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WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos

WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos

List Price: $29.99
Your Price: $29.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: This game is embarrassing...
Review: Ok, where to start. First of all, this game is garbage. This game is the same old warcraft 2 candy with a new wrapper. I was severely disappointed when I wasted sixty-five dollars on this, and I am going to give you some reasons not to suffer the same indignation. First of all, don't think, "well I'm still going to get this game even though I heard it was crud because it has awesome graphics." Well, to tell you the truth, it does have nice graphics if you are into cartoons. However, Emperor-Battle for Dune has better graphics then even this depending on how you look at it.

Although graphics is important when I buy a game, the thing I most look for is gameplay. Now that's where this games major flaw comes into play. First of all, I am not saying blizzard is a horrible company. They are responsible for the RTS revolution and have created the best online strat game starcraft. However, when it comes down to it, I fail to see any of the qualities which made starcraft such a great game make it into warcraft 3. First of all, there is no unit diversity. Every race has a few flying and ground creatures, and one seige unit. In starcraft, the terrans had marines, which were good against zerglings, hydralisks, zealots and wraiths. They also had the siege tanks, which had a long-range cannon and were good for numerous strategic purposes ranging from defense, fire support or resource sabotage. Each race in starcraft had their own unique style and special units, which each had their own strengths and weaknesses. These qualities made starcraft a truly amazing experience online, as the strategic possibilities were endless. None of these qualities have made it into warcraft 3.

While I'm on the subject of units, I'm going to put it bluntly: when factoring in strength, build time and cost, every unit is exactly the same. Blizzard wasn't lying when they said it was going to be well balanced. After all this, you might say, "well how can it get any worse?" Oh, believe me when I say that this is only the tip of the iceberg. Another thing that grabbed my attention is the fact that they made the units have about an average of 750hp and 20 damage, the result being that the battles literally take about 2 minutes each assuming that you and your opponent both have a good sized force of about 2 dozen guys. Now this might have been ok if they let you have an enormous army of creatures. However, this time they put the unit cap at 90, with the average unit taking up 4 unit spaces. In warcraft 3, an enormous army is about 2 or 3 dozen weak units, or 1 to 2 dozen strong ones. Not to mention that it doesn't matter what kind of units you choose, because as I said before, every unit is essentially the same.

In starcraft, you were able to initiate surprise attacks on your enemies, damaging their base and perhaps even destroying it before help arrived. In warcraft 3, Blizzard implemented a neat feature allowing the heroes (which I will cover later) to start with a "scroll of town portal." This allowed you to teleport your hero and any nearby units instantly to yours, or any friendly base, therefore squishing out the element of surprise in this "strategy" game. One of the elements of the game that was further doctored is the resource management. You can have a max of 5 guys to a gold mine, and if you want more gold, you must take another mine. The result of this handy feature being that you are constantly watching your gold reserves, and when you have enough, you start building a unit, wait a little more, build another, and so on. Because of this, you are never able to actually play a game without having enough resources to really concentrate on strategy. Whoever gets gold faster will win.

A lot of emphasis was put on the hero portion of the game, blizzard saying "we are combining the traditional elements of an RPG with the warcraft universe." This may seem cool at first, but gets bothersome very fast as you soon realize that you MUST build a hero as soon as possible, level it up by killing the hostile non-player creatures scattered around the map, all for the purpose of gaining a spell which will enable you to prevail over your enemy in combat. There are six spells per hero, and 3 heroes per race. In order to win, you need a better hero then your enemy. Simple as that. On a final note, if you are determined to get this game, wait till it hits the bargin bins, or just don't bother at all.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A Very Good Game
Review: I have enjoyed playing this game immensely. I like the graphics, particularly the night elf graphics. I have enjoyed the quests, thus far. If you like battle, this is the game for you. The battles begin almost immediately after the game begins, which at times can be frustrating, as you really have no time to think or plan. Further, this is not a game that places a premium on character development (albeit the quests do satisfy this to some extent). Perhaps, I will enjoy a more open-ended game that is not entirely about battle, but more about developing a character and then once their strengths are known, setting them free on the world.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Unbelievable Graphics
Review: Ok...let's just say I have been waiting for this game since Battle.net edition of Warcraft II. I have every single game from Blizzard Entertainment, although Starcraft is my favorite series, Warcraft is starting to top it. Now I have only had the game for 4 days, I couldn't get the game due to money issues, but now I got it and I love it. The graphics are the best part while the gameplay kicks big time .... The storyline is awesome so far, just had time to play human campaign so far. Here are my PC parts: Pentium III 450Mhz, 12GB hard drive, VooDoo3500TV 16 MB graphics card, 384SDRAM, Sound Blaster Live Platium Sound Card w\ live drive, 17" monitor. Now the game runs good on my system with no crashes but the only problem is when your army gets too big (like in a fight scene, or when there is a big ... battle, my system gets choppy, I only blame that on my system, not the game. Need an update. Now would I recommend this game, absolutely, why only 4 stars? The price, it is still damn expensive, I just couldn't wait (wheen I got the money that is) to get it. Go get it if your love intense gaming. Later.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I really didn't like RTS games. I had my share of Age of Empires, and was quickly bored to tears. My friend, an avid Diablo II player, purchased this game and told me how much time it had been stealing from his Diablo time. I picked up this game for forty dollars, thinking that I might catch it's charm, and I was right. This game is beautiful, if you set it 1024x768 resolution. This game is most fun mif you play online, and believe it or not, this game is VERY MUCH playable online with a 56k connection. You'll get little or no lag with 56k. You can choose from different races, such as UNDEAD, NIGHT ELVES, HUMAN, or ORCS. THis game is so sweet. CONGRATS BLIZZARD OR WELCOMING A NEW RTS FAN INTO THE WORLD. Trust me, I'll be first in line for Warcraft IV. Oh ya, this game runs perfect on my AMD Duron 1.3 GhZ, with 190 RAM, and 64 MB video card...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty Good....
Review: I got warcraft 3 from a friend quite a while ago, last summer during July. And I can't say I was disapointed, incredible cinematics, very good gameplay and intresting storyline. The music is very cool! Yet, there is some drawbacks. It doesn't sound so good, yet the ingame graphics are great for a stragedy game. It ran fine on my computer. It ran kinda slow some times, but most of the time it ran normal and some times fast. It requires An Pentium II 400Mhz, 8mb 3d directx8.1 video card, bla bla bla and so on. You can view the system requirements for PC and MAC when visiting the WarCraft III item. Any stragedy game fan-this is your game to purchase! I truly recommend it!! =]

