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WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos

WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos

List Price: $29.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Warcraft 3 Review
Review: I loved Warcraft 2. When I bought Warcraft 3, I thought it would be just like 2. When I saw and played it, I thought it was
many times better and different from 2. The graphics are so much better and the gameplay is better as well. In 2, spells
hafe to be manualy controlled, but in 3, some spells can be
automaticlly casted. Another cool thing is the heros. Three heros for each four races. You can build up their levels and have them learn more powerful spells and abilities. Each hero
even has an ultimante abilite that is very powerful and usefull.
Dont hesitate to buy this game.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: One of the best RPG's ever!
Review: WarCraftIII Reign of Chaos is a excellent game once you get started it's hard to put it down. Mind it does take a long time to complete the game but Battle.net really makes up for a lot of that. In WarCraftIII you'll spend what seems like endless hours trying to defeat four different races personally I like the Orcs over anything else. I rated this game four stars because the only way you'll enjoy this game a lot is if you have played an RPG that took what seemed like hundreds of endless man hours to complete

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Not as fun as II, but much better looking
Review: ... I also played the original Warcraft, ...

Between the two, I would say Warcraft II beats III for its
Gameplay enjoyability, plot depth & interest, and the MUSIC!!!

Warcraft III beats II as far as the game interface, the graphics, the reasonable challenge, the plot clarity, and the good sound effects.

As far as the Cast Of Characters: Warcraft III has characters that are way more involved in the game and plot than before. however, none of them develop very much likeable personality. One of the heros basically turns undead and murders his father, which IMO was a violent anticlimactic moment. From that point onward all of the music is terrible and annoying.

World editor ease of use: Warcraft II
World editor overall: Warcraft III

... However, WC III is an excellent game still, and there is no other game like it out there that I know of.

Here is why I gave it 4 stars:


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great for an RTS/RPG lovers.
Review: This game took me 4 nights to played. Can not sleep well without playing this game. It is worth buying.

Their 3D engine is very good, as their gaming engine is awesome also. Everything very good.

This is the best game in RTS the world ever....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: best game
Review: This has got to be one of the best games if not the best game ihave ever played. I love the fact that heros again EXP and gain lvl's wich bring this above its predessesor. Great gameplay value and endless war possibilities make this game very fun. Also just the fact that you have the free online gameplay provided by blizzard also gives this game its value.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Probably the Best Game out right now
Review: this is game has a huge improvement in graphics from age of mythology and command and conquer generals the other current strategy games. ithas , as with all blizzard games an awsome new array of units in new races. Although it probably has the unit AI and commandability the games major advantage over the others is that it has heroes. units that gain experience and level up like a role playing character, it won't take as long as Diablo but it is still just as fun. this new aspect of roleplaying/stragey mix definitely puts it down as the best game out right now.

the expansion only makes a great thing better

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wow!
Review: I had never played any of the previous Warcrafts - much to my fiance's dismay! He bought me this game, and I was skeptical. I installed it and started playing - and I was hooked! I especially like playing the Night Elf race, though all four are so different and interesting in their own ways. It's not like a lot of other similar game types, where most of your units are the same as everyone else's.. this game gives each race very unique and fun units to play with.

This game is a blast to play, especially on multiplayer. We set up LAN parties at the office to play, and its a blast! I think the max we had playing was 6 players at one time - I'm not sure what the max it supports is.

I also played almost the entire campaign - until my old computer died. The campaigns are a lot of fun, the story is interesting. I really got attached to Arthas! Basically you play out a "chapter" for each of the four races - and each chapter is about 10 missions that you need to accomplish.

I highly recommend this game - along with the expansion pack (Frozen Throne) which I have played to completion! They are both GREAT games, it doesn't get a lot better than this!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An epic game filled with thrills and spills
Review: I've long been a fan of the Warcraft series and the well-crafted Starcraft. As far as real-time strategy (RTS) games go, Blizzard seems unable to do any wrong. One of the most hyped up games of all time, Warcraft III lives up to the high expectations fans and Blizzard itself placed upon the title.

Blizzard has in Warcraft III the perfect recipe for an RTS: a rich and epic storyline that draws you in from the start; useful additions to ease managing your forces (peons that automatically repair nearby damaged buildings, priests that auto-heal nearby units, etc.); incredible music and sound effects; an excellent set of scenario missions that span multiple races; and best of all - tons of action!

I'm hard pressed to come up with any significant faults in Warcraft III. Every little detail feels hand crafted with the loving care that has made Blizzard's games so excellent in the past. If you like strategy games at all, there's bound to be something for you in Warcraft III.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Demonic
Review: The gameplay of this title is superb and I enjoyed every minute of it, until I got to play the undead campaign which goes beyond Warcrafts's traditional, strategic warfare between orcs and humans into areas of demonic sacralige. Now I know this is just a fantasy game and all, and if people enjoy this, that's their business. I for one do not take pleasure in summoning a deomon lord from hell, fantasy or not and that's putting it mildy. Just a heads up to some of you who may feel the same about this.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best
Review: This is a game that is very much worth all the praise and compliment it gets. Just the sheer amount of detail and depth put into this game wards it enough to be the game of the year. You can play this game all you want, unless you're the type to pick away at things just to find certain flaws you won't find one. The graphics are superb, the music is top-notch, and can even give some of the higher budget movie soundtracks a run for their money. The control(s) of this game are beyond anything I've ever seen when it came to terms of ease of use. Even if you're not an avid fan of RTS games, this game is a definite must play and must own. I promise you, you won't be disappointed.

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