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Halo: Combat Evolved

Halo: Combat Evolved

List Price: $19.99
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Good, but not all that
Review: The game plays great, but some of the weapons are lame. For example the pistol has a scope/zoom, but the assault rifle doesn't. The assault rifle has a bigger spread then the shotgun. You can only carry two weapons, so it's important to pick two good ones. The character moves a just a hair above slow motion. Weapon pick up and switching take way to long. The fact that they actually removed co-op play from this game for the PC release, is unbelievable.

Fun to play single player, fun death match. No co-op, some lousy weapon choices. The vehicles and flying machines are fun to mess with though. I'll probably play it a week or two before it hits the dead CD drawer. In all honesty though, I wasn't to impressed.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Works Fine For Me!
Review: I have been eagerly waiting to play Halo since it was released for the XBox... I've loved Bungie since the good old days of Myth. In fact, I almost bought an Xbox just to play it...

I was a little nervous from all the bad buzz... so imagine how I felt when I loaded it, started it up... and it didn't work at all!!!!

You know what though? All it took was updating my graphic card driver on nvidia.com. The game runs fine, looks great... and I don't even have that powerful of a system (p4 1.8, 500 ram, 32 meg video card)...

Anyway... this game is simply one of the defining moments in gaming history. It's incredible... so much fun. The vehicles are great, the gameplay is fantastic... it looks beautiful... even running at 30 FPS

I haven't tried multpiplayer, so I can't speak to that... but the rest is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good Game
Review: I noticed that most of the people giving this game a bad rating for lag are Nvidia owners.........
try the Radeon 9800 Pro

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great Game!
Review: This game will definitely help you determine whether your machine is obsolete or not!
Had no trouble playing with 9800pro/Athlon 3200+!
If you have a laptop with anything less than the mobility 9600 card (128), you're out of luck!
Buy this game if you have the machine to run it, it'll keep you busy till HL2 or Doom comes out next year!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Only people with FAST systems should buy this
Review: I noticed that the complainers here are the ones with slow systems (laptops, old cpus). This game is amazing with 9800ATI PRO! Don't bother playing with a laptop unless you have a 9600mobility board because your sysem won't be able to handle it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Finally!
Review: I first saw Halo at E3 in 1999 (or maybe 2000, it's been a while) and like everyone else at the show, I was completely blown away.

Then Microsoft bought Bungie (the game's developer) and used Halo to leverage their X-Box console, forcing PC gamers to wait an extra two years to get their hands on this game.

While I waited, my excitement waned. How could a four-year old game possibly compare with the stuff that's out there today? Dated graphics alone will leave it collecting dust on store shelves.

But man, was I wrong. Bungie didn't sit idly by for those two years, and it shows in Halo. Despite a relatively low polygon count, Halo demonstrates amazingly subtle texture and lighting effects unlike any game released to date.

Although it's the multiplayer game that will eventually hook most players with its infinite variety of challenging game types for teams or individuals, the single player campaign is worth the $50 alone. The storyline grabs you and won't let go, like you're in a blockbuster movie (somewhere between Aliens and Indiana Jones is the best way I can describe it).

The computer AI is uncannily ahead of its time. The first time I saw a Covenant trooper jump to avoid a grenade thrown at its feet, sidestep my machinegun fire as it charged toward me, then duck under my melee attack, I knew I was in for a treat.

With literally thousands of carefully placed and scripted creatures to fight, each encounter is different, and infinitely replayable. I'm currently on my way through the single-player game for the second time, and it's even better this time!

I would warn that this game requires a wickedly fast computer to run well with all the eye-candy on, and you'll need to update your drivers for your video card and such. Still, it's attractive and just as fun without all the glitzy special effects, so if you've got a system that meets the recommended specs, this game is a must-have.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Youll laugh, youll cry , youll kiss fifty bucks goodbye!
Review: I loved Halo on the Xbox. Truly the first or second best shooter on any platform. "Half Life on the PC is the other contender". On my Multimedia super killer Dell wide screen notebook with the new Pentium M processor, Nvidia FX 5650 Go Video with 128 mb video RAM and 1 gig of main memory, Halo performance is abysmal.

I figured the others who said this may have been a bit over the top. They werent! For Microsoft to have released this piece of drek is irresponsible in the extreme. It is the full Halo game and if you set to the higher resolutions, the scenery is Gorgeous, But, But, But!

Unfortunately, even with virtually all the pretty video features turned off and resolution set down to an abysmal 800x600, the massive frame rate (and motion update) slowing (to as bad as less than 1 frame per second) that takes place whenever major scene motion occurs (especially in the middle of gunfights and always during in battle reloading). Make the game practically unplayable. I completed Halo on the Xbox in Normal and Heroic mode. But the PC version in standard mode is going to be a real challenge because the frame rate and sluggish mouse update are so bad. Really, Really Bad.

