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Europa Universalis 2

Europa Universalis 2

List Price: $39.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Computer Game Ever Made
Review: This is definitely the best computer game ever made (trust me--I have purchased hundreds)--excellent attention to historical accuracy, unlimited replayability. Covers an important (and large) segment of history from 1419 to 1820, and the player can choose to play any country in the entire world. Absolutely fascinating. For anyone who ever enjoyed Civilization type games, this is a definite must-buy. In fact, it is far better both in accuracy and playability than its competitor Civilization III which of course has a lot more marketing. Not for stupid people or those who dislike history, geography, politics, or economics. Historical realism rather than political correctness. Several historical scenarios covering different periods, but the best is of course the Grand Campaign. I liked it so much that I bought a second copy as a gift for someone else.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: An anachronistic game for grognards
Review: If you know the definition of "grognard," chances are you will enjoy this game. Europa Universalis 2 (EU2) is a historic strategy game in the line of Colonization or Imperialism II. What EU2 captures is the spirit of the old paper and cardboard games from companies like Avalon Hill.

Gamers who insist on stunning visuals or hectic action (a la "Return to Wolfenstein") will be disappointed. The graphics of EU2 are ordinary (at best), though the sound is surprisingly good with a mix of period pieces.

The strength of EU2 is the detailed gameplay. The "Grand Campaign" runs from 1412 to 1819 with other scenarios available. One has the option of playing as major European power like England or a minor province. The major powers are generally more enjoyable.

The learning curve for EU2 is steep, even for seasoned computer gamers. As a veteran of games since "Panzer Blitz," EU2 was the rare game that forced an extended look at the tutorial and a fair amount of checking the manual. The easily daunted will not enjoy EU2 and the work required to master game elements of trade, religion, leaders, exploration, diplomacy and war.

The game runs in "real time" although this can be slowed substantially to allow novices time to learn and adjust.

Using the patched version 1.02, game play seemed reasonably stable with a few bugs. EU2 has a small, but active, online community offering advice and insights.

The game is well suited for intellectually-inclined empire builders or armchair historians. It is a perfect fit for the occasional grognard who thinks the best games involved paper units and rolling dice.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great game must buy!
Review: This is probably the best strategy game ever made, the original board game is supurb, it deals with a reasonably complex system for economics, diplomacy, warfare, exploration and more. this is an excellent game that will take ages to play, best played with the maximum number of players.
It closely mimics the History of the late Dark ages to the Renaissance and Industrial revolution, it is not so much about winnng as playing! It is well balanced so that weaker nations are not disadvantaged, points being earned by the strategic advantage you gain for your nation based on it's realistic expectations of success.
You must buy this game!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: best game from 2001 for me
Review: After playing for 6 months with EU1, I couldn't wait to buy the sequel. It looks almost the same as the first version, but behind the screens, much has become better. You can now play all the countries, you can change your domestic policies, you have missionaires, mercenaries and other new features.

If you like strategy-games, EU2 is a must. It is both fun and educational. It makes you more interested in history. For the newcomer it may look like a difficult game. But thanks to the forum, most questions about the game will be answered.Another review complained about the forum, but I had no problems with it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Europa Universalis 2: The culmination of brilliance in games
Review: As a big fan of the original "EU" (which broke my Civ2 addiction), I was not sure they could improve an already superb game using the same engine and a somewhat modified map.... I was mistaken..big time!

EU2 massively surpasses EU and any other 'civ/strategy' game to date. It is possibly one of the most complex and vast games, in which you may be facing over a 100 AI competitors, as well as up to 7 other human competetors.... in a struggle for economic, exploratory, military and political dominance! Perhaps..dominace is not the right word.... "survival" is more appropriate. No one playing will find this to be a 'world-conquering' game... you are the "grey eminance" guiding the leaders of a nation over 400 years... it is hard to survive and the odds are aainst most nations.

Perhaps the most valuble feature about this game is that the event-engine is still being added too, and will be added to for some time to come... interested in the history of any nation btwn 1419 to 1820? This is the game... soon a full timeline of events will be done for every nation you can imagine, as they are already for the major nations of the world. Bengal, Assam, Ashanti, Dai Viet, Holstein, the Dutchy of Athens....

Also... the online community at ..... is the best on the net! it is clean, resource laden, and full of friendly enthusiasts who can help you learn to navigate this complex game.

You control domestic policy, worry about national stability & the budget, decide what centers of trade your nation wants to compete..what kind of armies or navies you will raise, offer royal marriages and guarentee the independence of your friends... it will take a long time to explore the uniqueness of every nation in EU2 throughout the different scnarios.... simply said, "More fun than one can handle!"

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Grand Game
Review: EU2 is not a game for everyone. But it is a game that does everything it tries to do well. If you like simple games, EU2 wil overwhelm you. If you like detail that rewards careful attention and examination. If you like complex gameplay, and you would like a game that models historical events without making you a slave to history. This is it. EU2 is my favorite game out. Easily.

The first person who reviewed referred to the forum. It is exceedingly helpful, and I have not experienced any "nastiness" on it. You can find answers to strategy questions, even full "historical fictions" based on the games played. It is sad that that reveiewer let some personal matter color his review of the game. The only bad thing about this game is what it will do to your social life.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Outstanding
Review: If you are into strategy gaming, this game is a must have. The diplomacy and war models are all excellent, and the customer support from Paradox is great.

