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Age of Mythology

Age of Mythology

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: SImply the Best
Review: The depth of game play, quality of graphics and AI in this game make it the most outstanding RTS. The rich array of units and the well balanced differences between races and gods makes the game extremely challenging and multiplayer games totally rock. This game will win over all the Age of Empires fans and create a heap more. definitely the game of the year.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Hands-Down - the best RTS game of the year!
Review: I was lucky enough to be a recipient of the marketing beta for this game - developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft. This game blows away all the other "Age of" games of the past few years. From the second the game takes over the screen until hours later when you go to sleep, the gameplay is smooth, fascinating and exciting. The Gods and their powers are an incredible addition to the standard RTS gaming world!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Very Addictive Game
Review: this game is great. every unit is very cool to see and are very interesting. the graphics are superb and the gameplay is amazing. how do I know this? I was one of the lucky 10,000 gamers that got to test this game in August, months before the release. there are a few new things in this game than there are the last Age of Empires game. first, there is no more stone. they replaced it with favor, which you will use to get you myth units. The myth units are very,very strong against human units but can easily die by the hero units. human units take out hero units and hero units take out myth units which take out human units, and so on. so you can't have a huge army of one type of unit, you need a well-balanced army to win. the maps are very fun and interesting, too.

this game is definitely a must-buy for any strategy fan, Age of Empires fan, or even a casual gamer looking for a great battle and a great game.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: OMG!
Review: I bought this game expecting the best RTS game to date but instead I got a rehash of every game of this nature ever released. This game is boooooooring. I beat it my first day playing it, on the hardest level because it's so easy. The characters/units are uninteresting and there is nothing really that good to say about the battles.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Another great game in the Age of Empires series
Review: This game is sure to be a hit with any RTS fan. It is much like Age of Empires II, but the edition of powers and the base on mythology gives the game an interesting twist. You can choose from three diferent types of mythology: Greek, Egypt, or Norse. Each civ has units from the myths from that culture. For example you have the hydra from Greek mythology, or Anubis from Egyptian mythology. And with global powers you can cast a variety of plauges or disaters on your enemies. This game is sure to be amazing.

Rating: 5 stars

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 3 more years of fascination coming up...
Review: If there is one thing the Age of Empires series achieved that almost no previous strategy games have, it's longevity. Games come and games go, but Age of Empires has remained installed on my computer for 3+ years and it still gets played regularly. This longevity has been achieved through supreme game balance, great variety, and amazing depth and complexity.

In this vein, Age fans welcome Age of Mythology, Ensemble Studios' latest strategy game that uses the core principles behind their previous games, but spices up the mix with ancient lore and mythology and adds all of the trimmings that go along with it. Greek heroes like Jason and Heracles join the fray against fierce medusas and enormous golden colossus beasts. Egyptian pharoahs fend off giant scarabs and powerful Avengers of Horus. Norse Valkyries and frost giants march into battle against mummies and war elephants. And this is just a taste of what the game has to offer.

Having taken part in the pre-release Alpha Test for this game, I can attest that the graphics are very nice. While maybe not as visually spectacular as Unreal Tournament 2003, Age of Mythology uses a very advanced engine where translucent waves gently wash upon the beach, units have detailed animations, snowflakes fall from the sky, sunsets bathe the world in an orange hue, and herds of animals go about their daily lives.

To sum up: if you enjoyed the Age of Empires series, or if you enjoy real-time strategy games in general, Age of Mythology is a must-buy. Just on time for the holidays too! This game will easily outlast all the other one-shot games that have been retired to your shelf to gather dust.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Just Spent the Week Playing
Review: I just came back from the premiere of Age of Mythology at Ensemble Studios. I spent the past three days trying to play every scenario possible. The general idea of the Age of Empires games is there, but this game is almost completely different. In AoM, you have the opportunity to rule as different mythological gods and control your society using the advantages of different gods and god-like warriors. You also have the opportunity to create new and very different characters to do battle with and collect resources. Unlike most of the societies in AoE, every society (or mythological god) is different from each other and has different warriors, different workers, and different buildings. Tha game play is also much quicker than that of AoE. No longer are the days of spending seven hours on just one game. You will be able to play the average game for about 30-90 minutes, depending on how you want to play.
Hats off to Tony Goodman, Bruce Shelley, and the crew at Ensemble Studios. They have created the next best-seller of the year.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I cant wait for this one
Review: Well being that I loved the Age of Empires series, Age of Mythology is just what the series needs to keep improving. Age of Mythology dives heads-first into the lore, religions, and fairy tales of civilizations like the Egyptians, Greek, and Norse. This means that in addition to your standard units (archers, cavalry, pikesmen, etc.), you get special mythical creatures with unique powers that can easily turn the tide of battle if left unchecked. The demonstration I saw gave me a peek at the Norse frost giant, the Greek minotaur, cyclops, and medusa, and the Egyptian Anubis. Each one of these units had spectacular attacks. The cyclops and minotaurs smashed and gored their opponents, while the medusa turned them to stone. The Frost Giant didn't attack enemies directly, but its frost breath froze them in place to make them easy pickings for allies. Choosing a civilization and god is an important strategic decision. Your race decides what set of gods you can worship, but you have your choice of several different dieties in that set. Choosing a god will determine what strengths and weaknesses you have, so it greatly impacts how you play the game. Age of Mythology includes a new, fully 3D engine that lets you smoothly zoom in and out or rotate the camera at will.
To wrap it up: The screen shots I have seen are awesome! But where the Age of Empires games strived for more historical accuracy and an air of legitimacy, Age of Mythology dives heads-first into the lore, religions, and fairy tales of civilizations like the Egyptians, Greek, and Norse. This game will be great!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Superb Game
Review: I have been testing this game for a number of monthes now and I can testify to the hard work that Ensemble has put in to make this a superb game. The sound effects alone are stunning as they sweep you through the game play. The thunder of meteors soaring through the sky to devestate your enemy are certainly things you want to turn your speakers all the way up for.

In addition to the great gameplay, Ensemble has updated their multiplayer interface - getting games is now faster and easier. If you are a fan of creating large armies and using your strategic wit to outplay your enemy you will enjoy this game.


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