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WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos

WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos

List Price: $29.99
Your Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: How could you not like it???
Review: This game is one of the best games I have ever experienced, it has everything i wanted that starcraft didnt have. More races the Night Elves, The Orcs, The Humans, and The Undead. Plus it combines one of my all time favorite games, Diablo II, with Starcraft (another all time favorite). The idea to raise heros along with an army was perfect. The heros are like your genrals it seems to me, they are superior and usally have spells to increase your weaker normal units abilities (almost you could look at it as a moral boster). This game is a must have for a fan of any of Blizzard's games. This is a masterpiece and a must own...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best RTS ever
Review: Best RTS ever Made. That Simple. And i thank blizzard E for continuing to release there games for mac and releasing them at the same time there released for PC

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I loooooove it
Review: I give this game 5 stars although there is one problem that makes me really upset - the game downloads, but does not run on my laptop. I get error message telling me to check that the CD is in the CD drive and try again. I think this is a problem of my laptop having a CD-rom, DVD and CD-writer combo. Since I dont have access to a PC right now I cannot play Warcraft. I wish I could, I need a rest from Everquest :oP

If anyone has a solution for this, please write to me at russian_enchantress@hotmail.com.

Buy this game you will LOVE it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Warcraft 3 Beta Review
Review: "This Battle.net Beta includes all four of the game's races as well as a significant number of the full product's items, creeps, and neutral buildings. However, the beta is playable only through Battle.net. You can play any of the four races including Humans, Orcs, Undead, and Night Elves against other players on battle.net. Excluded from this Battle.net Beta are the following full-game features: Single-player campaign, multiplayer LAN games, all cinematic sequences, computer opponents, the editor, saving and loading, and several Battle.net features."(Reign of Chaos Battle.net Beta Program)

After having experienced the game myself, Warcraft III puts all other real time strategy games to shame. Commenting on the graphics, everything looks outstanding from units to buildings as well as the scenario. Blizzard really does a nice job making the texture and colors pleasant to look at even when zoomed in. In the previous Warcraft series, the main plot is basically battles between Orc and Human. In Warcraft III, Blizzard adds two more races (Undead and Night Elf) to increase more strategies. Although these two races are new, many people have already grown to love them. I really enjoy using the Undead.

Like Warcraft 2 and StarCraft, the battle system is pretty much the same. Unlike other strategy games such as Red Alert and Age of Empires, learning how to play a new race in Warcraft is like learning how to play a different game. They don't just change the colors of different races; they change everything from units, structures and the style you should play. Warcraft 3 uses the two resources gold and wood and various kinds of units and structures. For those of you Diablo fans, Blizzard bends the meaning of strategy having to include the option of RPG. Every race has heroes to choose from. Each hero is capable of gaining experience, leveling up, learning new skills as well as keeping an inventory for items such as scroll of town portal, health potions and mana potions. It really adds a nice touch of Diablo to it.

The Undead, one of the two new races, really takes skills to play. In order to win the game, you need to master the resources as well as understanding the abilities of every unit. The first time when I played, I build a lot of tough-mean-looking units and invaded my opponent. Clearly I thought I was going to win for my force really out numbered his. My opponent was smart enough to use the abilities of his units by casting some destructive spells and frying my guys. Take the Undead unit Necromancer for example; it can learn skills such as Corpse Explosion and Summon Skeletons, which can be very deadly and useful.

In summary, I really enjoyed playing Warcraft 3. This is not just an ordinary typical strategy game where you will be through after playing once. Learning how to play Warcraft 3 is really like playing four different games. I'm not going into any more details on every race. Let's just hope Blizzard is able to release the damn game soon.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: A great game
Review: This game is a lot of fun and has a relatively good storyline. There are a few things which I think could be better.

1) The writing was anoying. They kept using the word young over and over. "You must lead your people to Kalimdor, young sorceress" "young warcheif" "young prince".

2) I realy realy wish Blizzard would ban swearing and insulting people on Battle.net. This is a huge dissincentive to play online.

