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Halo: Combat Evolved

Halo: Combat Evolved

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Topping Halo for the X-box
Review: We all thought it would be hard for the people at microsoft to top the original Halo game, and because they set t he bar so high, why not. This holds true to this game too, even though it is a lot of fun, it doesn't even compare to the first Halo.

This game is almost exactly like the Halo for X-box, but there really is a sense that its inferior, there's no tension. Maybe I think that because I've played the first one non-stop for the last 2 years.

The graphics are great, it's just like you're inside the battles. But I wish it wasn't so focused on riding in vehicles.


Fun- 10/10 "Halo gaming goodness"

Gameplay- 10/10 even more complicated than the first one

Graphics- 10/10

Difficulty- 9/10 almost impossible in some missions, but still a lot of fun.

Overall- 39/40

This game is worth buying even if you've played the X-box game, but to me, there is no way they can make Halo better than it really is.

This game is a lot of fun...

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Oh yeah!
Review: Go out and buy this game if you like Halo and 1st person shooting games. It is the best in the multiplayer. It never gets old. If you have friends who has Halo for PC, invite them if multiplayer and have fun. I recommend you buying this game. It would be better if you have 64 mb or graphics rather than 32 mb, and set it on the highest textures and everything. It is fun. Go out and get it, TODAY.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Halo still lives
Review: Yes, other reviews have said that this game is a far cry from its Xbox borne brother, but it is still quite fun. I have had it since it came out a few months ago, and the online play keeps getting better. At first, there were lots of team killers and people which made the online experience plain annoying, but now game creators have gotten smarter. They change the ruilses so you can't hurt your own team, and this makes the game much less frustrating online.
However, I warn you that if you have a nice computer, the game will take away hours of your life. It is very smooth on most of my friend's dell computers, and is extremely addicting. I myself have an old P3 computer, and despite the choppiness, I still stay up playing online way past midnight.
Single player, on the other hand, is pretty boring. The PC version is missing the famous cooperative mode, which was the highlight of the Xbox version. But i believe that online play makes up for it.
Overall, if you are a first person shooter fan and you have a nice computer, get this game.

Pros: Nice graphics, nice audio, fun vehicles, overall online entertainment, and a cheap price

Cons: Halo recquires a relatively new computer to run (a high-end Pentium 3 or above), and a nice graphics card. Single player does not include cooperative, and killing waves of aliens can be boring by yourself.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An excellent game if fun is your priority
Review: After watching my friends play Halo on the XBox for an eternity, I eagerly awaited the PC version. I was pleasantly surprised by the results. Halo is fun to play and had me glued to my monitor into the late hours of the night. Some notes on the game:

-Audio: This is where the game shines. The music, sound effects, and character/creature diagloue is amazing. The music is well conducted and is so impressive I bought the soundtrack.

-Story: The story is mesmerizing - simply finding out what was behind the next corner kept me playing the game. Some parts of the game are repetitious, but it is intentional - who would expect a Library to be a dazzling work of art with dizzying amounts of different architecture?

-Graphics: The graphics do a great job of conveying the storyline and atmosphere of the game. Since this is a PC port of a console game that has been out for a long time, the game engine is a little out of date - so if you're looking for amazing 3D textures and powerful rendering, you're going to be disappointed. I personally was too busy annihilating bad guys to notice.

-Gameplay: Halo does a great job of making the combat more akin to real combat - you can only carry two weapons at once, and while standard weapons can be reloaded, alien ones can not. This is refreshing - the story implies that mankind cannot figure out every alien technology and just has to use weaponry it finds. This adds an extra element of realism. And as someone who has major issues with the klunky console controllers, I loved being able to use the keyboard and mouse to dispense misery on the bad guys.

This is a great game, and I still enjoy playing it even after beating it on the hardest level. My only complaints are that DX9 still seems flaky and that the online gameplay is a little less than robust, but this should improve in time for Halo 2.

5 stars.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: ohhhhh yaaaaaaaaa
Review: Halo was to good for words if you dont have it get it........... NOW!!!!!! i really liked the graphics and the grunts are super funny. "ahh retreat, retreat" or if a plasma gernad is on them they go "help get it off get it off" or they go "not agan" i hated the hunters and the flood. but please get the game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Wonderful
Review: This is the best game ever. Get it or else


Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A MUST BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Review: I played Halo PC first when i was at my friends house. Multiplayer is awsome! though the graphics are not as good that does not matter. they are good enough to entertain you. i do agree with some of the other reviews about not being able to play cooporitive mode. but you can get over that, with this being such a great gaem. if you own Halo for XBOX i would still get for PC with some of the new features and multiplayer mode. though this is a great game i would wait for the price to get down because it is still a little high.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome for Everyone!
Review: I should start by saying while I have enjoyed first-person shooters since the days of the original Doom, I enjoy them only in what some might consider the most cowardly sense. As a rule, I will not play any FPS game without, at the very least, a God cheat code enabled - I like the games for the story, though I am generally not very good at them, hence the cheating. In that way, I can play the game without dying and get enjoyment from it that way.

So this game Halo comes along, and I don't have an XBox, so although I'd heard of it I'd never tried it. I decide to give it a shot and download the demo, which is pretty good. So I go out and buy the game - only to find out later, there are no cheat codes!! Too late now, it's already opened. So I try it out... and only 5 minutes into it, I'm completely hooked.