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Probably the best game I've ever played!!
Review: No kidding! Most games bore me after playing for a couple of weeks, or couple of months if they're really good. I've been playing WCIII for over 6 months now and still can't wait to get home from work to start playing again! I especially like the Battlenet feature which lets you play for free against other players on the internet. There are several different game configurations for Battlenet (1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, Free-for-All), which, combined with the different available maps and races,and different strategies of your opponents, will garantee that you never get bored with playing online. This game plays very quickly and will keep you on your toes. If you are tired of games where the only object is to build a massive army and stomp across the map in a tidal wave of destruction, then this game is for you. You will never have time to build a huge army. You really are forced to be more selective about what you build and what you tech. And it is very realistic in that mistakes are almost never forgiven. Another nice feature is the replay. If you save your replay after the game is over, you can go back and watch the game unfold from your opponent's point of view, seeing everything he did, what his build order was, and can fine tune your strategies for different situations. It's a great way to improve your game without the trial and error method which usually accomplishes about as much as beating your head against the wall.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wow!
Review: An amazing game. Very addictive and visually quite appealing. It is, unfortunately, missing a few of the unit and structure types available in War Craft II (I want shipyards). I'm hoping to see the missing units/buildings show up in an exansion pack.

Im most respects (other than the above noted missing units/buildings) the game offers a lot more options to the player than WCII did in the form of additional races to play. Each of the four races (Human, Night-Elf, Orc, and Undead) have their own unique set of units and buildings (as opposed to War Craft II where the Human and Orc units/buildings may have had slightly different names but were basically identical).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: BUY NOW!!!
Review: This is, in my opinion, one of the best games ever created. It holds the throne over Diablo II and any other RGP or RTS. Who ever gave this game lower than a 5 is crazy. It contains great graphics, fantastic races, and an amazing hero system. And the online/multiplayer aspect is the best part of the game.
Pick up your copy today!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best RTS Game Ever For Very Valid Reasons.
Review: I started years ago in the Origional Warcraft, I continued in Warcraft 2, I've enjoyed multiple C&C Red Alert titles, and yes even the beloved Starcraft. And the truth is, Warcraft 3 is better than all other RTS games for one simple unique fact.

By integrating some elements of RPG with Heroes War3 beautifully shifted the main aspect of the game from mining resources, making a city, assembling and army, etc. to simply action. Since you want your hero to gain levels, you want to always be attacking anybody.

In multiplayer games (b.net matching system is HOT) a player can be attacking neutral enemy units (creeps) before they even see the other player. Basically it is possible (and recommended) to be attacking someone, or something, the ENTIRE GAME. No more making a city and massing forces for a half hour, sending them all to their death and making more. Only 90 PSI is allowed for units, but each unit is individually stronger- adding more strategical options. It is possible to take out a force two or three the size of your own if you use units efficiently, especially your Hero. Not to mention control over groups of units has been DRAMATICALLY increased compared to anything else. Micromanagement is key for multiplayer success.

Amazing single player campaigns (4 of them) with three (yes, three!) difficulty levels, and an even better Multiplayer experience will give a player nearly infinite hours of glorious joy. In short, War3 really puts the Stratagey into Real Time Stratgey. Warcraft 3 is a beautiful masterpiece! To this long time RTS geek anyway =)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: How do you improve upon perfection?
Review: Even though this is my first wc game out of the series, i'm sure this is the best.

There are 4 different races (Orcs, Undead, Humans, Night Elves, each with their own music, style, and builds. Each race has 3 heros each, but you can summon one at a time. You obtain extra, gold, powerful spell items, and units by defeating neutral creatures on the map. They even sleep at night hehe. If your hero gets level 6 he gets a "ultimate" which are super map-shaking spells

The replay value and strategies are endless. The music, sound, computer AI and graphics are fun and PERFECT. Warcraft3 also has the best multilayer server in perhaps the world ------- BATTLE NET

Need i say more? This game is a "Must Buy"

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