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The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

The Sims Unleashed Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $19.99
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great Game!!!!
Review: I love this game!! I'm 10 years old and i've had it for a year now. I wouldn't recommend it for kids younger than 9 because some of the things are confusing. It's fun and you can now buy pets for your sims. Here's a list of the new things on this game:

- you can buy your sims pets
- you can buy collars, beds, foodbowls and multiple pther items for your pets
- new items for your sims
- new people and new outfits

I give this game a 4 because it's really hard to train yor pets. Otherwise it's a great game!!It was worth the $20.00 I spent. Buy this game!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Sims Unleashed- here's what i think
Review: The Sims Unleashed was a very creative expansion pack. You can now adopt animals from the pet store from a whole new downtown area. You can choose from dogs, cats, birds, lizards, and turtles. You can:
-choose from different breeds
-name them
-choose their sex
-buy them collars, treats, and toys
-play with them

There are also some different jobs, people, and outfits to choose from. The expansion pack also comes with all the beds, food dishes, play areas, and other things like that for your pets. It's also really fun to have your pets train to do tricks.

Also, in case you didnt already know, their are a bunch of cheats. Here are only some of them:

-first, hold down Shft+Ctrl+"C"
-you should then have a box at the top left-hand corner of your screen
-you can then type all your cheats in here and then press enter
-typing in rosebud will get you $1,000
-if after rosebud you type in ";!;!;!;!;!;!" each time you enter the pattern ";!" you will gain another $1,000
-if you fill then entire box with rosebud then the pattern of ;! (the box does end, i promise)and in the last pattern sequence u change it to :! instead of ;! then hold down the enter button and it will say no such cheat but you will receive money anyway
-hold down enter until your money box reads all 9's and you then will have unlimited money
-another cheat i use often is "move_objects on" which allows you to pick up and move objects that the game normally wouldnt have allowed you to
-also, if a person you have is unhappy and wont do something, use this cheat to delete them and the click on their picture to bring them back (keep in mind that this may delete and relationships or jobs that this person has)
-using that button you can also clean up messes and spills that otherwise your sims would have had to clean up themselves

i hope that i have helped you!
good luck with sims and i hope that you also like sims unleashed!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: What MY Sims Have Always Wanted...
Review: I love Unleashed because I'm an avid animal lover and I always thought MY Sims could use a little TLC from a puppy or kitty. I was pretty much pleased with the purchase of this game. I think the selection of pets is pretty decent and I like the option of going to Old Town. My Sims were getting pretty perturbed with staying home all the time. All in all, I think it was a well-needed expansion pack, just not worth the price. Should have been half the price if you ask me.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Big and Clunky, Still Fun
Review: I enjoy this expansion pack, I really do. However, while it really adds a lot to the game, it also adds a lot of unnecessary and irritating things to the game. I have a mid-range system - I meet the system requirements by far, but I don't have a new or top-of-the-line system. I've had some system issues and I've had some frustrations with gameplay itself. I've also enjoyed playing with pets. Also, I should mention that I have hot date and vacation, but not Livin Large or House Party.

First, the good things: I like having pets. I especially like the iguana and the turtle, because they don't require too much care, but add some entertainment value. I also LOVE the new Old Town area as a new place to go. I like the new families, and I like the extension of the amount of space you have to build houses in each neighborhood (new "zoning" restrictions to build more lots). It doesn't cost anything for your Sims to go to Old Town - they don't have to pay cab fare, so I like it better.

Now, the Bad: First off, it's HUGE! It is by far the largest application that I have on my system. Unlike the other expansion packs, it is 2 CDs. This isn't all bad and when you figure how much gaming has progressed since the original "The Sims" came out years ago, I can accept that. This game also takes longer to load than the others, but not to the amount that I've found some people complaining about. I've never timed it, but I don't find it incredibly annoying.

I've found this game to be more unstable than previous versions. I get lock ups and have to restart the game, losing all of my changes (since it also takes longer to save). I've had periodic bugs such as water getting stuck under objects and random disappearing chairs.

As far as features go, I hate the strays. I find it nearly impossible to keep my lot clean with all of the strays on my lot. You either waste time going and telling the strays to shoo or you waste time cleaning up after them. This makes it very difficult to get promoted because the yard score impacts your Sims' moods so much when going to work. Another irritating thing is that bunnies and such eat your garden. Cats can keep the garden pests away, but it makes it difficult to have a garden without a cat.

