this on pc you will need the sims or the sims deluxe edition. If you grow a vegetable garden you will notice a hole appearing if you see that and you have a cat let it in the garden because that hole is a rabbit and it has came to eat you carrots that are growing in your garden. If you get the sims2 you will watch your people go throw pain while in hospital having a baby.You will then arrive hme and you will have a baby in your hand.

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