First of all, the graphics are amazing. I'm running the game on a Pentium 4 1.3 GHz, 256 MB RDRAM, and a GeForce 2 MX 400. I also have not changed a single game display setting, I've turned nothing on and nothing off. This game runs for me with no lagging; that's right, in over 20 hours of gameplay, I experienced not a single lag. Granted, the graphics aren't as breath-takingly beautiful as on a better graphics card, but my computer runs the game well, and to me that's all that matters. The sound is also amazing. It comes through clear, no fuzz or static, and it never fails to amuse; For instance, when shooting towards a group of enemies, some of the little grunts will start screaming in terror.

Gameplay is very fluid using the keyboard and mouse. The default key configuration can be a little sticky, as it has various keys such as reloading and weapon switching spread out across the keyboard, but it is very simple to assign these functions to new keys to make them easier for your individual needs.

I also found the regenerating shield function very unique and useful. Your character has a set amount of health, but he also wears a sort of environment suit that has it's own self-regenerating shield. When you are attacked by enemies, the shield takes damage, but after a short amount of time without being attacked (about 5 seconds), the shield recharges to full strength. Only once your shield is completely depleted does your health suffer from enemy attacks. I found this very useful considering my aforementioned aversion to FPS games without cheat codes - I am currently on the last level of the game, and have only died once.

While I have not tested it extensively, Halo also has a very diverse multiplayer game. There are many levels, ranging from small to immense in landscape scale, with caves to hide in and secrets to discover, not to mention the ability to play with some of the games cooler weapons and vehicles. While many people bemoan the existence of "TKers", or team killers - people who kill members on their own team, be it for fun or score advancement, I can say that I've never seen this myself, but again, I have not played much multiplayer, and when I do it is usually as an organized event with friends. I would not let this deter you from purchasing this game, though. That would be the only possible drawback I could see in an otherwise excellent game.

And a sidenote, for parents out there; Although this game is rated M for Mature, ages 17 and up, I believe that it is suitable for a mature younger child. Yes, there is violence in this game, but no blood. Also, the premise of the game is fairly unrealistic. If your child is mature enough to watch a PG-13 movie, I believe they are mature enough to play Halo. Parents should always be aware of the games their children are playing, and I also suggest that any parent who is considering allowing their under-17-year-old to play this game first try out the demo of it to see if they think it would be too intense for their child in their particular situation.

This game is worth every penny. Pick it up today, you won't be disappointed!!!

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Why????????
Review: I bought this game with the notion that it would be as fun as Halo for xbox. Be warned, DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME. While it is fun for a while, by the third or fourth level, you will be asking yourself what makes this game worth the money. The controls are a pain to set up and will have your hand going all over the place. With normal games, your right hand is on the mouse and the others on the left side of the keyboard. Halo has such a problem setting up controls, that i ended up playing not even watching the screen so i would press the right buttons. Another thing, while playing online there is NO VARIETY. Im running a p4 w/3.2ghz, 1gb ram, cable connection, and a radeon 9800pro. Online, there was no ground and weapon models were as bad as an old NES game. Granted in one player the weapons were fine, but that doesn't explain the shuddering movements and terrible resolutions. I played this game for hours upon hours on the big green box and this disgraces the name Halo. COMPLETELY A WASTE OF 50 BUCKS!

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: possibly the most overrated game in history
Review: its hard to explain the reasons behind the sucess of halo, primarily because as a game its flawed in so many ways as to make it not worth your time. i wont even try to begin to guess why its so popular. instead, it might be best just to list pros and cons to the game and come to an unfortunate, but ultimately obvious, conclusion.

the game plays as a standard first person shooter, and the feel of the game as a shooter is solid enough. but this is about where it ends. the weapons are very unimaginative, you just get a basic line up for the human set of weapons, and the aliens weapons, which you can pick up from defeated enemies, are all quite similar to each other and the humans line up, with the exception of the homing style gun.

the enemies are equally plain, with there being a total of about 6 enemies at the most, with the two small style of enemies differing purely by one holding a shield, and the 'flood' are all just basic lumps of flesh that obviously required a lot of design effort.

and the levels, i really cant think of another description other than pathetic to describe the level design. once you reach the alien planet, you might think that the linear, boring level design from the ship was behind you. but its no more than a few levels of being down on the planet (which for the best part are at least slightly interesting) until you spend the majority of the rest of the game indoors, which is where the level designers just spend their time pasting in the first room that you entered over and over again. there is a bridge section, a corridoor section, and a octagonal room section, all of which you will see over and over again until the end. and the less said about the library levels the better.

and the much praised AI makes me seriously think that a lot of the fanbase around the world must be planted microsoft employees, because the AI on the hardest level purely means that their rate of fire is phenomenal, and their movement is quite fast. 'intelligence' really doesnt come into it. ive watched enemies squat behind corners in clear view until i planted a plasma grenade on them, and sat in a position just outside the enemies AI range, but still in clear view, repeatedly shooting them until they died while they just kept strafing left and right between obstacles, not firing back.

all this combines to make the game quite a struggle to play thru, and it ended up feeling more like work than anything else to get to the end. the only enjoyment to be found in the game is playing with the vehicles, which is where all the design effort seems to have gone into. the warthog is a lot of fun to play with, and you can see how multiplayer games would benifit from these types of toys to play with, and they do. and obviously the game AI isnt relevant when relating to multiplayer, and the weapons arent as disappointing when you are beating friends up with them.

if you are buying the game purely for multiplayer, you wont be disappointed as most of the negatives i have raised wont be an issue, and the game has more than enough of the standard multiplayer modes to keep you entertained.

but unfortunately, the game has so much hype and, lets face it, fanboy following that its almost impossible to suggest that you dont at least try it (or play it up until the 'library' level, and then purely play multiplayer). if you want a FPS game for some multiplayer fun with mates, then definitely give it a go, but if you are after a satifying single player experince, give this one a miss if you can stand to be one of the only people who has never played it.

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