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Age of Mythology

Age of Mythology

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW..... addicting
Review: WOW! this is by far the best game i ever bought for the computer. the online play is great and this is one of those games that you can play over and over and never get sick of. the cultures are very distinct all with their strengths and weaknesses. Ensamble studios has done a great job balancing the civs. and putting out patches to improve the gameplay(if that is possible). well this is a great game and now it is at a great price so i hope you buy it and enjoy :) by the way... make sure that you have a fast computer. the graphics are amazing and i have a pentium 4 1.7ghz and sometimes it isnt fast enough..so ignore the system requirements and make sure that you have at least 1.2ghz computer before you by the game

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Just a great RTS game
Review: I thought that this game kept true to many of the better aspects of RTS gaming, while still keeping it fresh with new ideas, creatures, and strategies. Just a great game, with great replay value.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: ok
Review: i do own this game and had many hours of fun. First off the graphics look bascially the dame of age of empires. Theres only 3 cultures other then you can choose your own god in each. This game does lag ALOT. I play for 15 mintues and it starts lagging. I also dont have a bad computer. its nothign new but if ur looking for a rts with beasts and stuff this i the one to get.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Sucks
Review: I'm a fan of the AoE/AoK series. This is neither an extension of those nor an interesting alternative. The look is goofy. The characters are larger than the buildings, the colors are too vibrant. Really quite a let-down. I also have no interest at all in the heroes (and the silly RPG that goes with them) that dominate games like this. In an effort to combine RTS with RPG, you get something not adequate to the best of either. If you liked the AoE/AoK/Conquerors stuff, go to Total War/Medieval. Leave this crap behind and hope the makers return to form with their next effort.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Totally Awsome!!!
Review: This game is great. Think about Age of Empires: The Age of Kings, then add in some "God Powers" different civilizations, and some strange beasts with amazing abilities. Yep, thats Age of Mythology. Each of the civilizations funtions in a different way. It's a challeng at first but once you get the hang of it you'll love it. Great game in every aspect from the sound effects and music, to the graphics and the great voice over acting in the campaign video sequences. If you love real time strategy games then you should definately buy this game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best of it's kind!
Review: If you've played both Age Of Empire games then you will get a sense of what this game is like. It's the same type of game play with a twist, and it's much more difficult than Age Of Empires 1&2, which I could defeat in my sleep.
You basically spend most of your time gathering resources. Food does not feed your people but is used to fund villagers, military, and various improvements. Wood and gold is for buildings, etc. and to pay for items and improvements.
The best thing about this game are the Gods, God powers, and myth units. You first choose a culture(Norse, Greek, or Egyptian) then choose a God to worship. Each God comes with his own special power and set of improvements. Be careful invoking God powers, you can only use them once! But the myth units are the most fun to use. If there was no population cap, I would have my entire army made up of myth units. Ahhhh, there's nothing quite like the sound of your giant octopus crushing the docks and ships of your enemies!
Some of the cons about this game are the lack of more cultures(there are only three), and how many population slots some of the myth units take up( some take five slots!). The game also slows down quite a bit after you reach the Mythic Age and no longer have any improvements to research. It would also be great if some of the resources(trees and gold mines)could regenerate instead of slowly disappearing one by one. They made the schools of fish inexhaustible, why can't they do that with other resources?
Despite these problems, Age Of Mythology is a really great game and I would recommend it to anyone.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: this is the best game
my ESO name: OoW_PuzzledMega or Beater contact me if you want to have a good game

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Just as addicting as Age of Empires
Review: This game plays similar to the Age of Empire games. The graphics are incredible and the mythical creatures look awesome. Few minor play details that I like better in the Conquerors expansion of the Age of Empire games that I would like to see incorporated here. Bewarned, if you like the Age of Empire games, you are going to be just as addicted to this one.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent Graphics, Soundtrack, & Gameplay
Review: After reading reviews and researching this game before buying it, I can pleasantly say that it met all expectations! The soundtrack is great, the storyline interesting, and the graphics good quality. If I were to have ANY complaints at all, it would be that the ending was really short. Otherwise, I would recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of games like Age of Empires, Starcraft, Command & Conquer, and Warcraft. In my opinion, this one might just top them all...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Sires of Real Time Strategy Games
Review: The Age of Empires, Age of Kings, Age of Mythology series is definitely the best ever sires of real time strategy games. In all versions of the game you are allowed to control both the armies and economies of your nation. You can build buildings, creature soldiers or peasants, even priests. Your peasants you command to do the different menial tasks such as farming, mining, and building castles. While your armies roam the land either defending your peasants, sieging enemy castles, or raiding their peasants. Priest have the power to convert both peasants and soldiers. If you like being king of the world, this is for you. Finally, I just want to differentiate between the games. Age of Empires is the oldest of the games and should run on any computer, but I wouldn't recommend the game without either the Rise of Rome Expansion Pack or just buying the Age of Empires Gold Edition. These two correct many problems with the original Age of Empires. Next game up the latter for medium computers is Age of Kings (that's what I'm still playing.) It can run on just about any computer with sixty four megs of ram and a two hundred megahertz processor. I use it on a five hundred megahertz and a one point four gigahertz. Next game up is the Age of Mythology. This introduces a whole new realm of playing to the sires. This one you civilization chooses different gods to worship and is given power from them. Unfortunately you only get two really spectacular god powers each game and you can only use them once, but then it keeps the game to more strategy and less luck and wildcards. (It is fun to get the wildcards when you have them though!) This game should have a processor of I would say at least a six hundred and a graphics card at least thirty two megabytes; and lastly this is not the game for everybody. I still use Age of Kings/Conquerors not because of my computer, but because I don't like all the crazy stuff in Mythology; I think it distracts from the medieval battle tactics. Really choosing between Mythology and Age of Kings is just a matter of personal opinion. I'd say download both demos and try them both; or if you have the money to blow, buy them both. Either way I think you'll love both of them. Well that's all for me. This is just a general over view don't take my words as gold check out the specs and requirements yourself. I just wanted to help point you in the right direction.

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