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Age of Mythology

Age of Mythology

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Warcraft 3 or AOM?
Review: I'm thinking of buying a game. I'm not sure which one I should get. Anybody have any suggestions. Which one is more action paced, more exciting. Which game plays faster? Basically, which is the overall better game?

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: AOM not up to the hype
Review: I am an avid 'Age' and RTS fan, having enjoyed all the previous releases..........till now.
First let me say, the graphics are great, the best in the series by far.
But the graphics will not make up for the lack of enjoyment (for me) in the gameplay. I think my biggest concern is the all the differnet gods themselves and their abilities. There is too much focused on magic powers and not on what I enjoy most.....armed conflict, mano-o-mano.
I realize the title is Age of MYTHOLOGY, and maybe its just me, but I miss the combat of Empires and Kings which focused on the battle and not figuring out which god will do what, when and which powers to aquire. I don't mind a little magical power by a priest of the previous Age's but this is too much.
I know a lot of people like the mix of Dungeons and Dragons meets Age of Kings but I don't. I guess I'll wait till they get back to a more realistic, C&C / Red Alert style RTS. Maybe we'll see Age of Industry or Age of Modern Warfare in the future. I can only hope.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Bland and done before
Review: This is basically just like any other "Age of" but with a new engine and new units. The graphics are bland and stale. The units don't look as if they belong in the same army. They're just a rabble of disimilar troops.

If you want a real strategy game check out Winter of the Wolf the Battle Realms expansion.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A ture and great game
Review: Age of Mythology is a huge upgrade from Age of Empires: Age of Kings. First the graphics, sound, gameplay have been improved. To be honest I thought it was a big let-down at first, till I started playing the camplain. After that everything clicked. This play is just plain awesome.
(And a better than Warcraft 3)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good but not great
Review: Noone awaited the release of AOM more than me. I've played AOE and AOK for years now, and still my favorite game to play online is AOK with the expansion pack. But this game, however, left me a little disappointed. If I could rate half-stars, I'd give this a 3 1/2.

Don't get me wrong, it's still a *good* game. But it's not worlds better than AOK, and might not even be a better game at all. Indeed, after wading through each campaign mission I find myself putting back the AOK Conquerors CD to play a game or three.
What's not to like ? Well, let's start with the single player campaign. The campaign plays out a LOT like Warcraft III's campaign, down to the whole routine about 3 civilizations (races) somehow intertwining to defeat this one super-evil power. But the cut-scenes in AOM are poor compared to W3, and the voice-acting is awful. And the campaign missions are trivially easy - I'd almost say boring, even on the harder settings.

I found a number of bugs - for instance, when setting a patrol path it seems my waypoints are NOT where I click them, but somewhat displaced.

Contrary to what someone else here wrote, the keyboard commands are NOT the same as AOE/K. If there's a way to enable compatibility mode, someone please tell me. But the hotkeys are not the same. In AOM, to build a temple, it's "T". In AOK, it's "B-T". Small, but different, and I can't help but wonder why they'd do that to seasoned vets of their previous games. We should be rewarded, not punished.

Also, there seems to be no way to shortcut units' formations and stances. It seems that you have to mouse-click to get your units to, say, "stand ground", for instance, which is BRUTAL and nigh impossible when there's a lot of action going on. I KNOW the AOK shortcuts don't work here, and the icon for each stance does NOT suggest a shortcut. As it stands, most of my units run around willy nilly because it's prohibitively difficult to control their stances and formations. This may be an unintended boon to the beginning player but seriously screws up the advanced player.

The manual provided is pathetic. There are lots and lots of units you can build, but you can't read about them in the manual - you have to poke through the online guides. Consequently, I find myself faced with units I don't know that much about and can't look up quickly in my manual - sometimes in the heat of battle. Guys, I paid good money for this game. Please give me the things I need to play the game properly.

Now, maybe I'm just oblivious and there's a way to overcome the keyboard shortcut shortcomings. But I looked hard and could not find them, and the absence of a real manual means I can't look it up there. I think the removal of a huge number of keyboard shortcuts will in the long wrong leave the best strategy gamers still playing AOK with the expansion pack.

Rating: 4 stars

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Better than Age of Kings...
Review: I've just acquired AOM this weekend and I got glued to the seat until 3 AM.
It's difficult to indicate precisely which are the features I like most, but I'll try to mention almost all of them.

Graphics: the 3D design is awesome. The buildings & units are so well designed that you can see small details on them. Another feature is the 360 degree rotation, enabling to see units and terrain from every corner. The game is eye-candy completely.

Buildings & units: mythological units such as Krakens, Cyclops, Hippocampus, Pegasus, Colossus (and many more) can be summoned to your side if your villagers pray enough to grant you enough favor from your gods. You can choose which god to adorate and be on your side. Besides, you can count on heroes to lead your armies such as Jason, Ajax, Odyseeus or Hippolita.

Civilizations: 3 different civilization types. Egyptians, Norse and Greek with a full pantheon of gods, special units and buildings.

Campaigns: want to share the siege of Troy and take part of the horse? Want to live mythical adventures in the North? The campaigns are totally interactive and with 4 different play levels.

Wrapping up, this is a game RTS players and fans would not like to miss. It's a brand new game with hours of assured fun.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Bugs of Mythology
Review: I'll tell you what I think of this game as soon as it lets me finish a match without crashing.

Call me crazy, but I don't think you should have to have a degree in computer science to get a GAME to work. If you have the requirements (which my PC MORE than has), the game should run. You shouldn't have to worry about your BIOS or DMA or whether Virus Scan is running to be able to play.

I had problems with this literally from install. Then I couldn't do little things like adjust the resolution so that I could actually SEE the units. Not that it mattered since it would freeze my entire computer to the point of needing to unplug it a before I even got into the game itself. This one's going back to the store until I find out they debugged it enough that the average layman can install it and actually play.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: best computer game I have played
Review: From detroit Michigan.this game is better then any game Ihave ever played.I have some really good computer games but this one is the best.the price may seem like it is expensive but is well worth it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Not perfect, but GREAT!
Review: At first, looking at the screenshots and previews, I thought this game looked like a game not worth the playing(the grahpics looked unfinished at the screenshot).But when I started playing, I forgot all those things the second I saw the intro(It was very immpressive).
You can play nine cvlization, and much of the things is still simalar to Age Of Empires but there are gods to help you or deal with.
When you expand to a new age, you choose one god and each god has their unique ablity to help you. Like God powers, abllity to summon mythical creatures, powerful upgrades that makes your army strong etc. So you can see why this game is cool because it's like AOE mixed with God things.
But the bad things is that because this game is following lots of things that used in AOE, it has some bad things that was found at AOE.
The units are bit small, and the mouse cursor is big, so it's hard to see which unit is which and hard to click the one you want select. But once you get used to it, you'll manage it.

Overall, It's one of the best games of the year. And if you liked Age of Empires you'll love this one.

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