There were things that could have been done to fix these issues before release, but lets face it with Halo2 looming, Microsoft had to dump it out here now to have any chance of selling it at all. Half Life works on the PC and has a truly excellent interface. They do use lower resolution figures and scenery, but the whole thing works together. Halo on the PC is on the other end of that spectrum.

DO NOT BUY THIS GAME, IT IS AWFUL! Go out and buy an XBox and get Halo for it. XBox Halo, alone is worth buying an XBox for. The only thing of value in the PC version is the Box it comes in.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent Game, Excellent Support
Review: Most people already have an opinion of Halo's gameplay and nothing I can say here is going to change that. But, for the people that already enjoy Halo in another form, I'd like to explain what makes the PC version rise above and beyond anything the Xbox version could ever hope to be.

1. Completely customizable game, user interface, character, etc. Out of the box there isn't a single aspect of normal gameplay that you can't change. And, since it's on the PC, expect a variety of Mods, Maps, and Skins like you've never seen for a game before.

2. Intense Multiplayer. Not only can you connect to a game and start playing within 4 or 5 seconds (on a fast connection, of course) but there is virtually no lag and ZERO loading time. The Halo dedicated server is fast and efficient and the client is well-written to utilize every resource of a user's computer.

3. Amazing Tech Support. Are there bugs? Yes, but few and far between. Nothing on the level of some games (which will remain unmentioned) that re-formatted your hard drive upon uninstall or erased your boot sector. The only bugs are minor gameplay issues that Bungie is working like mad to correct. They haven't released two patches since Sept. 30 beacuse the product is badly written - they've released two patches since Sept. 30 because they care enough about customer experience to take the extra effort.

Do yourself a favor and take a look at Halo PC. It's an incredible game that is going to be around for a very, very long time.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Horrible
Review: I really can't understand why anyone would like this game. Read the other reviews. Even those who give it 5 stars admit that the framerate is bad. I have a 3 gigahertz machine, 1.5 gigs ram and it still runs like garbage. I think the only reason people give it a good review is that they dumped 50 dollars into this junk and don't want to admit their mistake. Stay away from this game. The best fps is still the original UT. More people play that online than the new UT2003. This is much worse than those. Bad, bad, bad.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty good
Review: There's a lot to like about this game, and a few things that are lacking. It appears that most of the completely favorable reviews are from xbox owners, while the disparaging remarks are largely from PC-only folks. I'm going to try to review the game (which I am playing for the first time on a PC) without getting emotional about the platform.

Halo is a straight "scoot & shoot" type game. There are no items to pick up (other than weapons and some rare power-ups), very few switches to operate, and nothing to puzzle your way out of. If you're into FPS games on the PC, the closest thing to it is probably Serious Sam. It lacks the variety of environments and tactical depth of games like Half-Life and Deus Ex, but by the same token it avoids the almost overwhelming complexity of some recent PC games.

The graphics, particularly in the outdoor scenes, are lovely. The Covenant critters some a little cartoony at first, because they're in bright day-glo colors, but that impression fades quickly. The action is brisk and frequently intense. The AI is good, especially when it comes to the other soldiers on your side.

One of my favorite features is the variety of vehicles, all of which have different capabilities. Computer-controlled teammates will hop on and shoot at things as you drive around in some of them.

The music is exceptional. I usually turn the music completely off in games, but it really adds something here.

The game is not without flaws. The level designers re-used rooms frequently, leading to frequent "wasn't I just here?" and the occasional "am I going forward or back the way I came?". One painfully long trek through the Library (chasing a blue mechanical Tinkerbell) goes on forever, with hordes of aliens piling on. The mindless repetition doesn't belong in this game.

Other reviewers have commented on low frame rates. I found it acceptable on my somewhat older system (an Athlon 1900 with a GeForce3) after reducing all graphics options to the minimum.

The single-player game is shorter than most PC FPSs, on the order of 10-12 hours.

I tried a couple rounds of multiplayer Capture the Flag. Most weapons fire slow-moving bolts or are inaccurate at long ranges, and everyone has regenerating shields, so the action tends to be up close and personal rather than long-distance sniperfests. This is neither good nor bad, simply different.

On the whole, Halo is a great deal of fun to play, with a few frustrations. If you're only interested in the single-player campaign, the game is a little short, so you may want to hold off until the price drops. The multi-player experience has a much different feel from other PC shooters, and is worth a look.

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