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The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack

The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack

List Price: $19.99
Your Price: $16.99
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Good Sequel
Review: This is one of the best sequels I've seen so far. You can turn your house into it's own club, from the dance floor, to the gogo cages, to the velvet ropes outside your house. You have it all. (...) Well, have fun!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: SLOW!!!!!!
Review: Alright, here's the deal. House Party is itself a good game. It offers a lot of fun new objects such as the campfire and dance floor. However, I made the mistake of thinking I could have House Party and Livin' Large loaded at the same time. Man was I ever wrong. Trying to have both expansions loaded makes the entire game ULTRA slow. I've heard others say that it's only slow when they're throwing parties, well that's not true for me. Mine would freeze and grind for things it had never done with just Livin' Large (such as when the window pops up when they come and go from work). There are some adorable and hilarious things in House Party, but unfortunately all I saw of them was the equivalent of a snap shot. Things like the cake dancer would cause the game to grind and I would see the dancer freeze in a couple positions and then they'd be done. And I mean GRIND!!!! Where's the fun in that? Now I don't have the most up to date space aged machine in the world, but it is a reasonably normal machine and worked perfectly fine for Livin' Large.
So the moral of the story is I had to uninstall the entire game (causing me to lose all of my families) and reinstall it with Livin' Large. So if you want my opinion you can't have the best of both worlds, and when it came down to choosing which game I wanted installed I chose Livin' Large. And now that Hot Date has come out, I'm probably going to uninstall it again and go with just Hot Date.
The Sims is a fun game, but it loses it's luster when you sit for five minutes while it tries to work.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Fun with The Sims... yet again.
Review: The Sims House Party Expansion Pack is a ton of fun! It makes an already quite entertaining game better. I also have the Living Large Expansion Pack, with I thought was very good, but this one is even better. New entertainment for your Sims such as the bubble blower and the mechanical bull all make it a cool and unique simulation experience.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: same old thing
Review: I thought that this EP would have more to but... You must have this expantion pack(not literly but you should) have this for hot date. Without hot date though I do not suggest paying 29.99. However there is one reson I bought this game. Lots of people had problems with livin large, well this game patches all the problems missing objects and every thing so if you have livin large and it does not work I highly sugest this game

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Alright but not much different than Livin' Large
Review: Well it was alright but there really isn't that much different that livin' large. You can have a 'House Party' with all you friends but this expansion just wasnt as great as I thought it would be. If you have to choose between livin' large or this game, I would choose livin' large.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Sims aren't the only ones partying!
Review: because I really enjoy this EP. I was instantly hooked. First of all, I love that you get 4 more neighborhoods. If you have Livin' Large too you wind up with 9 neighborhoods. The dancing stuff is funny. I like the theme houses too. For example, there are Hawaiian tables and chairs, walls and carpets, and even Hawaiian showers! Before the Sims throw a party you should boost their charisma points and put them in a really good mood. The Sims should know everyone in the neighborhood. Then get a caterer and play some tunes and throw a party!
This is an excellent expansion pack. I can't wait to get "Hot Date" when you can expand beyond parties!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Not Overpriced
Review: Okay, now I'm mad. In my first review I gave it a 4, but after I read some of the c**p the other people wrote I thought I would change mine. I wanted all the versions since the first one came out, and I do own them all. I don't get why people think it is overpriced. 30 bucks for a game now a day is really cheap. A Playstation 2 is 300 bucks, a Mercedes is over 30,000 bucks, so why is this overpriced? I love the game. Ya gotta luv it baby! (so my catch phrase needs a little work, but it's better than Who ya talkin 'bout Wilis!) It has a lot of funky furniture. Post my review today Amazon.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Yeah, All Right
Review: The first thing I have to say is PLEASE PLEASE read my review. Now, I love the Sims so much. I have all three versions, and I have ordered The Sims Hot Date. They are all very good games. The only reasons why I didn't give this a five was because some of the stuff was crazy, and you'd only use it if your person was a three toothed, topless Pilgrim from the year 1243, or if it was a bummed caveman. I really recommend these games, Ya gotta luv em baby. I will continue to buy these games. (...)

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: An okay game
Review: This game beats Livin Large by a blow. Livin large was not very fun and really is not worth 30 dollars. As for house party, If you are good at this game you might get some people to have fun at the parties. Its hard. I enjoyed this game though. I recommend Hot Date for anyone thas looking for the best expansion pack. Dont get me wrong, House party is an exceptional expansion pack. It is not, however, what i expected.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Worth every cent!
Review: A lot of great new objects and things for the Sims to do. I can't tell you how entertaining it is to have parties. You can get Sims drunk (use the punchbowl - they hug people, tease people, cry and the like) and get them to dance. You can even hire a caterer.

Unsuccessful parties will attract an annoying mime (who steals from you too), successful parties will attract gatecrashers (who break your things and dance with your guests - causing jealousy among other Sims) and/or Drew Carey, who will go around chatting to people (and flirting with some of them).

The new objects and things in the building mode make the houses look a lot nicer. Tropical themed things, Western themes, Rave themes... You get extra neighbourhoods as well.

The game runs quite well on my computer (Pentium III, Windows ME), but takes FOREVER to load.

Basically, if you like The Sims, you'll like this.

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