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Halo: Combat Evolved

Halo: Combat Evolved

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Who inspired halo?
Review: So, you liked Halo. But, have you ever think what inspired the ring world of Halo? Well, Halo's world was inspired based on a famous Larry Niven sci fi book, "Ring World". If you liked this game I recomend you to read this book, it is the best of the best. I am sure it will blow your mind.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the computer version
Review: This game has been highly acclaimed by many many people and now that it's out for PC people don't seem to have quite the same respect for it. It's still the same game play with the same story jsut for PC. The game play is still incredible and as crazy as on xbox. It's a great game, atleast it made it to PC.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Too Much Lagging
Review: Now when I read that Halo was coming out for PC in a issue of GamePro I thought it would be just like the Xbox version. (Although I dont have an Xbox I have played it numours times on my friend's Xbox) But when I first played it, it lagged everytime I fired a gun. I then tried the online multiplayer and it was much better then the campaign. Although there is a lot of patches the game will still run slow. If you have an Xbox and a PC it is much better to buy the Xbox version rather then the PC verison.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: Ive played this game for xbox and i say its awsome the alien A.I. is very good and the vehicles and weapons are devestatingly neat. the graphics are also very very good, but you hardly pay attention to that what with all the exsplosions and action going on. I think that it is great for big war buffs and i plan on checking into the PC version soon and there are really no flaws in it but thats just my opinion you should find out for yourself and even though it's exspensive it's worth the money, and also dont forget Halo 2 coming soon.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A Complete Waste Of Time
Review: When Halo was first unveiled at the 1999 MACWORLD expo, it amazed gamers everywhere with its stunning graphics. Yes, Halo was originally a "killer ap" for the MACINTOSH, the game that would have proven the MAC's superiority to the all bug-ridden, user-unfriendly PC systems. The new iMAC was clearly capable of amazing feats that PC fanboys could only dream about.

Then Bungie sold out.

I've played both the X-BOX and PC versions at the local games store and I can safely say they're both bitter disappointments. The game is only a shadow of its former self - wasted potential that could have blossomed into something beautiful on the MAC. The final game's grahics have obviously been toned down significantly to work on the PC, and it looks nowhere near as good as the early MACWORLD screenshots. The controls are also pointlessly difficult- the PC game could barely hold my attention for five minutes.

In fact, the only thing good about this game is that it converted millions of PC fanboys worldwide to convert to a Superior System.

Long live the MAC! ^_^

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Impressive
Review: Very impressive game! Stunning graphics, nice scenery (I spent about an hour just looking around the map...so nice!) cool weapons and vehicles, and excellent AI. From the end: The AI is really good, even on easy. And trust me, Easy is easy. Very. The AI will crouch behind obstacles, and will not do outrageous things (MOH flashbacks...shoot the guy and the guy next to him immediately knows your position EVEN THOUGH his back was turned to you. Eherm). When you shoot one guy, the guy next to him will scream and run around in circles. :P The little guys cover the big guys. Very good job on the AI. The weapons and vehicles are really good. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a better weapon than the sniper rifle or pistol. :P The vehicles are awesome, but are very reminiscent of UT2k4 vehicles. (Warthog is similar to the Hellbender, and the Ghost is similar to the Manta and the Banshee is similar to the Raptor) The scenery is very nice. (Only glitch is you can walk on water with no penalty. :P)
My only problem with the game is its monotony. All rooms are very similar. The tunnels aren't even different. As another reviewer pointed out, there is nothing on the floor and the only way to distinguish a room that you have been in from a room that you haven't is corpses and weapons in the one you just left. Another slight problem is that the game will crash randomly AND screw up my computer (requiring about 3 restarts to fix). I get errors about every 20 minutes.
If it weren't for the two above-mentioned flaws, this game would be five stars. Good overall.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I just don't understand you people!
Review: What is wrong with all of you. Halo is the best damn game there is and now it's on the PC, and you all start trashing it. What's wrong here. I have played the Xbox version, and let me tell you, other than the fact that you can do co-op mode, it sucks. The PC version is the better of the two. With the ability to get a higher resolution, it makes the Xbox version look like a party favor. I don't have one of those so called "supercomputers" that everyone thinks runs better than your average non upgraded, non tampered with computer. Let me tell you something gentlemen, these programs that "enhance" your graphics or say they will "enhance" your gaming experience are a bunch of BS!!! They in fact take up so much space in your computer that you can't run even the simplest of programs without slight problems. No wonder Halo doesn't work on your computers, they're all F****d up. Halo is an awesome game for the PC and it is nit-picked at by these kids who call themselves video game experts. Why don't you guys get a job as critics, you'd do very well at it. Other than that, you all disgust me. I thank you for those who can see past the mundane and really distinguish the greater aspects of Halo for the PC. I salute you. OUT!
Bottom Line: Halo kicks a**

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Sabatoge and deceit
Review: _You know...I am an absolute Halo fan...for Xbox anyway. I played at my friend's house...we had 4 xbox's hooked up, with 4 peeps on each. I swear...that was the epitomy of all gaming. It...was almost a religious experiance for me. I cannot possibly describe how much fun it was.

_Alas, I do not own an Xbox, nor do I ever plan to own one. I do not buy an expensive console system for the only game worth playing on it. So...when the PC version was coming out, I was overly thrilled. I wanted to be able to play the main game...experiance the storyline I heard so much about...play in large multiplayer games that didn't take months of planning to get 4 xbox's in one house.

