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The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack

The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $16.99
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Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Horrible
Review: It looked so cool, but when I got it, I was queit dissapointed! the sims got home at 1, and it takes up lots of memory. I have it intsalled, but I don't throw parties. it is a stupid expansion pack. MARK MY WORDS! DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY ON IT! What Maxis needs is new jobs!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Brilliant!
Review: I own every single sim expansion-livin' large, house party & hot date. They are all brilliant, but I have to say, this was one of the best. You can PARTY I think is the main thing, with tons of new stuff! For instance, ever got fed up of the pathetic little music players? Get a DJ table, complete with tall blasting speakers and flashing dance floor in theme and time with the music, accompanied by the all-retro lit dance cages! Carry on your party with the catering table, hire the sweet little caterer to fill your white tablecloths with cake and fruit punch, and cut the roast turkey for all your guests to admire! Then, when you're all feeling a bit tipsy, gather round the dressing up box and all get into retro, evening, formal or hawaiian or many more different outfits for the evening....after you all pile into the hot tub in the sun and chat. Then, when the suds fade from the bath, gather round the bubble blowing machine for great socializing bubbles coming out of the top! If your guests get bored, bring on the seriously dodgy night-club guests, coming out of the large cake to flex their muscles or wave their rear end, or flirt with the DJ...And then, when it gets dark, gather round the campfire and sing songs, tell ghost stories, roast marshmallows or play the guitar to the setting sun. And, if your party has a good turnout, wait for the mystery guest from Simcity to come a-calling, whether it be famous rock star or blue haired grunge.
All in all, this was a brilliant package, and I particularly liked the new set of outfits, including 60s flower hippies and modern day grunges-for both sexes. I recommend you get this, and you will not be disappointed!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Oh my god!!! BUY THIS GAME!!
Review: I brought this game in May. It just blew me away. Everthing is so well presented and fun to use. I was addicted for hours. You just don't get bored like with other games, because there is just so much to do. My house had a stripper come, then we made drinks....danced on the dance floor....rode the bucking bull....swam in the beautiful pool...relaxed in the spa....watched t.v on our flat screen t.v.....sang karoke...had a vist from the clown...played pool....worked out....played drees up...had sex...got married...had....it just goes on and on!!!!!!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Pretty good, but quite a drain on your computer
Review: This game is a good expansion pack for The Sims, but it isn't perfect. Basically, it adds objects and NPCs (non-player characters) to your game to help your Sims throw a successful party. You can purchase a buffet table and a punch bowl, and hire a caterer to fill them for you. Or you can buy the DJ turntable and dance floors. There are over eighty new objects, and most of them are pretty cool.
But the game is not perfect. It adds a lot of neat stuff, but there are several bugs- most of them are small, but some get annoying. For example, the toliet stalls, avalible for download after you purchase House Party, get clogged and make the most annoying noise until one of your Sims fixes it. Servo, the maid and the repairman just ignore it.
And this game is a huge load for your computer! When I purchased HP, I had a three-year-old Dell, and it took almost ten minutes to load the game. Since then, I have gotten a new Dell, and it loads quickly, but if your computer is older and/or doesn't have a lot of memory, you might have trouble running this game.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Sims House Party - A Stylish Game!
Review: This game is perhaps the most creative of the gaming titles on the market. It not only simulates people in a game but it allows them to have personality and interactions with 10 different houses and people in one neighborhood. You can even upgrade objects directly from the Maxis homepage or download new fan-made objects and skins from various fan webpages. There are also censorship upgrades that can be downloaded. This is a must for
anyone who enjoys the previous Sim games such as SimCity 3000 Unlimited where in Sims, players can now interact with the characters.
Gameplay = 9/10
Graphics = 9/10
Sound = 9/10
Value = 9/10

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: My Review
Review: This expansion is great! Although some people say that this game is not as good as Livin' Large, I think they were both the same. I like this game because of all the new stuff, and how you can have a party with only having to do one thing. I used to have parties when i just had Livn' Large, but it was too hard to get everyone together. I have had this game for quite a while now, like a year. Well whenever it came out. I love the Sims. I'm soon going to get the newest one. Anyway, in house Party there is soo much to do. You can all sing around the camp fire, play with the scientific stuff. I spent two whole days tring to find out what colors make what potions.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: How sad are we...
Review: that we need a game that will allow us to live through a bunch of computer sims? I DONT CARE HOW SAD WE ARE! This game over all is great! The last expansion was better than this one, but over all its well worth the money. Now if my wife would just leave me alone so I can interact with my other family...

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Overpriced!
Review: I know that $*** does not get you much these days, but at least Maxis could have included something worth the price of admission. Parties are VERY expensive to throw and do not benefit your Sims very much. Skip this one and hope for more from "Hot Date".

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Excellent
Review: The dresser upgrade is great. I also love all the new NPC's and new objects.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Amazing () - ) : - ()
Review: it rocks, there's not much more to say, but you can really have a party with this expansion pack, its just so dang cool!!

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