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Halo: Combat Evolved

Halo: Combat Evolved

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $17.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Awesome game but.....
Review: It is a great game, but it still could improve.
The specs are wierd and my video card cant play Halo very well.
For u people who have video problems i have an answer.
Right mouse click the Halo icon and select properties, Where the target is press space and type useff. That should help the game play faster and smoother.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: What's so great about it?
Review: Here comes,the very long awaited,HALO!!!BOOOOM!its over,its gone...I can't beleive that i wasted so much money for this!The quetion is,what's good about this game??I've played great games like Medal of Honour,Call of Duty,Warcraft etc.But this game sucks.Ok,the graphics are great,but couldn't Microsoft think of the magic words 'Fun and Exciting'?The company has created award winning games like Age of Empires,AOM etc.But this one is at the bottom of the list.Don't waste your money on it.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Halo PC is still BETA
Review: I wish there was an option for 0 stars.

I was excited to get Halo for the PC, it was fun on Xbox and the chance to play online was really exciting. After playing the game for a few months I have realized that his game is basically still in beta. I cannot enforce this enough, DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. You will be frustrated to no end by lag, warping, bugs, you name it Halo has it. Gearbox promises updaes and rarely if ever delivers, after months the editing kit is still not here, the communnity has basically vanished since the release of the Unreal Tournament 2004 DEMO. Thats right, the free demo to UT is better than this. Halo was an excellent game on xbox and the campaign mode on PC is great but multiplay is worthless. Many of the servers are empty now and very few are even playable. Dont plan on hosting this game with anything less than dual Xeons and a T1. The netcode is TERRIBLE huge lag, warping. Vehicles are useless as they warp so bad, explosions rarely if ever do correct damage, I could go on and on. Try the demo first, you'll see. The game also offers no FOV adjustment or mouse adjustment. In the end Halo PC is only good for Campaign mode and that doesnt even have co-op which was the best part of Halo (gearbox has been promising that for a long time as well) again, DO NOT BUY THIS GAME, get UT or Half Life or ANYTHING just dont play Halo, it is just BAD.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: compatibility problems galore
Review: good luck getting this to run. I have two new computers and neither of them would run it because of video card issues. I had to return it to microsoft because the wrapper was off.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Very good game but it is not PERFECT
Review: I liked this game. It is fun to play. I will not recap the details of the game as I'm sure its been written many times already. However I have comments and criticism for developers of these types of games.
My number one gripe is cheap setups that occur in the storyline that you cannot avoid. Prime example in this game is when you need to disable a generator beam by using your shield. This takes away your shield temporarily leaving you vulnerable to attack by enemies. Wouldn't you expect it, as soon as your shield goes down, hordes of enemies pop out out of nowhere!
This brings me to my second gripe.
I appreciate games that challenge the players skill levels as long as it is fair and realistic. This is not the only game that suffers from the flaw of enemies 'popping up out of nowhere'! First of all it is unrealistic when the corridor you just went through is empty and then enemies pop out behind you out of thin air. Secondly it is kind of cheap as there is no skill needed to fight if you cannot plan your position and tactics when fighting. Enemies will simply materialize and kill you no matter how good you are.
My last gripe is the difficulty settings.
I understand that people want different levels of challenges during a game. When the easy level is selected it should be just that, easy. Many games including this one are actually pretty 'hard' in some places on the easy setting!
Hint: Easy should mean Easy.
I also want to throw in a comment about firepower especially where first person shooter games are concerned.
The game is ONLY fun when you have SUPERIOR firepower to the enemy in my view. When you are CONSTANTLY outgunned and need to keep running from the enemy the FUN factor drops considerably!
It is fun to win with superior armaments and it is NOT fun to lose when you are outgunned.
These games are for entertainment and should not frustrate the player. The goal of the game should be enjoyable. On that note Halo does overwelmingly accomplish this. Only a few minor parts of the game irritated me due to the things I pointed out.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Halo is for XBox not PC
Review: If this had been the X-Box version, then this would be given 5 stars easily. Yet, the PC version has much to be desired. I find it hard to believe that Halo was originally a PC game that was rushed out for the X-Box by Microsoft. The contrast between the two games on the two systems is quite frankly scary.