_I read up on it, in magazines and in newspapers. Reviewers hit it hard for it's graphics and lack of coop main game play. This didn't phase me. I could live with that. I think every game is infinitely better with coop mode and multiplayer, but for Halo, I could do without coop. I could also live with reduced graphics. So, I went about getting the game.

_When it comes out, my computer crashes, so I have to wait. Finally, I get a BRAND NEW computer. Halo is one of the first things I get, because I simply can't wait. I read the min requirements before I buy it...which is absolutely deceiving.

First row will be the system requirement for the game, second row will be what I have.

733 hmz processer | 3.2 GHZ
1.2 GB hard drive space | 65 GB free
32 MB video card | 128 MB Geforce II
128 MB ram | 512 MB

_So I get it and install it on my computer. Theoretically, this game should fly on it's best settings. Especially because I see the graphics, and I have larger games with better graphics that run perfectly smooth. But what happens? I get into the game, and I think it's paused because I try to move and nothing happens. 12 seconds later, I'm suddenly in a new spot. Serious, serious lag time.

_Dissapointed that the game isn't running on highest graphics settings, I decide to put it on lowest, and progress higher until I find a comfortable medium. Well...the game doesn't even run on minimum settings. It runs better, but not at any playable speeds. Clocked at about 1 frame / 5 seconds.

_I figure there may have been some coding error in the game, so I connect and download a patch from microsoft. I was almost correct. The game runs now at 2/frames per second. So, I'm a lot closer to playable than I used to be, but it's still unplayable. Wasted money.

_I try multiplayer, thinking that perhaps it is just the campaign mode that's bad. But it isn't. Multiplayer is just as bad, though thankfully not worse. You'll be happy to know, though, that once you get killed and your carcass is falling to the ground, there is no lag at all! THAT runs perfectly smoothly. However, I played a 45 minute game OL, and never got to leave my base. There were 3 snipers around the base, in an 8 vs 8 game. And I had a bullet through my head as soon as I respawned. Lag wouldn't kick in for about 3 seconds, so I tried to run, but alas cheap cowardly idiots had me and 6 others of my team constantly dead...with progressively longer respawn times, of course. Interesting how I never got to leave my respawn point, or even my base area. I'm told this is par for Halo, so even the multiplayer I wanted to partake in was flawed. The servers are chocked full of cheap snipers.

_Don't get me wrong. Snipers are fine if you're defending your flag or a strategic point for your team or whatnot. But...when you kill the enemy within their own base AS they respawn...that's going overboard. There should be a system where if you snipekill a person within 3 seconds of them respawning, you get killed and have to sit out for 5 minutes. Because, newsflash, those people are there so they can play, not die where they spawn and watch the clock tick away how long they have until they can rejoin.

_I know I sound crazy, but the only possible way a smaller game with horrid graphics can run that badly is deliberate sabatoge of the code. Microsoft, I'm sure, did this to prevent TOO many purchases of the PC version, and help out it's Xbox by keeping it's only good title more afloat. So, for now I search OL to find someone who's hacked the code and made it playable.

_I see a man selling bootleg Microsoft software every day on my way to work. I never respected him for what he does. The day after I got Halo, I walked up to him, shook his hand, and donated $50 to his cause. Told him, "Good job", and caught my bus.

_This game just isn't worth the web space to trash talk it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: graphics/framerate
Review: Many have said this game's graphics aren't good. Well, if you have a newer video card that supports direct x9.0, there is simply no game out there with better graphics. The lighting effects alone will blow you away.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Halo: Overrated game, nothing new to offer here
Review: I have discovered the reason Halo, the most overrated game of all time, got so popular. Consoles have a real lack of good FPS (first person shooter) games, due to the wacky controlers that make it impossible to aim without autoaiming. So now Halo comes along with it's fancy (now outdated) graphics, it's vehicles, and it's decent AI. On top of that, it has a story that isn't that bad. Wow! Since consoles are a much hotter market then PC gaming, it's automatically declared one of the greatest FPS games of all time. I will admit, it was quite a good console game when it was first released and the option to play split screen with friends really adds a lot to it (in fact, if you play it alone on XBox you are really missing out). Now, it just doesn't stand up and comes off as a lackluster game, even when "polished up" for the PC. I'll compare the good with the bad below:
*Decent graphics.
*Decent story and artistic design.
*Decent AI.
*Some of the music is alright (a real achievement for consoles).
*Fun co-op mode.
*Great outdoor terrain.
*New multiplayer mode.

*Monotonous indoor levels (which make up a very large percentage of the game unfortunately).
*Lackluster sound effects.
*Mouse lag.
*A floaty feel.
*No co-op

Now, the only advantages of Halo PC over Halo XBox are the higher resolutions, multiplayer mode, and banshees (flying vehicles). The problem is that EVERY single one of those "benefits" is a drawback:

*Extremely high system requirements to take advantage of the new high resolutions.
*Tons of compatibility issues.
*Tons of lag online.
*Banshees online (people just fly these around and land on each other. Since crashing into the ground doesn't damage them, there is no drawback to this tactic).
*Team killing (it is quite easy to TK with vehicles or weapons).

=======Bottom Line=======
*Want a good online PC game with vehicles? Unreal Tournament 2004
*Want a good single player FPS? Call of Duty
*Want an outdated game that gets way too much hype then it should and doesn't really have anything more to offer in this version? Halo PC

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