Gardening is difficult. It takes a lot of time and effort and seriously decreases your Sims' comfort level and Fun. You'd think that maybe a Sim would LIKE gardening and would do it for fun, but that's not the case. It does save a little money, but with the amount of time spent gardening, I don't know if it's worth it.

The bird in the game gets you charisma, which is really cool. However, it constantly makes noise and that is irritating. You can't tell it to be quiet. Old Town is great, but few of the "canned" lots have places to sit or places to get real food, so your Comfort and Hunger scores drop quickly. You also can't go downtown unless you take all of the members of your household.

The addition of gardens & pets is great, but can be a bit overwhelming when you're trying to go on vacation, go on dates, meet friends, take care of needs, take care of family, get promoted at work, and also build skills. Sometimes, that is just too much to handle.

Despite my complaining, I really do like this expansion pack. I just think it has a whole lot of issues that need to be worked out. It does not seem like it is the most "polished" of all of the expansion packs. If you are a Sims fan, I would definitely buy it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: NOT a review - just an effort to post some info.
Review: Sim-ers have always wanted pets. The additions of fish and hamsters were rather unsatisfying (and sometimes lethal) additions. This new expansion packs will allow your sims to have dogs, cats, parrots, turtles and lizards as well.

Lots of new social interactions have been added, althought the Sims website has not been specific as to what those are. Your neighborhoods are bigger - 30 lots each which you can zone for commerical or residential use. Also there are new homes, new parks, a new cafe, new shops and a farmer's market! Your new dog or cat can be brought to these locales and used to interact with your sim neighbors. Just like in Downtown, time freezes when you're in the community sections.

Each neighborhood will include a pet store, where you can choose from 12 different cats (e.g., black cat and siamese cat), 12 different dogs (e.g., dalmatians, beagles, french bulldogs, spaniels, rotweillers, labs, greyhounds, german shepherds to name a few), 2 different birds (lovebirds and parakeets), or buy a turtle, lizard or fish. The Maxis folks haven't forgotten any of the details of pets, if you buy a male and a female of the same species, they just might have babies, dogs and cats (and dog and cat people) might not get along, and Kitty might take a liking to your bird or fish

Beware - your doggies and kitties (but not the other animals) need to be trained and cared for so they don't go to the bathroom in the house or rip us the trash. Don't worry - Maxis is kind enough to provide a dog trainer if you're feeling lazy. But, your pets are just like a member of your family - they will have needs and skills which can be acquired (through positive and negative reinforcement). Just like people, you have to develop a relationship with them. And just like your people, they can die of neglect, so be careful! Dogs and cats will also misbehave and get grumpy if you don't take care of them. Dogs and cats can also be entered in pet shows with prizes for obedience, tricks and good pet mood. You can't bring your pets downtown (although you can probably pick up a date in the pet park) but your whole family (including your pet) goes on vacation with you.

There's new stuff for your house too - you can can garden! Grow 4 different veggies in your patch (you have to buy seeds), careful gardening will result in a crop which you can sell (at the farmer's market) or store (in your new kitchen pantry). You might appreciate your pets here as you'll need to watch out for rabbits, gophers, mice and, as Maxis says ominously, other "unwelcome animals that come a callin'." (Mice, which your cat can keep away, will join roaches as house pets.) There will be 125 new objects for you and your pets (no details on those yet either), a new decorator set (New Orleans French Quarter), new skins and 5 new career tracks (fashion design, chef, vet, teacher, circus performer). Among the new objects are new chairs, new tables, new fountains, espresso machine, pastry cart, spiral staircase, and pet-oriented objects like food bowls, catnip, dog beds, treats, squeak toys, doghouses, pet gyms, chew toys, and scratching posts.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Woof Woof, Pant Pant, *Whizzzzzzzzz*
Review: "The Sims UNLEASHED!? Oh my gosh!" my first thoughts said! I have all of The Sims expansion packs and, of course, The Sims.
My sister and I were absolutely gaga over the prospect of, yet ANOTHER Sims feature to keep us glued happily to the screen.

