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The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack

The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $16.99
Product Info Reviews

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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: GREAT!!
Review: this game rules, if you like simulation this is your game

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: House Party
Review: This expansion is way better than livin' large, it is great!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Never boring!
Review: I've always loved the Sims. Then the expansion pack, now the house party! I LOVE IT! There are new costumes, a dance floor, DJ system, Caterer&mime, and new tiki stuff. I think it's a reasonable price also.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: boring
Review: I thought this would be good, but I found it boring. No new jobs, if you don't have lots of memory, the party goes slow. Sure, there is some cool stuff, but it is just chairs, tables, walls and floors. I mean, you don'r really look at the walls. No new beds. They could just make one new career ladder, but they didn't. I recamend that you don't buy this game! And there has been lots of complants about bugs in this ep! Save you money, and save it for better ep!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great expansion pack
Review: I really like this expansion pack because it's really fun, but, it's not good for kids under 13, although, me and my friends still play it because it's fun. I love simulation computer games because you are the boss and you can make the people do whatever YOU want them to do.I hope other people enjoy this computer game like I do.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not as Good as 'Livin Large'
Review: This addon pack is mostly a filler-in. There is little substance to it. Offered is the option to hold a party, with caterers and dance floor. Neighbors will then come over alot easier than before. Too bad parties arent fun, and mostly a mess. There are alot of new items but nothing better than what you find on 7DS or some other fan sites. Other items like the costume trunk actually get annoying messing up body files. The DJ table doesnt let you chooose tracks or do much of anything. The Sims titles contain drinking, sexual situations, and adult overtones but its a family game, go figure.
For fans, its too bad its a full-price addon. It shouldnt be for its lack of content or originality. Its half the addon as Livin Large was, and probably 1/10th of the upcoming Hot Date. But you will break down and buy it just cause The Sims is that good of a game to warrant these cash-cow ins.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Even more fun for sim-loving gamers!
Review: The Sim developers have *definitely* been listening to the huge audience of sim-players, and this new enhancement set really addresses a lot of issues that existed with the original and first Living Large pack.

First, it used to be a royal pain to get a party going at your house, so that everybody could interact together. The new party option makes it super-easy to get things going!

Next, many things sims did were for one or two people only. This new set has all sorts of fun and interesting things for groups to do, making all of them happier. Campfires, anyone? I especially love the bubble maker :)

How about the visual part? A lot of the fun for players is the ability to choose the outfits and design the homes of the sims. This comes through with shining colors. Now you can put them into costumes, and get all sorts of new and interesting items for your homes!

Highly recommended for any gamer, this will truly get you addicted. Be prepared with food and beverage before you start a gaming session :)

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: omg!
Review: hi ive already written a review for the sims and i dunno if i done one for this or not but im gonna tell u anyway. this game is brill but i was more excited when living large came out and i felt there was more things in that but this has a theme which is party! i went off the sims for a while and now im addicted once again. by the way if you have this game it will b a good idea to buy the book primas strategy guide the house party version as this really helps telling you about how to plan a party and how to keep your sims happy and keep food in your guests belly. i thought i had it figured when i got the game but when i read the book it was easier and now my partys are so good i always get a limo pull up outside my house :) any way buy this game! it wont be a waste and then if your loaded buy the book! if you want to keep the mimes away.
there are pleanty of new objects windows doors wallpaper and floors and really cool skins and a chance to dress up your sims using costumes from the trunk. so thats all for now buy it! go on !

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Party Down With Your Sims!
Review: From Toga parties to cake dancers this game has it all to party with your sims! With 100+ new items this game is very hard to get off of. You may now build every thing from Cowboy, Rave, or luau to liven up the party. Tons of new party items will help your party to become a smash or a snore. Another new feture in this game is the guests. When you're having a party a "Party-Crasher" will come over or if your party is a bore a mime might come over. But the best is the celebrity guest, I won't tell you who because that would give it away. So, House Party is ready for you, but the question is, are you ready for House Patry?

Rating: 5 stars
Review: I wrote about the other two sim games that were out. The Sims and Living Large. This game isn't exactly better for living wise the way people talk about it but it is much better for having parties. Cause in the original games if you wanted to throw any kind of party it was already 3 in the morning by the time everyone got there. Then the police would come by and tell you to stop. This game offers futuristic items. This is a near-flawless game and it is amazing. One of the best series of games to come out on the computer since Windows.

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