The forum mentioned above is very helpful and one of the more professional I have seen. The average age and average education are much higher than most gaming forums, so this certainly helps. It is an excellent resource, the poster above likely ran into one or two bad members or bad discussions. The difficulty is also adjustable even on the very hard setting, if you begin finding major states such as England too easy you can always trying playing other states such as Ireland or Tuscany. The recent patch has also fixed what may of led to an Ethiopa ruling the world, although this still would not of been common even in the pre-patch game.

If you dont have EU1, and enjoy strategy games, especially historically based strategy games, get this game. If you have EU1 and are wondering whether EU2 is worth it, there are enough new bells and whistles to make this a new game.

My only concerns have been alleviated by the recent patches by Paradox (the original game release was released a couple of weeks too early).

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A thinking man's game
Review: I got this game for Christmas and really did not know what to expect when I opened the box...but I have to say this is one of the best strategy games I have ever played! For starters:

The game is historically rich..I am learning so much about 14-18 century Europe! To begin I jumped in to the Grand Campaign on a Normal difficulty level, choosing Austria as my country (I love a challenge!)I have played more than 100 years of a 400 year campaign and have learned the following:

By far the most important thing is to manage your empire and keep your people happy. I cannot over-emphasize this...go for the maximum stability level whenever you can and this will translate into higher revenues and even better morale for your troops.

Secondly, PLAN YOUR WARS! Want to boot Sweden off the Continent? Better check who her allies are...you will probably be fighting them as well. Make sure you also have allies..In 100 years I as Austria have only fought 4 wars (winning 3) and even when you win there are things to consider...what kind of peace should I offer? Tribute? Annexation? Annexation can and does anger the other nations...they dont want their rivals getting too powerful.

Thirdly, Manage your Government. Do you want to favor the Aristocrats? Do you want a centralized power base or let your provinces pretty much rule themselves? Focus on the Army (great for Austia) or Navy (great for England)? Each decision has its good and bad points, and this takes a lot of thought. Also, send your Merchants to the more lucrative Trade Centers; competition is fierce, but the rewards are good!

Do not expect a graphics intensive game (though what is there is OK). The focus is on you running your empire.

I hope this helps. Definate 4 - 41/2 star rating!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Buyer Beware
Review: I purchased the original EU and found it to be quite enjoyable, though the most stimulating aspect of game play came through playing the free scenarios and a modified form of the game that was created by some fans of the game.

It is a very intellectual game and the historical aspects can be quite informative as well as stimulating.

Upon release of the sequel, EU2 in early December, I purchased a copy. The first patch 1.01 is out and available at the official website, however even with this patch there are a vast number, of bugs, admittedly most of these are not game breaking, but will significantly hinder your enjoyment of the game. A second patch, which supposedly will fix many of these issues has been promised for Jan 02.

There is a small but dynamic EU community that resides at the official website forums. Normally this community is eager to help you with problems, offers ideas to improve the game and upcoming versions, and is generally a nice place to visit.

However, recently, and no doubt as a result of the games poor condition, an aura of nastiness has pervaded the forums. Many people are upset that the beta testers did not inform the community about the serious issues with the game pre release. A certain amount of blame is also being put upon the game company, Paradox, for releasing a half finished product, and basically forcing the paying public to beta test for them. To top this off, the forum moderators are using their powers to insult, demean, and terrorize those in the community who try to debate these legitimate concerns.

In short, do not visit the official site of this game, or any game, for that matter to learn if it is a good buy. I would recommend you pick up a copy of EU if you can find it, it should be cheap, and see if you like the style of game. Wait at the least till Feb 02 to buy EU2, if you plan to do so, its not a finished product yet.

If the upcoming patches actually make a large difference in the gameplay, I will come and post an updated review reflecting this.

Edited 01Jan02

Happy New Year to all ...shoppers. Well its a new year and sadly to say a patch for EU2 was released shortly before Christmas, it was itself flawed, and so while the game itself is slightly improved, it is not yet a 'finished' product IMHO. This review has caused some consternation on the game forums, and moderators have even hinted that members should make counter-reviews. Use your heads guys, don't pay out your hard earned money till the game is finished, plenty of other great titles to be had here at....

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Greatest Game ever put to the screen
Review: I suppose my title says it all. The first Europa was a magnificent game, and anyone who has a brain would agree. EU2 only expands on the original, and only in good ways. The levels of war, diplomacy, trade, colonization, and religious tolerance are amazing to work out. The game moves fluidly through 400 years of history, while you lead a nation, any of about 100, through the trials and tribulations of war and peace.
Do not be mistaken, however, this is not a game of world conquest. Unless you have the cheats (not that YOU would need them, right?), I find it is impossible to conquer the world. Naked agression will be met by alliances of other nations that will knock your country back into the Middle Ages.
The time period is excellent. It starts with the Hundred Year's War raging in France, the Ottoman Turks rising rapidly, the Byzantine Empire crumbling before them, the Spainish wars between Christians and Muslims, wild Indian Wars, and massive conflicts in Asia. In scenarios you will be met with the violent religious wars in France and Germany, the American and French Revolutions, and the Age of Napolean.
There are a couple problems, however. There can be some problems during peace treaties, like allies of yours taking provinces from the enemy that YOU actually conquered, the AI still does really stupid things, like declaring war on you without preparing in the least (then again, that's not really YOUR problem, it's their's); but the game is excellent despite these minor problems. If you ever wanted to play a truly strategic level game, this is IT.

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