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Age of Mythology

Age of Mythology

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: AOM defines the RTS Genre
Review: AOM feels a lot like the AOE series but in reality, it is drastically different. Some games have depth but they can actually become chores or something that requires so much study that there is little room for fun. AOM has depth but it does not feel like a labor to play.

The genre is called RTS - Real Time Strategy - but was has been lacking in many games is that strategic element. I've played many multiplayer matches that in other games would have been over but in AOM they aren't. Hmmm - that made little sense, I suppose. What I meant is that it isn't just overwhelming force - you have to know your units, your powers etc. - and you need to know your opponents. There have been games I lost that I still enjoyed simply because I admired the strategy my opponent employed.

AOM - Great game - great depth and I look forward to any addons that come along. (For the record - other games I play are Red Alert2: Yuri's Revenge, Madden 2003, Civ 3 and Medieval: Total War.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: AOE it ain't
Review: Be clear; it is *not* an extension of Age of Empires. Strategies you might apply there work only half-heartedly here The 'favor' or mythic aspect is fun and interesting, but neither compelling nor extraordinary. Yes, the audio and video are sublime ! However, make sure your machine is up to the task. I had to upgrade a video board (8 to 32MB),just to get it to load. I have an older 400MHz system, but do have 256MB ofRAM. STILL, I have yet to complete a game - it locks up solid, requiring a cold boot and unpredictably. So, if you have a gamer's machine your luck may be better than mine. I still go back to Age of Empires, Conquerors expansion.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Good name, Good game.
Review: Ever since I saw the "Age of" on the title of this game I knew it was one to get, and it didn't disappoint me.
Most of the interface is similar to Age of Empires, as well as the gameplay.
The game has an interesting campaign which spans over 30 missions. Each mission is unique and there are even some cool twists in the game. The graphics are good looking and should work well with a mid-range pc. There are three races (greeks, Norse, Egyptians) each with their respective gods that you can use to help you, with thunder, meteor showers, rain, food, etc
The music is good but can get repetitive (but with a strategy game this is always true, no matter what music) There were no bugs when I played it on a AMD Athlon Xp 1.9 GHZ 64MB Radeon graphics card.
I had a good time playing the campaign, but it took me awhile to take it back up again after I beat it, but still This is a very solid, good game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The most strategic R.T.S. game I have played
Review: I recently bought this game after getting bored of Warcraft 3 due to its lack of choices and strategy. Though in this game you can't do things in Warcraft 3 like level up your hero, this game has a much greater replay value than warcraft 3 thanks to its amazing amount of strategic choices.

Pro: Great depth and strategy involved
Extremely well balanced
Lots of fun
The best single player campaign ever
Amazing computer A.I. in custom games
Great choice of units
No unit is too powerful (unlike in Warcraft 3)
Great replay value
Amazing God powers

Con: Multiplayer not as good as Battle.net
A bit confusing at first
Graphics not amazing
You can't level your hero

Bottom Line: Great choice for anyone who played Warcraft 3 and is looking for more of both action and strategy, but may be a bit too challenging and confusing for complete beginners to R.T.S. games.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Beware: Administrator Privileges Required!!!
Review: Because this game requires "Administrator Privileges" to run (not just install) I can not recommend this game if you share a computer with others -> especially younger others who may inadvertently do damage as "administrators".

You would think Microsoft would have the brains to figure this out! Their game, their OS, why the handcuffs???

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: WoW this game is pretty fun
Review: I play alot of trategy games but this one i have to say is one of the best. This game has many new advancements over the old age of empires 2. It has outstanding graphics and real easy to learn upgrades. One big part of this game thats real fun are the mythlogical creatures and god powers.Bassicaly it is age of empires 2 on steroids. There are really only a couple of flaws i can say about the game. It is really annoying when you have to build multiple town squares to make it to you can have more population. By the time you save up for another town square someone else has already taken it. Still by all means a fun game but with some flaws.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Age of Mythology kicks...
Review: I am very suprised with age of mythology! The graphics are supreme. You can see every unit and building very clearly. The choice of animals is exclent. They have the approate animals for the approiate landscape. The sound track and music is awesome. when you click on a building you hear the approiate sounds. For instance if you click on a forge you hear a clang of metal. The units even say a few things if you click on them. skipon! overall Age of Mythology is very impressive. I am happy to have it. 5 stars for sure!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Age of Mythology
Review: Age Of Mythology is a very exciting game. The graphics are extremly good, mugh better than Age Of Empires. The soundtrack and music is very good to. They have a varity of types of music. There are levels of diffuculty for when you play Age of Mythology. This comes in handy. Age Of Mythology is a learning experience and is very fun. I recomennd this game for kids ages 10 to 15.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: The end of an era.
Review: When is comes to RTS, it doesn't get much better. Unfortunately, I think this format has run it's course. The designers of Empire Earth tried to put a new twist on things, but it was still just a glamorized version of Age of Empires.

AOM pushes the graphical detail about as far as noticeable, and threw in a few extras for gameplay, but after all is said and done, it's just another glamorized version of AOE.

If you're a die-hard AOE fan, you'll enjoy the eye-candy of a very familiar game. If you're looking for something totally new in the RTS genre, you'll probably have to keep looking.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The revolutionizing RTS game
Review: I was never really a big fan of RTS games just becuase they were the same things over and over. But this game has changed my mind completly. One of my favorite games and TOTALLY addicting....oh yeah one more thing if your still reading this review STOP and drive to you nearest store NOW.

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