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The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best but get a good computer
Review: This is a excellent Game! Get a great computer this game takes a lot a Ram and stuff! But besides that, I think it's great!
Get all the other expention packs(especially Living Large)and you'v got the best game in the world! This pack not only has pets, and gardening but there is a bigger neighborhood!
You can have your sims date at the new old town that is located in the bigger neighborhood(I think you need Hot Date to date in the old town.)this old town isn't just another downtown, no sir, it has lots and lots of fun activities plus the kids can come! the pets are realy cute and they can go on vacation(if you have Vacation expention pack.)plus there is a new french theme and here is a bonus! You can now put computers on vacation island and old town!Happy simming!(:-]

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Crashes, but worth it for pets?
Review: Having felt my Sims' lives were missing the joy of a little bundle of fur for a long time, I feel particularly fond of this pack. Buying puppies and kittens is a lot of fun. However, this game has more problems than is actually worth the buy, problems which Maxis refuses to put out patches to fix. Among them are flooding under objects, memory leaks that cause the game to crash to the desktop, and a quirk that causes Sims to lose energy when they visit the new Old Town. Old Town, in fact, is not very interesting at all, given that your Sims will lose energy so rapidly while there. It is like another downtown except that your whole family can visit. In addition, expect stray animals to prowl your Sims lawns and houses and leave their marks behind. Gardening was a fun addition though. So I rate this pack exactly half. The good and the bad balance out pretty evenly, but if you can't handle some serious game problems in order to have gardening and pets, don't buy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This is the coolest
Review: Sims Unleashed allows more than the others. You have pets and you can travel all around Old Town, the place where there are cafes and even dog shows for your pets!!! This is a great game, that you all need to buy.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Expansion to the Sims
Review: You'll quickly find that this is the best expansion to the game, except for maybe Hot Date. Yeah, Old Town's okay, but the real reson is the pets! The Sima just wouldn't be The Sims without pets! For one thing, they are a game in themselves, providing more work than a regular sim! Also, don't be surprised for minutes to turn into hours when training pets! This quickly becomes addictive to train and show off your pets. Also, there are the countless pet and human interactions available now, and the slew of pet objects doesn't disappoint! For Old Town, it is fun to build markets or little coffee houses. It feels like you are building your own little Vermont town when in Old Town! Also, the new feature of growing crops is fun too! And finally, the objects and other stuff is great! Buy this pack no matter what!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: What You've Always Wanted In The Sims
Review: I purchased The Sims Unleashed at Staples and I've enjoyed it greatly so far. Installing takes a while. Espically if you have several other expansion packs. Even eith one other expansion pack it took 25 minutes since it needs to copy the files from previous expansion packs. The load time isn't any longer than any other expansion pack though. Press the "space" bar to skip the movie clip. The pet concept is cool. You go to Old Town and pick a pet. You choose the color, sex, and name. Which is all I think you need to change. The Old Town concept is really cool. You can make buildings and stores in Old Town. The really cool thing is I live 15 minutes from Old Town. (The Real One) This is a great expansion pack. I haven't tried planting vegtables yet though. Don't expect a quick installation though unless if this is your first expansion pack.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Whole New Game
Review: I was a bit bored with The Sims when I picked up "Unleashed," but I've had it since the day it came out and still haven't tired of it. If you are going to buy any expansion pack, this is the one to get. With 40 houses in each neighborhood, you won't have to worry about running out of space for all your families. Plus, you can finally take the kids shopping without going to Vacation Island! The gardening angle allows you to keep your Sims at home to run a working farm. If they're late to work, no worries about getting fired! The pets are also fun, but a bit annoying as they will run into homes without an invitation and get in the Sims' way. The game also runs more slowly, as one might expect, but overall that doesn't affect how I feel about the game. It is an excellent diversion, and finally, after always having hoped for more after buying the latest add-on, I can't imagine anything Maxis/EA could do to top this expansion pack.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Unleashed
Review: Once again EA Games has propelled me to install another of their expansion packs on my over burdened inadequate system. Since my system doesn't meet Unleashed's requirements. I will not complain of speed. (The speed is fine for the most part.) There are many things I love about Unleashed. I love the new faces, clothes,and new build mode items. Especially the spiral staircases. The cats and dogs have very realistic movements and behaviors(bad and good). Each neighborhood has so many lots, I haven't filled the first one yet. With Unleashed, you can build a home, furnish it, and write a description for it as you would do for a place downtown without having to create a family first. I love that I can now put computers downtown.
My complaints are few and I've adjusted. 1.The main reason I longed for Unleashed was the new job tracks. I was disappointed that 4 out of 5 of them end in night jobs. 2.The strays are driving me crazy. Several of them come onto the lot every day and "relieve" themselves on the sidewalks, dragging down my room score and generally making pests of themselves. (I use the "move_objects on" cheat to delete the strays and their messes. Don't worry, it doesn't kill them. They eventually visit again. You have to be careful though. You can delete what the game calls a "destination" and ruin one of your lots. Deleting it causes your Sims to be unable to leave home for any reason--work, downtown, etc.) 3.Old town is no downtown. You cannot build a restaurant (stoves and podiums aren't available) and therefore, your Sims cannot remain there for long. You can grill or buy from vendors. 4.Am I the only one to notice that the female Sims have lost their seductive little walk? They now walk like the men. It makes the women look like apes dragging their knuckles.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Sim's Best Friend
Review: What could be cuter than a Sim dog or Sim cat? This by far has to be the best out of the expansion packs for The Sims.