I own a top of the line system. AMD Athlon 2600, with a 128 MB video card and 512 MB RAM. And I had major problems running the game. On the first level, it lagged like molasses in January. I liked the multiplayer levels, yet I prefer not to pay to play games online, and system linking the computers is as much of a waste of time as the whole PC version itself.

If you want to know what Halo is all about, please go get the X-Box version. It is much more enjoyable, and a lot less nerve racking.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Too late to be a classic
Review: When Bungie worked on Halo for the Mac many years ago, it probably had an opportunity to produce a game destined to become a classic. Then they sold themselves to Microsoft - interviews at the time left the issue equivocal if there would be a Mac version. PC users, knowing Bungie's reputation, had reason to rejoice. But M$ positioned Halo to support it's profitless Xbox and deliberately delayed development of a PC version. And it shows. Despite some additional bells and whistles not implemented for the Xbox, it is not particularly innovative for a game of 2003-2004. Halo is burdened with being just another first person shooter. It is well done for what it is but not better than other FPS games and it is hard to justify adding it to one's collection. Maybe Halo 2 will be the "next big thing." Halo 1 is not.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Nothing out of the ordinary single player, decent multi.
Review: The title more or less says it all. Single player is not unlike any other decent FPS, it's got that dynamic beginning and those slow stealthy closed in parts, and then more chaotic goodness.
I haven't put extensive time into multiplayer, but it's in desperate need of modding abilities. These can help to keep servers under control and fun.

A few words on the multiplayer: I noticed some people giving this low reviews because they're new, and they don't know what they're doing, and boo-hoo nobody likes me. Get with the program. If you're new to any online game you don't go around going "how do u buy teh gunz!11" or "where r u guys my controls r messed up, wtf this games suckzorz!!11111"
Halo requires patience, to learn the controls, and how to shot, etc. which is what single player should be used for. It takes time to develop skill, and yes, there are people who dedicate themselves to this, and are "leet" on a level you can't even comprehend.

With that being said, it has some fairly high spec requirements, but a poor graphics card is the one thing that will totally screw up this gaming experience. My poor Raedon 9000 is practically on life support after a couple hours of continuous play.

The music was very dramatic, and the controls are customizable. One qualm is the way that vehicles were set up, where moving the mouse left and right steers the rig. It's more than a little awkward, but works well enough.

Sure, the textures are reused, and the level design isn't as stellar as it could be, but if you got a machine that can handle it, and have a few extra bucks you don't know what to do with, Halo has plenty to offer, and can be a nice change of pace. Be warned that the vast majority of PC gamers aren't going to be able to play this as religiously as Half-life or Unreal.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Not Cracked Up To What It Claims To Be
Review: After three months of playing this game online You get tired of the people who only do nothing but play this game. Who think they are actually accomplishing something in their lives. Who have practiced hours and hours and belittle those who are new, I can hold my own and have played against some very good players (good as in those who play alot but are there to just have fun and actually help those who are new), but the childishness is hard to stomach and takes all the fun out of the game. They will continuilly boot people off their games using YOUR IP ADDRESS, Which I am not at all happy that these childish morons even have access to it. Microsoft ought to think real hard about letting them know this priveleged personal information. For this I will strongly scutinize any game I buy from them. This game is absolutley useless if you cant play online. The single player game is very boring and repeats levels over and over only with slight variations. I would not recommend this game to anyone unless you like dealing with a bunch of whiney 13 and 14 yearolds , WHO HAVE YOUR IP ADDRESS or bunch of lazy 20 something yearolds who don't have a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Microsoft you are a big loser of a company and ought to get your heads off their high and mighty pedastals and come back to earth!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great game, big problem.
Review: Halo is a great game, the multiplayer makes it worth buying. But if you have a laptop, the game wont be great. It causes the videocard of the laptop to over work, even with the graphics toned down. Eventually the game will freeze and lock up your laptop. Unless you got a fridge under the laptop, its not woth getting. If you have a desktop then its definitly worth it.

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