Besides these two things, the game is very fun. It actualy deserves 2.5 stars.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WarCraftIII + Apple + a buddy = where the time go...
Review: Super fun - I took my powerbook over to a buddies - hooked up an ethernet cable and bam - we were having a blast. Must admit the little lady was a little bent because I lost all sense of time and was a bit late for dinner. I will say it was worth it - great maps - great connection - and Blizzard just makes the best games ever - they are all about making games fun.
I can't recomend them enough.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good game, great fun
Review: this game is really fun, especially the online action. join TONS of people on Battle.net and play online for hours, its addicting. the sigle player also kicks arse if i may say so. i bought this game when it first came out for 50 bucks and i still play it. its awesome. im pretty sure in a general sense that if you like ANY video games you will love this.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Blizzard seems to be the only one who can make a good RTS
Review: Represented in this years 2004 WCG (world cyber games). Games voted by the players of the world. The WCG is the equivalent of the Olympic games for video games. Nations and countries from around the world play in this event. This year, It was held in San Francisco(where I attended). Some of the biggest crowd turnouts, Aside from the usual Gamer favorite StarCraft, was WarCraft 3. Loud chants and even national pride anthems were song during the mathches. This game stands up to the test of professionals, tested for it's speed and compatibility. It is among the best in a category dominated by the computer media: RTS. As a long time RTS player I would rank this only second to StarCraft. And for those gamers not really into RTS, the game provides outlets for the online experience. Custom games where gamers like you, make the maps and the rules. Games like Sheep tag, Where you and how ever many other players build obstacles (farms in this case) to surround themselves with, so that online players, playing as Wolves, don't attack and kill you. The point of the game for the Sheeps side is to survive for twenty minutes. On the other side, the wolves, it is to kill every online sheep. The games are endless and thus are the opportunities for fun. I'm currently addicted to custom games. I can't find myself to do anything else. Join the crave.. The community of WarCraft is welcoming to new players.
The RTS is rather different than StarCraft, who requires blinding speed for not only Macro but also Micro. The average Pro gamer speed for StarCraft is around 200 apm. In WarCraft it's around 50. But that means that WC3 is only differrent. Giving gamers who couldn't compete with the engine of SC a wonderfully new outlet to compete. WC3 focuses more on Hero's. In the WCG those who lost their hero's lost the game. The maximum number of troops is low, around 100. But those numbers are deceiving to the critics out there. If you where given the opportunity of more troops, it would only lead to the emulation of SC. Blizzard wanted a new RTS. One with its own identity. They knew they couldn't cater to the needs of Pro SC gamers. The expectations were too high. So they worked for years, and in the end they gave us a graphicaly superb beast filled with Commanding hero's and spell casters who demand the game's victory or loss.-jeff

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Imbalanced integration of RPG into strategy.
Review: This game is entertaining--don't get me wrong. However, it is not and never can provide the well rounded multiplayer experience of Starcraft and Warcraft II because of the "superhero" aspect of the game. Top strategy for this game? Spend as little time as possible building economy, infrastructure and army, and concentrate on upgrading your heros. Two upgraded heros will thrash two or three GROUPS of units. For those who enjoy the challenge of balancing production power with speed, prepare to lose when I build a minimal war machine and upgrade my heros. Economy does play a factor if two players both focus on character development, but armies are of secondary import which is a shame for a RTS.

If you are more interested in RPG type play, this game is for you. If resource management and military strategy are more your cup of tea, stick with starcraft. While I still usually win, I have to admit this game fell short in my estimation. Superweapons and hero units are great--but they should not be available right from the start of a round, and should need much more cost and effort to develop.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: THE BEST
Review: i bought this game summer 2003 after i played a couple of skrimishes at my cousins and i was hooked right away.good graphics the campain kicks ass and the skirmish is good hoever the multiplayer is defently the strongest point in the game. you can face guys in quick setup that take abought 30 secs find a game and send you to it and then if you get bored of the normal games then just go to custom games and there is a list diffrent games created by world edit (another exelent part of the program) they have games like lord of the rings, (look for a helms deep game it kicks ass) starcraft, resident evil and of course other creative games footman wars. over all there are almost no downsides (atleast none that i can think of at the moment)so those people that gave a low rating suck. BUY THIS GAME AND THE EXPANSION YOU WONT BE DISAPPOINTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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