Not only can your Sim have a cute furry animal friend, they have 50 new jobs in five new career tracks and they can grow a vegetable garden.

The Old Town development is nice, and it is free for your Sim to go there. Sims can go there to socialize with other Sims in the neighborhood, to buy a pet, or sell your vegetables. The Expansion on the neighborhood is great, now there is more space for creative expression.

I like this expansion pack the most but there are a few things that are annoying at best. I like the dog and cat skins, but there are not enough. Training the pet is time consuming. I recommend if you have a Sim buy a cat or dog, only buy one at a time. There are strays that a Sim can befriend and adopt. Yet like having the Sims develop friendships with other Sims, this becomes a hassle for the career-minded Sim. The Vegetable garden is good...you won't have your Sim spending their salary on food and they can make a few extra bucks selling the veggies. Down side: Like with any real garden, you have your garden pests... growing carrots forget it(unless you trained your Sim cat to be a ruthless bloodthirsty hunter). Tip: Grow beans and tomatoes, they don't have to be replanted once they are harvested.

I made the mistake of purchasing this expansion pack before the others(Hot Date, House Party, and Vacation). Now I didn't know I made this mistake, until after playing with Unleashed for about a week then I decided to buy the Hot Date expansion pack.
That is when I found out that I had to install the games in order of their release. So I had to uninstall Unleashed as well as Deluxe Edition, then reinstall and installing the older expansion pack before Unleashed. I'm not a computer whiz, so it took me a couple of hours and rereading the installion instructions before I got the game to work again.

This expansion pack is a must for the Sims, having the pets adds a new dimension to the Sims everyday life. You don't have as much control over a Sim dog or cat like you do with the Sim people. The dogs and cats are run by free will, although you can tell them where to go but you cannot give them actions. Unless your Sim person is petting them or trying to train them. It is amusing to see the pets interact with one another, and hiss or growl at their owner.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Nice idea but lots of frustrating problems
Review: I am a recent sims player, and this is the first expansion pack I bought. While there are some neat features, I am disappointed overall with this expansion pack.

First, it runs very slowly on my computer.

Second, the game itself seems a lot different now. It's a lot harder to build and keep relationships. One of my sims was romantically involved with another sim, and that relationship completely fell apart when I installed Unleashed. I have no idea what changed. There are a lot more possible interactions between sims, but a lot of them are mean and the sims tend to react a lot more poorly towards one another now.

Third, I experienced a lot of technical problems. The sims would spin around in circles for no reason, refuse to sit and watch TV, and floods would happen *under* items where you couldn't clean them up. A patch helped, but my sims still spin too much. Also, going to Old Town is really difficult. For some reason you can only take your entire family. Also, the sims get drained of energy really quickly and it's almost impossible to keep them in a good mood. Finally, the high speed function when the sims are out of the house or asleep no longer works well, which slows the game down considerably.

It's fun to be able to grow vegetables and have pets. I've found that tomatoes are the best to grow because if you tend to them regularly, you can get almost a continual harvest. I haven't had any problems with pests destroying my gardens (even without pets to hunt them). But it takes a lot of time and energy to keep even a tiny garden plot going.

The pets can also be annoying. There are just too many strays running around. They mess up your yard and bring your room score way down. They wander into your house uninvited. They can bring your social score up quickly, though. It's also difficult to keep your own pets in a good mood because you can't control their actions.

This was a great idea, but I feel it has changed the game in more bad ways than good. I become frustrated when playing the game because of all the little annoyances.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: nothing beats the sims unleashed
Review: hi i'm ormie a sim fan. i think that the sims unleashed is wicked. you can buy, train, and play with pets and there is more and more jobs for your sims. but if you don't like to clart on with gardening you can grow them instead i love it its easy relaxing and you can logg onto the sims.com and learn how to make family albums so buy it if you haven't and i can't wait till a new one comes out

by paul o a sim fan

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