After installation, I really had a LOT of fun with the game, but I do have a few comments, which bring it's rating down to a 4 Star:

*The introduction is SO LONG (the part where you sit there looking at a blue screen with The Sims Unleashed Copyright, etc. etc. and all those hilarious little titles flash across the bottom of the screen, ie, Reticulating Splines)
*The pets walking past your house pee so much!!!! I have to work hard to get the yard rating up when my girl goes to work!
*SO many pests walk past your house! I have to get up at least once every 2 days to call the Animal Control.
*You may have to download the patch for Unleashed from thesims.com, because, otherwise, you will have flooding underneath your objects, (most commonly, your bathtub).

But there ARE things which I LOVE about this game,
*The Animal Care career track only takes 8 FRIENDS to get to the top! It's not a huge salary, I believe about 1,050 simoleans, but hey, I think a sim could live off of that!
*The pets just strolling by your house or your own pets can bring up your social motive FAST if you'll just pet and play with them.

Now, I know it looks like I have so many more bad things to say than the good things, but, really, I totally enjoy having this expansion pack! It makes things really fun. For those of you who have already mastered careers, having a pet to master is fun too! I recommend this game to anyone with The Sims.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The best expansion pack yet!
Review: I received The Sims: Unleashed for Christmas and I love it! Unleashed creates a downtown area where the Sims can buy pets such as cats, dogs, iguanas, or fish, or visit gothic shops or buy seeds or vegetables at the market.

The pets can be trained to use the bathroom outside or in the litter box and play and interact with your Sim families. The pets will help keep pests away or retrieve the newspaper and you can enter your pet in the Pet Show to win prizes to display in your home.

The thing that I was looking forward to most of all is growing your own vegetables. After buying seeds at the market, your Sim can plant and tend to their own vegetable garden. The vegetables can be stored in the pantry and meals can be prepared just from these vegetables, saving your sims some money if you want them to be just vegetarians. The only thing I've noticed is that it seems to take longer for the Sims to become full from the vegetables than from the refrigerated food.

This expansion pack also adds in five new career paths and new social interactions. The pets have personalities of their own and respond in their own ways to different things. You also get 30 new residential lots and 5 community lots and over 100 new items.

Overall, a great expansion pack. There are a couple of bugs I've noticed, such as floods flooding under objects where Sims can't mop, but the Sims website has the patch fix for this problem.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: PLAYED IT AND LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A solid expansion for a great game!
Review: With Unleashed, the Sims franchise gets a number of pluses: pets (cats, dogs, birds, etc) and expanded neighborhood space for more homes or community property in each neighborhood (40 lots total over the original 10). This greatly expands the potential of the game. Plus, Sims can go to the community lots (like going downtown with Hot Date or going on vacation with Vaction) without having to pay a high cab fee. That's nice on the Sims' pocketbooks.

I deducted 1 star from a perfect rating because Maxis chose to include new furniture and the Sims Creator tool in the Sims Deluxe package but not in Unleashed as well. Deluxe, which includes the base Sims game and the Living Large expansion) is not something the die-hard fans would be buying; it was put out to entice new players in with a bigger starting base for a better price. By putting the extras into Deluxe only, its a slap in the face to those of us players who have supported the game these past two years. Having put those extras in Unleashed would have been a nice bonus to those of us who made this game #1.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: This Game Is Not "Ruff" To Understand! (Har-Har!)
Review: This game, in my opinion, is the BEST Sims Expansion pack yet created, and I own them all (except for Sims Online and Sims Superstar, which comes out today:May 13th). In this game, not only are many new, cool items are added on, but you are FINALLY able to purchase and take care of pets! Sure, you could have fish or a guinea pig, but all you could do with them was feed and clean their cages. Who-pee, that's what I'm talking about. Dogs and cats are considered family members, so sadly you can only have seven in one family (one out of the maximum of eight being the person to take care of them). You can now play with them, train them, and enter them in shows, which is one of my favorite things to do. There are also other pets, such as birds and, if I remember correctly, iguanas. I also remember there being new jobs, unless I am getting this confused with another expansion pack, one of them being of the Animal career track, which I, and many other Sim gamers, had been waiting for for a long, long time. And for all of you out there with a green thumb (If you literally have a green thumb, you might want to see a doctor... I am talking about if you like to work with plants or not.), you can also grow your own plants in this game. You can get a little help with them by buying a special plant tonic from one of many new places in the downtown area. Well, I think this review is getting too long, so I must end it here. Look for me at other expansion pack reviews :-P

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